Big Mama and Kaido roared angrily, then pounced on Lynn.

Two people, one left and one right, attacked at the same time.

One wields a knife and the other wields a mace.

Big Mama’s purple sword qi burst out, but in a blink of an eye, it flew in front of Lynn.

Kaido also wielded a wolf’s tooth stick and hit Lynn hard, and the space was exploded, and the huge wolf’s tooth stick hit Lynn on it.

Both tried their best.

Big Mama and Kaido both know that Lynn is physically strong and can’t kill Lynn at all, but that doesn’t mean he can’t beat Lynn.

Both were ready for a long battle.


The purple sword qi hit Lynn’s scales.

Lynn stood calmly, the scales not at all, not injured.

That’s Lynn’s absolute strength.

Kaido on the side also hit Lynn, and the huge mace hit Lynn, and Lynn did not move.

Kaido and Big Mama’s faces changed at the same time.

The strongest attack of the two of them was enough to split the mountain and break the rock, and as a result, Lynn did not have anything to do, which was too much pressure.

Lynn slowly lowered her head and looked at the two people in front of her, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

“It’s really good, you two have become stronger, but unfortunately, I have become stronger.”

A burst of dragon groans resounded through the air.

Kaido took a step back.

Lynn really changed, even the voice that spoke became so loud, as if it were thunder.

Just when Kaido was surprised, Lynn raised a huge dragon claw, and between his hands and feet, he had the destructive power to destroy the world.

Big Mama and Kaido took a step back at the same time.

Lynn is really getting stronger, and you have to be careful.

Unfortunately, the speed of the two was still one step slower, and Lynn’s dragon claws were already close to Kaido.

Kaido’s pupils narrowed.

“How is this possible? How can you be so fast? Isn’t that your weakness? ”

He knew very well that Lynn’s speed, relative to strength, was indeed a little worse.

In the past, as long as you were careful, you could still avoid it.

But now…

As soon as Kaido finished speaking, he felt that he had been hit by a mountain, and then he flew out.

When it flew out, it kept rolling in the sky, and then it just pounced and fell into the sea.

Big Mom also saw it next to her.

When did Lynn become so powerful?

In that instant, she didn’t see anything, and Kaido had already been knocked out.

It can be seen that Lynn has become stronger.

Their hunch was not wrong.

If Lynn had done anything to her again, so fast, she wouldn’t have been able to react.


Big Mama’s first reaction was to run away.

Since he couldn’t beat Lynn, there was no need to continue fighting, lest he be beaten by Lynn.

But after only two steps, Lynn’s dragon claws were already approaching, and he picked up Big Mama and gently flicked Big Ma’s head.

“Lingling, why are you in such a hurry to escape?”

Big Mom’s heart was even more shocked.

She seemed to have just run two steps, and before she could leave, she was actually picked up by Lynn.

It’s outrageously fast.

Not far away, many people were shocked.

“Is that the strength of the captain?” It’s really perverted. ”

“Yeah, it’s really too perverted, I didn’t expect that the two co-captains were not opponents, and it was easy to get it done.”

Many pirates began to get excited.

The stronger Lynn is, the stronger the Black Dragon Pirates become, and they can enjoy a better life in the future.

In the crowd, the spy eyes of the world government flickered.

They had decided, find a time, to tell the world government about Lynn’s strengthening, and let the world government prepare earlier.

At the bottom of the sea, Kaido first turned into a green dragon form, and then flew into the sky, opening his mouth, it was a huge pillar of fire.

The red pillar of fire flew towards Lynn.

Lynn looked at the red pillar of fire in front of her, opened her mouth, and swallowed all the flames into her stomach.

He is also a dragon.

If this little flame can be hurt, it will be in vain.

After swallowing the flames, Lynn stretched out her dragon claw and grabbed Kaido in one hand, then held it tightly in the palm of her hand.

The green dragon, hundreds of meters long, like a loach, was held tightly by Lynn, and Kaido did not react.

As for Big Mama, she had been caught by Lynn before.

The four emperors of the two new worlds, the top strongmen, were unable to resist at all, and they were tightly pinched by Lynn.

The pirates were used to Lynn’s strength.

Even Kaido and Big Mama understood that Lynn was getting stronger again.

It’s all people too.

Why Lynn can get stronger three times and twice, they haven’t changed much over the years.

Lynn picked both men up and put them in front of her.

“Do you two still want to fight?”

“Lynn, I was wrong, I will never dare to provoke you again, and I don’t want to fight with you.”

Kaido was the first to admit it.

He kind of understood that the gap between him and Lynn was too big to be erased in this life, so there was no need to fight with Lynn.

In the future, I will be the second eldest with peace of mind.

“That’s right, Lynn, we don’t have to fight, just as we lose.”

The big aunt next to me also confessed.

She understood that it would be nice to follow Lynn in the future, at least Lynn was much stronger than Locks.

Maybe Lynn could surpass Locks.

Other than that, over the years, Lynn has crossed the new world, and the navy and the world government have not dared to move, which shows Lynn’s strength.

“Well, you both said so, and I don’t have much to say, so I’ll let you go today, and I’ll obey you later.”

“If you obey, my pirate regiment will have one acre and three points of land from you, and if you don’t obey, then don’t blame me for not being polite.”

Lynn gave a vicious warning.

Without warning these people, these people simply did not know how powerful he was.

Kaido and Big Mama had already agreed.

Lynn gently tossed the two aside.

Kaido and Big Mama returned to the ground, then quickly stepped back, pulling away from Lynn.

They were afraid that Lynn would suddenly move.

“Lynn, don’t say you’re getting stronger again.”

Kaido’s heart was shocked, more still sour.

The aunt did not speak, but the eyes were also very unhappy, why the gap between them was so large.

“Okay, to celebrate that I’m getting stronger again, let’s go out and have a good rest, and I’ll invite you to eat something good.”

Lynn also changed back into human form.

A group of people returned to the pirate ship and left the desert island.

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