Eventually, Lynn and Lucy separated.

After the separation, Lynn played in the city for a few more days before taking Elusa and the two of them with her.

Back in the Goblin’s Tail Guild, life is once again very plain.

On this day, inside the apartment, Lynn had prepared dinner, but Alyssa did not return.

After waiting for a while, Alyssa returned, holding a book in her hand, not knowing what it was.

But Lynn wasn’t too entangled.

“You’re back, hurry up and get ready, and you’ll be ready to eat right away.”

“I see.”

Elusa immediately walked over to Lynn and began to eat.

After dinner, make your own meals.

At night, when night fell, Lynn was already asleep, but Alyssa quietly turned on the light and took out the book she had bought in the morning.

The title of the book has several large characters written on it.

On how to pursue a handsome guy.

That’s right, that’s the book that Alyssa bought.

Ever since listening to Lucy’s mother, Elusa felt compelled to work a little harder to get Lynn down early.

So Alyssa bought this kind of raider book.

Just to be able to attack Lynn.

Elusa looked at it with relish, and Lynn didn’t know what Elusa was thinking.

After watching it for a long time, Alyssa suddenly widened her eyes and looked at one of the pages.

“That’s the way it is, I understand, I need to do this, I’m going to take Lynn.”

Alyssa put down the book, then closed her eyes.

She had already made a decision in her mind that tomorrow she would follow the contents of the book and see if she could take Lynn down.

If you can get Lynn, it would be the best.

The night went by.

The next day, life was as calm as ever.

In the evening, at dinner, Alyssa was as absent as ever, and she didn’t know where to go.

It was only after a long time that Alyssa suddenly appeared, holding a backpack in her hand, and she didn’t know what was in it.

Elusa didn’t wait for Lynn to speak and rushed into the room.

“This guy doesn’t know what he’s thinking.”

Lynn shook her head, but didn’t say much, and poured herself a glass of wine.

After waiting for a while, the door suddenly opened and Elusa came out of the room.


Lynn looked at Alyssa who came out, and the wine in her mouth couldn’t help but spit out.

I saw that at this moment, Alyssa was actually wearing a maid outfit.

That’s right, the maid outfit.

Lynn didn’t know what to say.

Alyssa was particularly proud in her heart, which was that she had learned the ultimate killer and would definitely be able to take down Lynn.

“Hurry up and eat.”

Lynn pretended not to see anything.

At this time, it should still be low-key, but it must not be expressed.

But seriously, Elusa is also too serious.

Although Lynn still liked it in her heart, but Alyssa was so serious, Lynn felt a lot of pressure.

Forget it, it was as if it was white sent to the door.

Elyssa naturally noticed the change in Lynn at that moment, and her heart was even more OK, it seemed that this method was OK.

She had already decided that she would use this method in the future to find a way to take down Lynn completely.

And that means Lynn’s future.

Over the next few days, Elusa changed a lot of clothes, all of which Lynn liked.

However, although he liked it in his heart, Lynn did not say it, but silently appreciated it.

White sent to the door, do not white do not.

On this day, Alyssa felt that it was almost over, and looked at Lynn very seriously.

“Lynn, what do you think of my clothes?”

Lynn thought about it carefully.

His character seems to be very bad.

So there is no need to pretend to be so pure.

He can say exactly what is on his mind.

Otherwise, if Elusa doesn’t do this in the future, then it will be a big loss.

“It’s pretty good, but it’s enough in front of me later, there’s no need to wear it.”

Lynn said seriously.

Alyssa nodded happily, with special excitement.

“I see, I’m definitely not going to wear it out in the future.”

“By the way, it’s not early in the morning, go to bed early and get up early tomorrow morning.”

Lynn looked at Alyssa, who was already in a hurry, and immediately made an excuse.

If you don’t send Alyssa away, you really can’t take it.

You can’t always do anything to Elusa.

Alyssa looked at Lynn and was still a little sorry.

“Really, I can take it down right away, but I was stopped.”

Regret to regret, Elusa has no choice but to watch Lynn leave, but there is nothing she can do.

Inside the room, Lynn heard Elusa’s words and was blushing.

He had always been very active, and this time someone else was so active, he didn’t know what to say.

So proactive, is it really good?

Early in the morning, when Lynn got up, she had just opened her eyes and saw Alyssa close at hand.

Wear a very normal outfit.

But just as Lynn was about to say something, Alyssa suddenly opened her hand and a golden light appeared on her body.

This is Elusa’s dress-up magic.

After Alyssa had changed her clothes, she bent down and looked at Lynn, her eyes full of love.

“Lynn, what do you think of my dress?”

Lynn glanced carefully.

It’s still a maid outfit, but it’s a little different from before, for example, it’s a little better than before.

“Nice to hurry up and prepare breakfast.

Lynn sent Alyssa away.

He was afraid that if Alyssa did not leave, she would not be able to restrain herself when the time came, and she would even do something out of the ordinary.

Alyssa noticed Lynn’s expression and was even more proud, always thinking that she could take Lynn down immediately.

Then you just need to keep up the good work.

Lynn also had a big smile on her face.

Sometimes it is also a sin to be too handsome.

These girls will always pursue him.

On the other hand, Mira also got up early and woke up ready for breakfast.

She was ready to step up her pursuit of Lynn, to prepare breakfast early, to be with Lynn early.

Also to hit Elusa hard.

Even Mira’s sister Lisana felt helpless, but she didn’t have much to say and could only watch as Mira pursued Lynn.

But don’t say, Lisana also thinks Lynn is very handsome, and people are particularly good, and they can be together.

That way she had one more excellent brother-in-law.

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