The Fairy Tail Guild is full of singing swallows.

Lynn gradually blended into the atmosphere.

Needless to say, the Fairy Tail Guild is very good, and the people inside are also very funny, and he likes such people.

After the banquet, Naz suddenly sneaked up in front of Lynn,

“Lynn, you must fight with me, I heard that you are very good, I want to test your strength.”

Gray also jumped from the other side.

“Lynn, I’m going to fight you too.”

Others also gathered around at this time.

They were also curious about Lynn’s strength.

Lynn took a deep look at the two men.

“If you two really fight with me, it can be very miserable, and I am a very cruel person, a very cruel and cruel kind.”

Not to mention, there are many people in this life who have challenged Lynn.

But the vast majority of people were beaten up by Lynn, and many people were even beaten half to death.

Who let Lynn have the Horse Charm, so even if he is seriously injured, it will be absolutely fine.

“No problem, I will never lose.”

Naz opened his mouth and was ready to go.

Lynn looked at Naz who was so excited, sighed helplessly, and then shook her arm again.

Since you are going to fight, there is no way.

“The roar of the fire dragon.”

Naz roared in anger, and the endless hot flames were swallowed up, forming a huge fire dragon.

The fire dragon roared and pounced on Lynn.

Gray next to him also opened his hands, and a magic circle appeared under his feet, and then a large amount of cold air came out.


The ground suddenly froze, and the cold ice quickly approached Lynn, ready to freeze Lynn.

Above is the flames, below is the cold ice.

Lynn looked at the two attacks that were about to approach, and without hesitation, he calmly held out his hand.

That is, some pirates, there is nothing to be afraid of.

At the moment when the flames approached, Lynn suddenly opened her mouth and sucked hard, instantly absorbing the flames.

Everyone present was stunned.

Although Naz is still young and his strength is not very strong, but the good villain is also the fire dragon magic, and the temperature of the flame is very high.

Lynn actually sucked it up in one bite.

Isn’t Lynn also good at dragon magic?

A group of people were thinking.

In fact, it was purely Lynn’s Black Dragon Demon Fruit, which was also good at flames, and could naturally be swallowed in one breath.

“Well, the battle has begun.”

Lynn flicked her arm.

Now that the battle had begun, he would not spare his men.

The other faces changed, and subconsciously took a step back, always feeling that Lynn’s smile was terrible now.

Even Makarov felt Lynn’s anger.

“Rob, how do I think Lynn is horrible?”

Indeed, Lynn had traversed the One Piece world for many years, killing decisively, and many people died at the hands of Lynn.

Lynn’s anger was certainly serious.

But Rob was much calmer.

“Don’t worry, I’ve been with Lynn for more than ten days, and the other person is still a good person, that is, sometimes the momentum is stronger.”

Makarov said nothing more.

“Come again.”

Naz was even more excited to see Lynn so strong, and quickly ran to Lynn’s front and opened his hands.

There are flames on all arms.

The flames were very hot, the air was distorted by the combustion, and the temperature rose a little.

Lynn was even less concerned.

When Naz approached, Lynn suddenly reached out and grabbed Naz’s arm.

Gray on the other side approached quickly.

Lynn grabbed at the void, grabbed a lot of cold air, and then threw it hard and threw it at Gray.

Gray was about to resist when he was affected by the cold, and then he was frozen, unable to move.

As the person who controls the ice shape magic, he is frozen by the cold ice of others, and Gray feels particularly humiliated.

After getting Gray, Lynn glanced at Naz next to him again, and a sly smile came out of the corner of his mouth.

“Naz, I’m going to do it, be careful yourself, but don’t let me blow up.”

As she spoke, Lynn opened her mouth.


The next second, a black flame burst out, instantly engulfing Naz.


Naz let out a scream.

Although he controls the Fire Dragon Extinguishing Magic and has a strong resistance to flames, he is still slightly inadequate in the face of Lynn’s flames.

“What a terrible flame.”

A group of young people were shocked by Lynn’s strength.

Even Macarus was a little surprised.

Although the flames released by Lynn were not very powerful at present, he always felt that Lynn was still hiding his strength.

After swallowing it for a while, Lynn felt that it was almost over, and then stopped.

Otherwise, he was afraid that no matter how strong Naz was, he would eventually be spit to death by him, and then it would be over.

How to say that good villains are also companions.

Makarov was also relieved, he was still thinking that if Lynn continued, he was still afraid that something would happen to Naz.

“Boy, your strength is a lot worse, don’t challenge me in the future, next time it won’t be so simple.”

Lynn threw Naz aside.

At this moment, Naz had been burned by the flames for a long time, that is, the resistance was relatively strong, and now he was slightly injured at most.

Naz fell to the ground, constantly spinning around.

“It’s hot, how is this possible?” Why is it so hot, obviously I will also flame. ”

On the other side, Gray also came out of the cold ice, his body shivering, and his eyebrows were cold.

“It’s too cold.”

“Hahaha… Naz, you usually say that your fire magic is very powerful, but today it seems that you have been beaten particularly badly. ”

“And you, Gray, usually jump like that, today seems to be quite miserable, look at your appearance, it seems to be very cold.”

Everyone laughed.

Gray didn’t speak, he was too cold today, and Naz felt particularly hot.

“Forget it, since the battle is over, you two have a good rest, remember to find me for the next challenge, my favorite is to hit people.”

Lynn looked at both Naz and Gray with a somber smile on her face.

Naz and Gray both shivered.

“It’s terrible.”

After all, the two of them were children now, and seeing Lynn so horrible, of course, they would be particularly scared.

“No, we won’t dare to trouble you again.”

“Hahaha… Then I’ll go first. ”

Lynn smiled and left.

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