At the port, Lynn easily solved the fake dragon Bora.

After fixing the opponent, Lynn glanced at Lucy next to him, and Lucy summoned the mermaid Aquarius sister Aquaria.

It’s rare to see such a beautiful mermaid.

Before in the One Piece world, I had not been to Fishman Island much, basically flying around, across the red earth continent.

Naturally, Akuiya also noticed Lynn’s eyes.

“What to see? Believe it or not I cut you. ”

“I just saw a beautiful woman, a very beautiful big beauty, so I couldn’t help but look at it more.”

What a beauty.

Aquilla listened happily and couldn’t help but tease her long blue hair.

“You’re right, I’m really pretty.”

Lucy was speechless next to her.

Is this still the Aquia before it?

The Akuiya she knew was not a good person, at least she was grumpy and often angry with her.

When did Akuiya become so kind.

“I heard that the little sister is Aquarius, I have long heard that the little sister of Aquarius is particularly beautiful, and when I saw her today, it was true.”

Lynn did think Akuiya was particularly pretty.

It was a pity, and the two could only see that he couldn’t do anything to Aquia.

After all, Akuiya is a mermaid.

You can’t always face it directly…

No, don’t think too much.

“That is, of all the zodiac signs, I am the most beautiful Aquarius.”

“Indeed, Lucy once said when she wrote to her letter, Aquarius’s little sister is not only beautiful, but also gentle and especially kind.”

Lynn watched carefully.

Prostox and posterior tilt.

In a word.


Lucy was surprised, her expression was strange, and if she remembered correctly, she seemed to have never said such a thing.

Aquia really thought Lucy had said it, and looked at Lucy carefully.

“Did you really say that?” I didn’t expect you to be a real person, you are right, I am that kind of gentle and kind person. ”

Lucy had a strange expression.

Gentle and kind, as if he had nothing to do with Akuiya, and did not know how Akuiya could say it.

“Well, it’s not too early, Lucy, I’ll take you back now.”

Lynn eventually retracted her thoughts.

Sure enough, and Akuiya was impossible.

There is always no way to come to a spiritual love, he is a vulgar person.


Lynn took Lucy with her and soon left the city and returned directly to the Fairy Tail Guild.

Outside the guild, Lucy looked at the gate, with some anticipation in her heart, and even fantasized about the scene of the union.

The Fairy Tail Guild must be particularly beautiful.

Lynn looked at Lucy and knew what Lucy was thinking.

He really didn’t want to hit Lucy, and this guild might not be that good.

“Lucy, when you go in, be mentally prepared, this guild is really not as good as you think.”

Lynn politely reminded her.

Lucy didn’t think too much about it, but was particularly excited.

“I know that this guild must be so good, and it is the greatest honor of my life to join this guild.”

Having already said that, Lynn didn’t have much to say and could only slowly push open the door.

As soon as she pushed open the door, Lucy immediately followed, but before she could speak, she was completely stunned.

She had the impression that the guild of love did not exist.

A lot of people in the guild fought, and looking at how intense it was, it was like the hatred that had persisted in the previous life.

How much hatred this must be, so fierce.

Lynn tapped Lucy lightly on the shoulder.

“This is our guild, it’s lively, and the fighting is particularly fierce.”

Lucy looked back and didn’t have much to say.

Not bad, such a guild is quite lively.

Although it was not the same as her impression.

“This guild, did we come here wrong?”

Lucy felt that she might have come wrong.

Or maybe Lynn was wrong, or something unacceptable.

“Wait a minute, this guild will be able to fall in love right away.”

Lynn slowly pulled out Senmoto Sakura.

“Gentlemen, please come back to your seats, there are guests coming, do you understand?”

The people who were fighting heard Lynn’s voice, and they all stopped and turned their heads to look.

The moment they saw Lynn, everyone shivered, still a little frightened.

Not only because Lynn was strong, but also because Elusa was also strong, neither of them could offend.

Lynn slowly lifted Chimoto Sakura, and the tip of the knife was aimed at everyone present.

“Guys, I think it is necessary for you to pay attention to your image and continue to pick things, then don’t blame me for not being polite, I started a fire, but it was very cruel.”

Everyone immediately returned to their positions, and then sat down precariously, with a particularly serious expression, not daring to provoke Lynn to be angry.

Lynn then withdrew the knife in her hand.

“See? This group of people is just beaten in their bones, and they can teach a lesson, and whoever dares to continue to be arrogant in the future will be beaten to death. ”

Countless people collectively snorted.

What a terrible guy, so fierce.

They could already imagine Lynn being strong, offending Lynn, and would definitely be done.

Lucy didn’t know what to say.

This guild is really something extraordinary.

Lynn took Lucy and came to Mira’s front.

“Mira, long time gone, this is Lucy, also want to join our guild, you go prepare a drink.”

Mira had been watching Lucy.

Hearing Lucy’s name, Mira instantly remembered a person.

A childhood love enemy.

The person who said he was going to marry Lynn, he didn’t expect Lynn to actually bring Lucy back.

At this moment, Mira wondered if Lynn had deliberately brought Lucy back.

Although she was particularly curious, Mira did not say it, turned around, and poured Lucy a drink.

“Lucy, do you like this drink?”

“No problem, I don’t care.”

Lucy took the drink and looked at Mira carefully, remembering what Lynn had said.

During the correspondence, Lucy had heard of Mira, who Lynn liked and might be her love enemy in the future.

Of course, it could also be her good friend, the two serving Lynn together.

People nearby had heard of new friends, and they all walked over, their eyes full of curiosity.

Some men’s eyes lit up.

Because Lucy is also a nice beauty.

Beauty will always be pleased by others.

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