“What a powerful force.”

Hawkeye Mihawk felt the faint pain in his arm, looked a little dignified, and had shock in his eyes.

Because Lynn’s power is too strong.

Lynn also saw Hawkeye Mihawk’s expression, and was quite proud inside.

When it comes to speed, Lynn is not too fast, but in terms of strength, he is definitely not bad.

So even Hawkeye Mihawk almost didn’t hold back.

“Boy, I’m still pretty strong in terms of strength, so you have to be careful.”

Lynn flicked her arm.

The blade rubbed against the air, erupting into a strong airflow.

Hawkeye’s pupils narrowed.

Sure enough, being able to dominate the world for so many years, Lynn’s strength is really strong, and the powerful is too perverted.

Just when Hawkeye Mihawk was surprised, Lynn raised her hand, and the demon knife village was slashing at Hawkeye Mihawk.

Hawkeye Mihawk reacted quickly, quickly took a step back, far away from Lynn, and then raised the black knife night and slashed out a knife hard.

A green sword qi burst out, instantly slicing through the ground.

With a sharp sword qi, it pounced on Lynn’s face.

Lynn picked it at will.

The tip of the Demon Sword Village’s sword touched the top of the sword qi.

The green sword qi instantly turned in a different direction, and then flew into the sky, disappearing without a trace.

Only a moment later, the sky seemed to be cut open, and a huge gully appeared, and it spread.

Many pirates have long been used to it, so they don’t care too much, after all, Lynn is also very powerful, often cutting the sky, cutting the sea.

Some pirates are even comparing.

“I don’t think the destructive power caused by this sword qi is as strong as our captain.”

“I feel the same way, a little bit of a gap, but not very big.”

Hawkeye Mihawk also heard the voices of the people nearby, and then remembered Lynn’s strength, and also determined Lynn’s strength.

Those who can become the kings of the new world are not ordinary people.

“Lynn, although you are very powerful, I will not admit defeat, I have long wanted to challenge you, and today is finally waiting for you.”

Hawkeye Mihawk’s eyes were filled with excitement.

For more than a decade, he wanted to challenge Lynn every day, but he never had a chance, and today he finally had a chance.

The heavens can see how he has lived for more than ten years.

Every day is a leisurely drink of red wine, when there is nothing to do, just cut a few pirates to pass the time.

This kind of day is really not a human life.

Lynn felt the excitement of Hawkeye Mihawk, quite calmly, slowly raised the demon knife Muramasa, and gently flicked the blade.

When Hawkeye Mihawk approached, the two engaged in a fierce confrontation in an instant.

The sound of metal colliding was constantly heard in the air, and there were shadows of swords and guns everywhere.

Sword rays looked around the two of them.

There are also crisscrossing ravines on the ground.

Many people in the vicinity ran far away, afraid of being affected by the battle between the two.

After fighting for a while, Lynn had gradually gained the upper hand.

In the end, although Hawkeye Mihawk’s swordplay is quite good, reaching the top of the world, it is not worse than Roger’s peak swordplay.

But in other respects, both in terms of physical fitness and domineering level, Hawkeye Mihawk is slightly better than Lynn.

Hawkeye Mihawk also felt the pressure, but did not care too much, still gritted his teeth and insisted, desperately swinging the knife, hoping to break through with the pressure of Lynn.

“It seems that this guy has lost, too, in the end, it is only a king under the Seven Martial Seas.”

Big Mom shook her head.

He had seen the result, and he still had some regrets in his heart, how he hoped that Hawkeye Mihawk would teach Lynn a lesson.

It turned out that Hawkeye Mihawk was so bad.

Kaido didn’t say much, the battle was already obvious, just to see how long Hawkeye Mihawk could hold out.

Unfortunately, Lynn didn’t want to fight anymore.

After all, Hawkeye Mihawk is quite powerful, and simple swordplay, even if it can defeat Hawkeye Mihawk, it will take a certain amount of time.

Lynn didn’t have much time.


With a sudden loud bang, Hawkeye Mihawk took two steps back, leaving two deep footprints.

Lynn opened her hand, her body covered with scales, and then quickly transformed into a black dragon form.

A black dragon the size of a hill appeared in front of Hawkeye Mihawk’s eyes.

Hawkeye Mihawk looked at the sudden appearance of the behemoth, and subconsciously swung the sword, which was a sharp sword qi, just hit Lynn’s scales.

Only a golden spark burst out, and Lynn still stood indifferently, nothing at all.

The moment the sword qi hit him, Lynn immediately raised a huge dragon claw and slapped it hard at Hawkeye Mihawk.

Hawkeye Mihawk’s face was green.

He wanted to duel Lynn’s swordplay, not Lynn’s Demon Fruit.

Such a huge black dragon form, and with super strong defense, how to fight is useless, it is a complete waste of time.

It simply couldn’t put a huge amount of pressure on him, let alone let him break through.

The main thing is that this seems to be a swordplay duel, and your sudden transformation into the form of a black dragon is really unreasonable.

Just as Hawkeye Mihawk was complaining in his heart, Lynn had already slapped it on Hawkeye’s body.

Hawkeye Mihawk flew out.

At the moment of flying out, Hawkeye Mihawk was frantically complaining inside.

After falling into the sea, Hawkeye Mihawk quickly stabilized his body, then looked up at the sky with an ugly expression.

“Wait, it’s too much, it’s obviously a swordplay duel, how can you use the Demon Fruit ability.”

Hawkeye Mihawk shouted hurriedly.

He just wanted Lynn to pay attention.

Unfortunately, Lynn just smiled, and the huge dragon claw slapped down again, completely ignoring Hawkeye Mihawk’s words.

If you want to do it, why be so wordy.

“Lynn, you are too much, do not talk about sword morality, the character of the swordsman is all corrupted by you, as a swordsman, you should use swordplay to duel.”

Hawkeye’s face was green, and some of them were morally corrupt.

He also plans to use Lynn’s strength to oppress his own swordplay to have a perfect duel and finally break through his limits.

As a result, Lynn actually did not talk about martial arts.

Lynn completely ignored Hawkeye Mihawk’s words, the attack became more and more fierce, and Hawkeye Mihawk could only quickly retreat backwards and reluctantly resist.

The battles are getting better and better.

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