“I’m sorry, it’s all my fault, I’m late.”

Wendy stood up and immediately bowed her head in apology.

Lynn saw such a lovely girl, held out a hand, and gently stroked it.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s late, it’s actually nothing, a lot of us here like to be late.”

As she spoke, Lynn deliberately showed a gentle face, which Wendy felt and filled with warmth.

Lynn glanced at the others again.

“Do you think she’s late today?”

“No, how is this possible, we have just arrived, and there is still some time before time, it is clear.”

Someone started talking nonsense.

Tomorrow morning the time has passed.

However, considering that Lynn’s eyes are more fierce, these people can only follow Lynn’s words and dare not offend at all.

“So, there’s really nothing at all, you don’t have to worry at all.”

Lynn stroked Wendy’s head gently.

Not to mention, Wendy is really cute like this.

He just liked such a cute little Lori.

Wait a minute.

No, Lynn, you are a serious person, how can a serious person have such thoughts.

“Thank you big brother.”

Wendy’s tone was cute.

Later, Xia Lulu suddenly flew out.

“Well, don’t say that, this guy doesn’t look like a good person, he must have an idea.”


Lynn’s heart was broken.

Although he is indeed not a good person, at least not to the point where he does not look like a good person.

Many people were fascinated by Lynn’s appearance.

This cat really has no vision.

Everyone else in the neighborhood laughed secretly, they couldn’t afford to offend Lynn, and all they could see was Lynn getting frustrated.

In the distance, Harpy suddenly flew over, his eyes full of admiration.

But before Harby could speak, Lynn suddenly grabbed Harby and grabbed him in the palm of his hand.

“Harby, how did you suddenly appear?” You forgot that the blue Pegasus liked to eat cats the most in the night, and if you were caught by him, you would definitely be eaten by him. ”

This is pure Lynn nonsense.

Others nearby were also smiling, but completely restrained, embarrassed to be exposed.

Harpy was still about to speak, when he was suddenly pinched by Lynn, and instantly woke up.

“By the way, you must hide, that person especially likes to eat cats, and also likes to eat dogs, I will go first.”

Although he didn’t want to lie in front of Xia Lulu, thinking of Lynn’s horror, he couldn’t afford to offend at all, and he could only admit it temporarily.

Although Xia Lulu was a little incredulous, but Harpy said it so seriously, he couldn’t help but be suspicious.

Wendy, in particular, believed even more, clutching Xia Lulu tightly, afraid that Xia Lulu would be taken away by others.

“Xia Lulu, I will definitely protect you, and I will never let you be eaten by others.”

This scared look is really cute.

Lynn patted Wendy gently.

“Rest assured, I’m here and I can’t let him eat Xia Lulu.”

“Big brother, you’re such a nice guy.”

Wendy’s big eyes flickered.

That was really cute, and Lynn was completely cute anyway.

After another while, the night came out.

Lynn saw this night, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

Because this is not the night before, it has been secretly changed, but the average person can’t see it.

But who is Lynn?

He could see at a glance that the night was a fake.

This should be what the Star Spirit Sorcerer was pretending.

“One night, I tell you, I will never allow you to eat this cat.” Lynn said righteously.

Wendy saw the night and was a little worried, and immediately reached out her hand, grabbed Xia Lulu tightly, and hid behind Lynn.

The fake night is a bit confusing, why the memory of the night does not have this picture.

It’s hard because it’s not important.

Yes, it is likely to be so.

A smile immediately appeared on the face of the fake night.

“Sad, I’ve eaten it today, I’m not hungry, I definitely won’t eat a cat.”

Others nearby looked confused.

It seems that this is not a night, and it is absolutely impossible to eat a cat one night.

Was it possible that he was threatened by Lynn?

Yes, it really is very likely that this is the case.

This is definitely a threat.

Wendy and Charlotte also believed Lynn’s words, and they were both a little wary, afraid that Lynn would do something out of the ordinary.

Lynn smiled secretly in her heart.

This is the end of his bad words, although he is indeed not a good person, but just saying it is too faceless.

“Well, don’t talk so much nonsense, you can go, start now, let’s go on a crusade against the Six Demon Generals.”

Lynn went to the front and set off with the crowd.

Everyone followed.

Along the way, Lynn and the crowd talked and laughed, especially with Wendy, and had a particularly good time.

“Big brother, you’re really a good guy.”

Wendy spoke the truth.

“Good man, is Lynn a good person too?”

Naz couldn’t help but spit out.

The entire Fairy Tail Guild, she hates Gray the most, followed by Lynn, who always bullies the weak.

That’s right, it’s bullying the weak.

Naz completely forgets that it was he who challenged Lynn, only to be unable to beat Lynn in the end, and was fiercely repaired by Lynn.

He also blamed Lynn for all the faults.

Lynn paused, then turned around and looked at Naz with a smile on her face and a murderous look in her eyes.

“Naz, what did you just say?” My ears are not particularly good, can you please say it again? ”

Naz’s body trembled.

He didn’t want to be caught by Lynn’s dragon claws and experience the sensation of flying at breakneck speed.

The scariest part was that Lynn would always throw it on the vehicle.

As soon as he got to the vehicle, Naz instantly lost his ability to fight, let alone resist.

“No, absolutely not, I didn’t say anything before.”

“No, I just heard that Naz said you’re not a good person, that you’re a big bad person.”

Gray suddenly sprang out.

This is a good opportunity to bully Naz, and you must not miss it.

“Nonsense, you are framing, he is framing me, you must believe that he is really framing me.”

Naz explains.

But his explanation was a little pale, and Lynn would never believe it.

Because he had just heard it clearly.

(Card Merchants: Draw the Pirate Kaido at the beginning)

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