After Lynn obtained the Draco Yarliya, he lived a happy life every day, quite joyful.

How to say that it is also a Draco, it must be very happy.

That is, Lynn’s strength is relatively strong, otherwise there are so many ladies, Lynn really can’t hold on.

Fortunately, because the strength is too strong, even if there are too many wives, Lynn can take care of anyone and ensure that these people are wet with rain and dew.

And just like that, the days passed.

Although Lynn’s life is very plain, there are always people who want to find Lynn in trouble.

For example, a Draco, who likes Yarlia very much, naturally does not want Yarliya to become Lynn’s person, every day in Lynn’s bed.

Although this Draco often went to Howard Saint, it was a pity that Howard Saint had already received pure gold and would not care about his daughter.

Helplessly, this Draco could only ask the Navy for help.

The naval headquarters, the Warring States They heard the orders of the Draco, and their hearts were quite unhappy, and they did not want to accept this task.

But there was no way, this was the order of the Draco, and even if they didn’t want to fight Lynn, they could only obey the order.

And the good villains are also arresting a person, and they can catch it secretly, as long as they don’t get discovered.

In the marshal’s office, Sengoku glanced at the people present, and the admirals were all here.

Sakarsky, Polusalino, Kuzan.

These three generals are all natural demon fruit abilities, and their strength is still quite strong.

They are the three strongest generals in the past, and in terms of strength, they are not worse than them.

It was also he who took a special fancy to three people.

“Now I’m going to give you a task to find a way to sneak into Lynn’s territory and bring back a woman.”

Sakarsky frowned slightly.

He was a spy planted by Lynn, and of course he was particularly concerned about Lynn’s affairs.

The other admirals frowned as well.

“Marshal of the Warring States, what kind of person Lynn is, we all know very well, and I don’t think the woman who caught him can threaten him.”

“Yes, such ambitious people, even women, are just satisfied with their own ideas, and it is absolutely impossible to compromise.”

None of these navies thought Lynn was a good man.

So I don’t think that by grabbing a person, you can threaten Lynn.

That is, Lynn is not here, otherwise he would be speechless if he knew that he was suspected by so many people.

“Rest assured, I’m not an idiot either, and naturally I know that I can’t threaten Lynn by not being able to catch a man.”

The Sengoku are also very clear.

Nor could he have gone to arrest Lynn because of this illusory hope.

If you offend Lynn, it will only cause greater disaster, and then it will be a peak war.

At least their navy couldn’t fight Lynn.

It just drove Lynn crazy.

“This time, just to catch a person, sneak up on it, and once caught, take it to the Holy Land of Mary Joa, and no one will find out.”

Sengoku took out a photo.

A few people took a closer look, the big beauty.

“I didn’t expect that there was such a big beauty as Zhan, but when I got to Lynn, I must have been eaten clean by Lynn.”

Karp had already recognized Lynn.

The others nodded as well, and they also believed that such a beautiful woman, in Lynn’s hands, had absolutely no purity.

“, am I asking you to discuss this kind of thing?” Hurry up, you guys go back and get ready and figure out how to bring this man back. ”

Sengoku black-faced, of course he knew Lynn’s character, but today was not the time to discuss the issue.

“No problem, if we just sneak up on someone, we can still do it.”

The navies nodded.

Indeed, it is still very easy to secretly catch a person.

Unfortunately, they didn’t know that there was a Lynn undercover in the Navy who already knew about this plan.

After the meeting, Sakarski quietly left, and when he returned to his home, Sakarsky called Lynn.


Lynn was just about to go to bed when she received a call from Sakarsky and was a little surprised to hear Sakarsky’s voice.

He also didn’t expect that a Draco would dare to do something to his wife, which was simply too arrogant.

“Sakarsky, you’re doing a great job, wait a minute, after a while, I’ll give you a chance to get a promotion and a raise.”

The smile on Lynn’s face was particularly bright.

Sure enough, the placement of Sakarsky to the Navy headquarters still had a lot of effect.

Otherwise he would not have known that the navy would do something to him, or rather, to his wife.

Sakarsky was also very happy and hung up the phone.

After Lynn hung up the phone, she looked down and thought, since the Navy is coming to arrest people, there is no way but to accompany the Navy to have a good time.

Although he didn’t pay much attention to Yarliya, he was also a beautiful girl, and it was impossible to be taken away by the Draco.

And after teaching the navy, Lynn was ready to teach the Draco.

Let this Draco know that not everyone can offend him Lynn at will.

“By the way, take a break now, and we’ll talk about it later, but Sakarsky is here anyway, and I’ll definitely catch these navies when the time comes.”

Lynn calmly lay down and rested.

The night went by.

For the next few days, Lynn didn’t let Kaido and them leave the base camp, after all, maybe one day, there would be a peak battle.

Little by little, time passed.

After some time, the Navy finally approached Lynn’s territory.

However, to prevent detection, the Navy did not take a warship, but an ordinary merchant ship, ready to sneak up on Lynn.

Participating in this battle were the three admirals of the Navy.

All of them came, and even Karp and the others were in the distance, just to prevent accidents, and finally had to fight with Lynn.

Unfortunately, they didn’t know that Lynn already knew about their plan and was already waiting at home.

That night, the Navy finally reached Dressrosa, then bypassed the defenses and quietly entered Lynn’s territory.

Sakarsky and Kuzan infiltrated from two separate locations.

Polusalino secretly responded.

As for Kapu, he also stood on the surface of the sea not far away, waiting, ready to move.

There aren’t too many people and it’s easy to spot.

Sakarsky quietly parted, then called Lynn.

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