After a few minutes, all the boys in the entire guild covered their faces.

Everyone was wailing.

Their faces were blue and swollen, they had just been beaten by Lynn, and they were completely ruthless.

That is, the girls did not challenge Lynn, so they were not taught a lesson.

Lynn smiled too, and smiled particularly brightly.

“Alas, in the future, don’t be so arrogant, every one of my companions before me is very arrogant, and if you don’t teach them a lesson, they will itch.”

Everyone present was helpless, especially the men, who felt that they had been physically and mentally hit.

Not only is there no Lynn handsome, but it can’t beat Lynn.

These people don’t know what to say anyway.

Makarov was also very happy, anyway, there was a lot of money.

As for these companions, that is, being beaten, it is not a big deal, it is a big deal to be beaten again.

“By the way, Lynn, are you going to live in the union’s dorm tonight?”

Makarov asked suddenly.

Lynn thought about it carefully.

“Forget it, I don’t need it, I have the money, so I’m going to buy an apartment.”

Living in a dormitory, after all, is a little inappropriate.

Not to mention that he was still a rich man.

Makarov thought the same thing, after all, Lynn was a rich man, and he must buy an apartment of his own.

Many people nearby are envious.

Most of them lived in dormitories, and Lynn actually had the money to buy her own apartment.

“Then we’ll go first.”

Lynn left with Elusa.

Along the way, Elusa didn’t say a word.

“Elusa, how’s it going?” Have you ever found a good friend? ”

“It’s okay, it’s not a friend, but you can still communicate.”

Alyssa nodded, still expressionless.

No one was more important to her than Lynn.

The two get along, but in just a month, Elusa is full of good feelings for Lynn.

The two men quickly found a room, and Lynn paid for the entire villa.

There are six floors in total.

No way, he used to live in the castle, and now suddenly they are all in such a small villa, and they are a little uncomfortable.

Alyssa looked at the big house in front of her, her eyes lit up, and her heart was a little happy.

“Will we stay here in the future?”

“Yes, this is our home from now on.”

Lynn patted Elusa’s little head.

Our home.

Alyssa was a little moved, and sneaked a glance at Lynn’s cheek.

Still so handsome.

The thought of being able to be with Lynn in the future made Elusa very happy.

“By the way, I’ll go and clean up, and you’ll change your clothes, change your clothes, take a shower, and rest early in the evening.”

Instead of refusing, Alyssa followed Lynn and helped Lynn clean the room together.

After cleaning the room, Alyssa suddenly looked at Lynn with blank eyes.

The big eyes flickered, as if trying to say something.

“Elusa, do you have anything you want to say, can you just say, do you want to buy some new clothes?”

Lynn rubbed Elusa’s head, and it was still cute.

He liked Elusa’s handmaiden anyway.

“Big brother, I want to go take a shower.”

Alyssa just looked at Lynn.

Lynn then noticed that Elusa’s idea might not be that simple.

It must be this girl who is hungry for his body.

That’s right, that’s it.


No, how can you describe Elusa like that.

Such a volunteer to send the door, is simply a good person, he should thank Alyssa.

And don’t be white don’t.

Lynn quickly made a decision that he was going to sacrifice his body for Elusa’s sake.

This is the spirit of the great fearlessness of revolution.

Heaven will bless him.

Lynn thought so in her heart, but quickly reacted, now that Alyssa was so young, how could she do such an out-of-character thing.

But it doesn’t matter, there will be a chance later.

“So, do you want me to help you?”

Lynn asked.

Alyssa didn’t say anything, just looked at Lynn with wide eyes, and that couldn’t have been more obvious.

In the face of Milori’s unreasonable demands, Lynn did not seem to be qualified to refuse.

After all, he was a good man.

“Well, you’ve said that, and I’ll reluctantly help you.”

Lynn was polite, mainly because he didn’t want to refuse, and naturally wanted to be with Elusa.

Alyssa was very happy, and immediately took Lynn’s arm and entered the room together.

After a long time, the two men walked out together.

The hair is wet.

But don’t get me wrong, Lynn is a man of integrity and it is absolutely impossible to do something out of the ordinary.

But if Elusa had grown up a little bit, then don’t blame Lynn for being a beast.

White sent to the door, do not white do not.

Not to mention that he already had thoughts about Elusa.

The corners of Lynn’s mouth rose slightly, and she was still very happy.

“Well, Elusa, I want to take a break, it’s not early on TV, and you’re going to rest early.”

Elusa didn’t think much of it and found a room her favorite.

“Brother Lynn, I’m going to have this room.”

I chose this room purely because it was right next to Lynn’s room.

She especially wanted to be with Lynn.

“Then go to bed early.”

Lynn said hello and went inside the room.

Alyssa looked at Lynn’s back as she left and couldn’t help but take one more look.

Her mind was full of Lynn’s shadow.

This is the girl.

The night passed quickly.

When she woke up the next morning, Lynn had already had breakfast ready and delivered to the villa.

Stepping out of the room, Lynn saw Elusa.

Elusa saw Lynn as well, and immediately walked over to Lynn and grabbed Lynn’s little hand.

“Brother Lynn, breakfast has been delivered, so let’s eat early.”

“Or, eat early, and then go to the guild to see if there are any tasks, and then go and earn some money.”

Lynn rubbed Alyssa’s head.

He didn’t actually intend to make money, after all, he wasn’t short of money, he was just a little bored, so he wanted to go out and pass the time.

Two people have breakfast together.

After breakfast, Lynn and Elusa join the Fairy Tail Guild.

By the time it was time for the union, the others had already arrived, and it was particularly lively.

When the men saw Lynn coming, they immediately came over and greeted Lynn.

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