"Can Xianshu and Taishu really be able to deal with those powerful enemies?"

Hei Jue took the opportunity to ask the doubts in his heart. He had been hiding under the floor and listening to the corner of the wall last night. Naturally, he heard the secret technique that Shimura Xuanding finally passed on to the two human women, and he was also quite puzzled.

"It should work. From the existing clues, the Divine Tree should be the core strength of those outsiders.

I have carefully studied the divine tree and found that the pure divine tree cannot absorb natural energy on its own, and the natural energy is also very repellent to the divine tree and chakra.

The reason why the first-generation chakra tree can absorb natural energy should be related to the fact that it devoured gods and demons, and used gods and demons as a medium to obtain the ability to devour natural energy.

Just like the immortal mode of the three holy places, ninjas themselves cannot absorb natural energy to form immortal mode, at least ordinary ninjas cannot, but they can absorb natural energy to cultivate immortal mode with the help of some media unique to them.

However, the divine tree has absolute control over Chakra, and the general ninja can't resist at all, even if the beast as strong as the tail is pitifully weak in front of the divine tree and the wooden tunnel.

Obviously, the ninjutsu performed with Chakra cannot fight against those outsiders, and one must use Taijutsu and Xianjutsu mixed with natural energy.

However, Chakra is not safe after all, and ultimately it depends on my immortal energy. "

Pushing his glasses, Shimura Genting, a senior scientific researcher, explained his research results.

This is not only the result of his research, but also the important information seen from the original Hokage, which is absolutely reliable.

"Chakra is really not very insurance!"

Nodding in agreement, Hei Jue also found that the energy of Chakra is indeed not very safe.

After all, the first-generation chakra tree came from the Cosmos Otsutsuki. The ghost knows if the Cosmos Otsutsuki clan has left anything behind for that thing.

As an old silver coin conspirator Voldemort who can plan for thousands of years, he never minds trying to figure out others with the most insidious thoughts.

In this regard, he and Shimura Xuanding and his son are the same. They are both people of the same way. Even with the contact with Shimura Xuanding, he has a faint sense of sympathy.


"The matter here in Yunyin Village is basically over, you go back and help my father to make out the 100 million clones as soon as possible. We need to establish a perfect intelligence network as soon as possible to monitor the entire ninja world and the world. Let go."

With a worried face, Shimura Genting was worried that Bai would never be enough.

Although 100 million Bai Jue sounds like a lot, it is a drop in the bucket to put it on the entire planet.

According to the results of his observations, the planet of Ninja World should be similar to the Earth Lord in the previous life. From the original world map, the land area is about 30%, which is similar to the Earth Lord in the previous life.

For comparison, the land area of ​​this planet is 150 million square kilometers, and if 100 million Bai Jue is spread out to 1.5 square kilometers, there will only be one Bai Jue.

Not to mention that the ocean has to be monitored, so that at least 10 billion Bai Jue can perfectly monitor the entire planet, so as to discover the arrival of Otsutsuki Momoshi and others as soon as possible.

In case people really sneak in, they don't know it yet.

"Hei Jue, you have to cooperate with my father to make clones. In the future, you must cultivate at least 10 billion to monitor every corner of the world."

Thinking of this, Shimura Xuanding patted Hei Jue on the shoulder and warned earnestly.

Whether or not Bai Jue can be cultivated to 10 billion depends on Hei Jue.

He has absolute confidence in Hei, and this dutiful son will never let him down!

"I'll try my best!"

Wiping the sweat that didn't exist on his head, Hei Jue found that his relationship with his mother was too small before, and it took hundreds of thousands of dollars to cultivate a Bai Jue army.

However, the younger generation in front of him is always going for hundreds of millions of dollars, and now he has even set a small goal of 10 billion.

I don't know if those Bai Jue can separate out so many spore clones?

"After all, clones are not normal life forms. Even if the body is healthy, there is no way to deal with this aspect of the soul. I suggest filling it with the soul of a living person."

Thinking back on the process of Mother's making the White Jue Legion, Hei Jue made a suggestion sullenly.

Although they can't fiddle with an infinite monthly reading now, but if they just cultivate Bai Jue, there is no need to really have an infinite monthly reading.

It's just that the human soul is a necessities used to ensure Bai Jue's IQ, otherwise, no matter how many defective products are made, it will not be of much use.

"It's too cruel to use the souls of living people as breeding materials."

Shimura Xuanding decisively refused. As a transmigrator from China, how could he have done something that would be a waste of life?

And this resolute made Hei Jue look at him, and he secretly felt that he was really just a teenager, his conscience was not shattered, and he was not as cruel as his father.

But soon Hei Jue realized that he was wrong, a big mistake!

"You go and find a way to get those death masks of the Vortex Clan and the matching ghoul sealing technique. I see if I can come up with a secret technique system or something specializing in harvesting the souls of the dead.

At that time, we will set up a death team to collect the dead souls of human beings who have died of old age and disease, and then make deals with them, such as giving some money to the relatives of the dead souls, or some other help, so that the dead souls can cooperate with us to cultivate perfect clones. .

Of course, there is no need to be so particular about those bad people. The world is already too miserable. There is no need to let those bad people continue to live and spoil this miserable world. "

Pushing his glasses again, Shimura Xuanding didn't like forcing others to do things. Compared with seducing transactions with interests, it was the kingly way, and it could better mobilize the enthusiasm of those people and do things better.

Dummy blinked his eyes, and when he regained his senses, Hei Jue was secretly annoyed.

Yeah, why didn't you think of it back then?

The key to making Bai Jue lies in the spirit of intelligent creatures. It doesn't matter whether the body is old or young, strong or weak.

If the mother could do this back then, the two evil sons of Yuyi and Yumura would not have turned against each other and were sealed and imprisoned for thousands of years.

"It's really lucky for me and my mother to meet Xuan Dingjun!"

After being annoyed, Hei Jue looked at the golden-armored youth in front of him with incomparable joy, and at the same time secretly felt that he was still too kind, his heart was not thorough enough, and there was still a big gap compared to this Xuan Dingjun.

"I'm going to the country of vortex!"

With a hello, Hei Jue got into the floor and prepared to go to the country of vortex to get the Death Mask.

As for the technique of sealing off ghouls, he knows it, and there is no need to steal it.


He hurriedly called out the resolute Hei Jue, and Shimura Xuanding asked concernedly with a fatherly expression, "How is your half-flesh body training?"

After all, Kaguya is also a poor little sister, and he is the target that someone must save. At that time, it is also possible for Miss Kaguya to be touched by her own body, so that he is a black old man. father.

As an old father, is there any problem in helping his son to cultivate and improve his strength?

"I almost forgot, my half-flesh body is almost finished."

Hei Jue, who had just reacted, hurriedly emerged from the cracks in the floor, and then transformed into a half-flesh body that had been cultivated.

Then a burly figure like black iron appeared, and Shimura Xuanding looked at him with a dazed expression.

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