“Damn, what about people? Why can’t I see people? ”

Mira couldn’t catch Lynn’s movements, and she was in a hurry.

I couldn’t see Lynn’s figure, and how could I do anything with Lynn.

Others could see that Mira was definitely not Lynn’s opponent, and there was basically no need for this battle to continue.

Lynn stood behind Mira, then gently held out a hand and tapped it on Mira’s shoulder.

“Finally got you.”

Mira was particularly excited, quickly turned around, and grabbed behind her, but unfortunately grabbed an empty.

There was no one behind him, not even Lynn’s shadow.

Lynn reached out and grabbed Mira’s arm again, then slapped it hard.

Mira was still ready to resist, but the speed was still slow, and her arm was tightly grabbed by Lynn, and then the whole person flew up.


Lynn grabbed Mira’s foot and circled the sky.

He used to bully his companions so much, and today he can finally bully his companions again.

Many people in the neighborhood are stunned.

They also did not expect that Lynn would be so fierce, dealing with a girl, and using such violent means.

Grab Mira directly and fly in the sky.

Lisana was also stunned.

“You say, do I want to help my sister?”

Others don’t have much to say.

Lynn was so tough, so fierce that they didn’t know what to say.

And the main thing is that Lynn is not too cruel, and Mira is not injured, so they can only watch.

Mira was also helpless, although she knew that Lynn was very powerful, but she did not expect Lynn to be so powerful.

Being able to grab her and shake her around.

She didn’t even have the slightest strength to fight back.

“Lynn, you’ve had enough, let me go, or don’t blame me for not being polite.”

Mira said a harsh word.

Lynn grabbed Mira, who was hanging upside down.

“Originally, I was going to let you go, but you said so, so don’t blame me for not being polite, and I can only continue to teach you.”

Mira felt some regret in her heart.

It seemed to really offend Lynn.

Unfortunately, before Mira could speak, Lynn threw Mira up.

This time, Lynn was even tougher.

Throw from the left hand to the right hand, and from the sky to the ground.

Mira uses her magic to attack Lynn, but hits Lynn and nothing happens.

Lynn didn’t even feel it.

This is Lynn’s strength, not to mention immune to magic attacks, simple physique, it is not something that these people can break through.

“Lynn is really good.”

“Yeah, that’s too much.”

Everyone admired Lynn’s strength.

Elusa, in particular, has big eyes with adoration.

She had long admired Lynn, and now that Lynn was so powerful, she admired her even more.

Lynn taught this lesson for a while, feeling that it was almost over, and then stopped and grabbed Mira.

“Do you know now that you are wrong? What should I say when I speak later? I think you should think clearly, and if you can’t think clearly, I have time. ”

In the face of Lynn’s naked threat, Mira is really angry and wants to kill Lynn.

Of course, wanting to kill Lynn was fake, and she was just a little angry in her heart, not really wanting to kill Lynn.

Lynn felt Mira’s anger, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and raised her hand to pick her up.

He was ready to teach Mira a lesson again.

Because he felt the anger in Mira’s eyes.

Sure enough, this girl still has to teach a lesson.

Mira also sensed that something was wrong with Lynn, and her face changed instantly.

Shouldn’t it continue again?

She was very clear about what she had just felt, and her head was completely fainted, and there was no trace of the strength to fight back.

If you continue to fight, you will also be dizzy.

“Wait, Lynn, I admit it.”

Mira finally had to admit it.

There is no way, if you can’t beat Lynn, you can only admit it, and you can’t continue to be beaten by Lynn.

Lynn saw that Mira had confessed and sighed slightly.

“You really are, how can you just admit it?” I’m ready to continue to teach you a lesson, and you admit it. ”

Mira’s face turned black.

Fortunately, she had just surrendered, otherwise Lynn would have definitely continued to do it, and she would definitely be taught a lesson by Lynn.

She didn’t want to be beaten up by Lynn.

Lynn put Mira down and went back to her place and sat down.

“Seriously, I’m not having a good time, by the way, are there any people here who want to challenge me?” I can give you a chance, and I will absolutely spare my men. ”

Everyone listened to Lynn, took a step back at the same time, and shook their heads.

They didn’t have the guts to challenge Lynn.

After all, most people have been taught a lesson by Lynn, and if they challenge Lynn again, they will definitely be hanged.

Even Naz and Gray were intimidated by Lynn’s strength.

The last time they were beaten, this time it was even more that Mira didn’t have the strength to fight back, and they didn’t know what to say.

Lynn looked at the few people who had retreated one after another, and sighed slightly, none of them could hit.

But also, after all, they are ordinary people, and those excellent magicians are basically the younger generation ten years later.

“President Makarov, do you have time?” Or the two of us will fight, just right, I also want to see your strength. ”

Lynn looked at Makarov again.

If anyone can fight with him, it is estimated that only Makarov will be there.

But Makarov listened to Lynn’s words, remembered Mira, who had just been hanged, and remembered the others, and Makarov couldn’t help but take a step back.

“No, no, I’m old, I can’t beat you, this kind of thing, or let young people do it.”

“By the way, I still have things, so I’ll leave for the time being, and I’ll talk about things later.”

Makarov made an excuse and left.

The others looked at the fleeing Makarov and opened their mouths in surprise.

Originally, I thought that Makarov would have a fight with Lynn, but I didn’t expect Makarov to run so fast and run away at once.

This shows that Makarov also recognized Lynn’s strength.

Lynn sighed even more.

“Oh, yes, how lonely it is to be invincible, how lonely it is, how lonely it is, how I wish someone could defeat me.”

In the face of the forced Lynn, everyone’s face darkened, eager to teach Lynn a lesson.

The tone of this talk is too unpleasant.

Some people are eager to slap it over.

However, considering the strength of both sides, it can only be temporarily restrained.

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