"Teacher, you must pay attention to fairness and justice in life and work. I have been honest with each other, why are you still secretive?"

Helpless, Shimura Xuanding took off his bathrobe and lay on the bed, looking at the dresses on his teacher and junior sister to express his dissatisfaction and protest.

One must be open and honest, how can you hide it!


Tsunade's hair was fried, and the white jade hand was clenched tightly, and the slender blue veins jumped.

On the other side, Uchiha Mikoto also glared at him, and the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes appeared.

"Hey! The second ninja war is about to start, and I don't know if Rouge and Uchiha Fuyue can survive it."

Once again showing the small expression of worrying about the village and the people, Shimura Xuanding was very worried about his little brother, and it didn't matter whether the guy Uchiha Fuyue died or not.

"I promise, I will beat you to death in the future."

Gritting her teeth tightly, she glared at the traitor in front of her, and finally Tsunade closed her eyes and stretched her palms towards the belt.

They have already been taken advantage of, if you don't get a full set of chakra armor and chakra mode, you will die.

Uchiha Mikoto, who was on the side, hesitated for a while, and finally raised her hand to the button.

"Sure enough, the ancestors were right. The book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu. More reading and more research and development can indeed change the fate."

Enjoying the joint massage service of the teacher and the junior sister, Shimura Genting secretly felt that what the ancestors said was too right.

Time passed by so quickly, and soon several hours passed. In a room on the first floor of the villa, two Bai Jue quietly emerged from the floor, staring at the white clay sleeping on the bed.

"Do you want to do it?"

"This is an important task that Danzo conveyed to us through Hei Jue, and of course we have to do it."

"But if Xuan Dingjun knows, he will definitely slice us into hot pot."

"Would it be okay not to let him know?"

"It makes sense!"


The two Bai Jue discussed with each other, and finally stretched out the hand of sin to the sleeping Big Lolita White Earth.

Lifting the quilt, looked at the big loli in front of her, thinking about how to create a flaw that was both hidden and just right for her to discover.

Brainstorming is really not suitable for Bai Jue to do. After thinking about it for a while, the two came up with a solution.

"Turn her tail from the right pant leg to the left pant leg, be careful not to touch the girl."

The two Bai Jue worked together to condense the roots with the wooden dungeon, and drag the monkey tail in the right trouser leg of Bai Tu to the left.

This monkey tail is one of the side effects of the white earth's deep fusion of the power of the four tails, and it is also one of the side effects of her semi-chakra body. It is also the most sensitive part of her body now.

It may have been stimulated to this sensitive point, and the white earth in the drowsiness showed signs of awakening.

The two Bai Jue hurriedly covered them with a quilt and sank into the floor again.

This is the task that Shimura Danzo personally explained to them. In the future, whenever Shimura Xuanding secretly does such unpromising perverted actions to girls, he will take action to leave flaws for them and clarify the relationship.

It didn't take long for Bai Tu to wake up. He sat up and shook his drowsy head due to the anesthetic. When he woke up, he immediately looked down at the buttons of his clothes, and he was relieved when he found that they were in good condition.

But in the next instant, her body froze, she lifted the quilt and touched the left leg of her trousers, and her anger and killing intent rose.

"Damn pervert, I'm not finished with you!"

The anger flooded his brain, and the girl's angry ninja shoes didn't even bother to wear, stepping on the wooden floor and rushing up to the second floor, he kicked the door of a room.

She had been to this villa last time when this guy was in Yanyin Village, and she knew exactly which perverted bedroom was.

"Damn pervert, I want you..."

Just rushed in to prepare to fight a dead pervert, and then was stunned by the absurd scene in front of him.

This sudden change also surprised Shimura Xuanding, who was trying to endure it, but couldn't help but shiver.

"Cough cough..."

"Perverted bastard, today's mission is over."

Uchiha Mikoto, who was choked, coughed dryly. She didn't even bother to take the dress that was next to her, and ran out to her room quickly.

Tsunade didn't stay too long either, and quickly ran back to his room.

"Dead pervert!"

Bai Tu, who finally came back to his senses, blushed with anger, and instinctively wanted to quit and leave this filthy place, but whoever wanted to be unable to move in the next instant, the door that was kicked open behind him was closed again.

"Xiao Baitu, don't you know it's rude to enter someone else's room without knocking on the door?"

Using Xianyuanli silk thread to block the girl's acupoint and temporarily cut off the opponent's neural network, Shimura Xuanding got out of bed and stretched out his hand to lift the fair and delicate chin.

To be honest, he was very unhappy. He could have held on for another hour. Whoever wanted to be disturbed by this girl immediately couldn't help but shudder.

"Damn pervert, I'm not finished with you."

Although her body was restrained, the girl's aura was still not weak, and she still stared fiercely at the beast in front of her.

In physique, she used to kick her opponent with her left leg. In order to avoid being hindered by the tail, she hid it in the right trouser leg, but just now the tail was in the left trouser leg.

I only have the residual poison in my shoulder, and no matter how big the operation is, it is impossible to affect there.

Originally it was just a guess, but the absurd scene just now made her realize that her guess was true.

I was really humiliated by this beast.

"You seem to have noticed something. Did I leave any flaws?"

The girl's reaction made Shimura Genting understand that she must have found some flaws.

"You ninjas are trouble, one by one is like Conan."

Depressed to support his forehead, Shimura Xuanding originally wanted to continue to maintain his good character, but these ninjas are too shrewd, and they are all Conan alive.

"Since you disturbed my good deeds, then you will accompany me in the middle of the night!"

Returning to his original appearance, Shimura Genting skillfully undressed him and carried him to the bed to rest.

This is a bad problem that was used by the two teachers and sisters, Yuyi Dingyin and Yuyi Laner in Yunyin Village before, and she couldn't sleep without anyone.

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