A port city.

Lynn and Naz arrived.

“Naz, you go find the dragon yourself, and I’ll go first.”

“No problem.”

Naz didn’t say no and ran away happy.

Lynn looked at Naz who had left and couldn’t help but shake her head.

How could a dragon appear in a human city, otherwise it would have gone crazy long ago.

But forget it, Naz is stupid anyway, and it has nothing to do with him.

The purpose of what he was doing now was to find Lucy.

Seriously, Lin Enfei is still quite curious.

What Lucy looked like when she grew up.

Lynn walked the street alone, and I don’t know how long it had been before Lynn passed by a small shop.

Inside the store, a blonde girl was shopping.

Seeing the girl, Lynn recognized the girl’s identity.

It’s Lucy.

The thing you buy should be the key to the Star Spirit.

Lynn felt that she was the son of the plane, and it was so lucky that she met Lucy so quickly.

Luck can’t stop it.

Inside the shop, Lucy finally bought the Star Spirit Key, originally planned to seduce, but it was a pity, but it did not succeed.

Helplessly, Lucy could only buy it at a great price.

Lynn walked over to Lucy’s side and tapped her lightly on the shoulder.

“Lucy, it’s been a long time coming.”

Lucy turned around just in time to see Lynn.

When I saw Lynn in front of me, the impression in the back of my mind was recalled.

That very handsome big brother.

Over the years, she has been correlating with Lynn, and she has gradually become very fond of Lynn, and she has a special liking for Lynn.

Now it’s finally time to meet Lynn.

“Brother Lynn, I’ve finally seen you.”

Lucy happily threw herself into Lynn’s arms.

Lynn did not refuse, how to say that it was also a beautiful woman to give hugs, and the two people hugged each other tightly.

Not to mention, Lucy’s figure is really good.

It is also worthy of being called a cow.

The two of them hugged like this for a while, and then Lynn let go of Lucy.

“Lucy, I haven’t seen you for a while, and you’re getting pretty.”

Lynn patted Lucy’s little cheek gently.

Lucy was a little shy, and kept her head down.

Over the years, she had always regarded Lynn as her best companion.

Especially after her mother died, her father was busy with work, and only Lynn was a friend.

The relationship between the two is getting better and better.

“Brother Lynn, you’re getting more and more handsome.”

Lucy said with a red face.

“Well, without saying so much, I haven’t seen each other in many years, I’ll invite you to have a drink and pass the time.”

Lynn pulled Lucy away with her.

Lucy did not refuse, and even took the initiative to put her arm around Lynn, and the two showed special kindness.

It’s like an intimate couple.

The two men soon came to a restaurant.

But as soon as he sat down, Naz came over.

Naz was also about to eat, but happened to see Lynn, and immediately came from a distance, and then sat down in front of Lynn.

“Lynn, I didn’t expect to see you here, it’s great, let’s have a meal.”

Lynn blackened her face.

Naz definitely came over to mix food and drink.

One by one, all day long do not know what to do, do not know how to work hard to make money.

But also, every time Naz goes out on a mission, the destructive power is amazing, so it must be very short of money.

“Lynn, is he your companion?”

Lucy asked curiously.

“That’s right, a person in our guild, day by day, knows how to eat and drink for free, and doesn’t know how to make money, and there is really enough waste.”

Lynn would be worthless to Nazbian.

Naz didn’t care, but rather had a thick skin.

“Lynn, you are so rich, you should be helping me, and when I have money in the future, I will definitely repay you.”

Lynn leaned forward slightly.

“May I ask? When did you ever have money? ”

Naz was dumbfounded for a moment.

It seems that it is true, he has been poor all his life, and he has never made money, but it is still very humiliating to be said by Lynn.

“Forget it, I don’t know what to say, remember to work hard in the future, make more money, like you, are you eligible to get married in the future?”

“By the way, I guess you are not eligible to get married, and no girl will look up to you.”

Lynn sighed.

He was really worried about Naz.

This guy is so wasted, and he doesn’t know if he can make money in this life or get married.

Estimates are impossible.

Naz looked strange and humiliated.

It’s disgusting, I’ve never seen such an person.

He had to teach Lynn a lesson.

Naz held out his hand, clenched into a fist, ready to teach Lynn a hard lesson.

But considering that he couldn’t beat Lynn, Naz could only sigh and then look at Lynn with a worried face.

“Lynn, I know I’m not as good as you, but I’m pretty good, and it’s so shocking that you say that about me, and my heart is broken.”

Naz said quietly.

“By the way, Lucy, you’re hungry too, do you want to eat something?” Whatever you want to eat, order whatever you want, and I’ll treat you today. ”

Lynn completely ignored Naz.

Naz also sighed and was once again ignored.

But forget it, you can eat and drink for free.

“Big Brother Lynn, just order some.”

Lucy didn’t think too much about it, didn’t take the initiative, and instead handed the menu to Lynn.

“It’s okay, you do it.”

Lynn, of course, had to take the initiative.

How to say that Lucy is also a girl.

Lucy was ready to push it off.

Naz on the other side was a little rude.

“Lynn, prepare me a little too.”

Lynn looked at Naz.

“Eat it yourself, it has nothing to do with me, and don’t bother me.”

Naz: “…”

Sure enough, he is a guy who is heavy on color and light on friends.

There are really enough beasts.

Forget it, no nonsense.

Naz picked up a menu and started ordering.

Lucy next to her also ordered a few dishes that she liked at Lynn’s request.

It didn’t take long for the dishes to be served.

Lynn and Lucy had a laugh and a meal together.

As for Naz, he didn’t interject either, eating alone as if he didn’t exist at all.

It was only after a while that Naz remembered something very important.

“Lynn, did you just find any news of the Fire Dragon?”

Naz didn’t investigate, so he just hoped Lynn would find some clues.


Lucy looks weird, is there a fire dragon here?

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