“A billion bounty achievement package, it turns out that there is still this package, it seems that I made a mistake.”

Lynn was a little tearless to cry.

Knowing that there are billions of bounties and gift packs, he should have worked hard to get more bounties.

Roger in the original book, that’s billions.

It took him a lot of bags.

Lynn felt he had lost at least a few billion dollars.

But fortunately, I finally know that there will still be a gift package in the future, at most it will be delayed for a while.

“I’ll go get a break.”

Lynn made an excuse, turned and left.

The others looked at Lynn’s back as she left, a little confused in their hearts, and always felt that something was wrong with Lynn.

“You say, why does the captain like to be alone?”

One of the pirates couldn’t help asking.

Blackbeard thought for a moment, then nodded and said solemnly.

“It may be that the lady sometimes can’t eat when she is in the moon, so the captain often hides and solves the problem with his hands.”

The pirates almost laughed when they heard it.

Lynn’s face instantly darkened.

In an instant, he appeared next to Blackbeard and grabbed Blackbeard and the shoulder of the pirate next to him.

Both men’s bodies trembled at the same time.

“Captain, we’re kidding.”

“Yes, Captain, I am complimenting you for being so good, and you must believe me.”

Lynn grabbed the two of them, jumped into mid-air, and then turned into the form of a black dragon, circled the sky a few times, and rushed into the sea.

Half an hour later, Lynn threw the dizzy two on the ground and went back to his room.

“System, open the package for me now.”

Lynn said somewhat impatiently.

He wanted to know what the package was now.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host, successfully obtained pure gold manufacturing technology.”

Lynn was stunned.

Pure gold manufacturing technology.

This technology came a little too late, he had searched the whole new world in order to find this pure gold.

It’s been a tough time.

Now well, the system directly gives away this technology.

But if you think about it, this technology is also very good, Draco people want pure gold, he has the technology to make pure gold, Draco people have to give him face.

Then he will be the real black and white.

“System, immediately extract this technology.”

As soon as the words fell, a great deal of knowledge entered Lynn’s mind.

Lynn quickly learned the technique.

Including how to use it, you can know.

“Come on, prepare some research equipment for me now, and in addition, everything I want, prepare for me.”

Lynn immediately shouted.

The pirates naturally began to prepare.

Although it is not clear what use Lynn wants these, but the matter between the big guys, they are not good at interfering.

It wasn’t long before everything was ready and it was time for Lynn to start her own pure gold research.

While Lynn was studying, Kaido and the others were all gathered outside, looking at Lynn’s lab with a confused look.

“What do you say, Lynn is studying?”

“I don’t know, it certainly can’t be successful anyway.”

Kaido had already seen through Lynn.

The strength is a little stronger, and the swordplay is also very strong, but it is basically impossible to study anything.

The others nodded their heads in agreement.

None of them recognized Lynn.

Inside the room, Lynn didn’t think about it that much, focusing on making pure gold.

As long as she can successfully produce pure gold, her wife can guarantee immortality in the future.

Especially when I think of Lieutenant General Crane, his figure is particularly beautiful, his length is also very beautiful, and he has maintained a mature charm for so many years.

In the future, his women can remain beautiful.

Hey hey hey…

Lynn laughed secretly, not noticing that something was wrong with the experiment, and then the lab exploded directly.

That’s right, it was an explosion.

If it weren’t for Lynn’s relatively strong strength and domineering body, he would have been injured long ago.

Outside, Kaido was just about to drink when he heard an explosion inside and subconsciously stopped.

The other pirates also looked at each other.

“Sure enough, the captain wouldn’t study it at all.”

“Forget it, there’s no need to look at it here, I guess there won’t be anything good.”

The pirates turned and left.

Even Kaido couldn’t help but shake his head.

He actually had a glimmer of expectation for Lynn in his heart, which was really too fake.

At the gate, Lynn listened to several people, pushed open the already loose door, and then stared at the people present with black lines.

“You are also too arrogant to dare to talk to me like this, believe it or not I will destroy you in minutes.”


A group of pirates run fast, fearing that they will be caught by Lynn and then, like Blackbeard, be beaten up by a harsh lesson.

As for the others, they run quite fast.

Kaido, for example, doesn’t want to fight with Lynn, although he has reached his peak, but Lynn’s majesty is too great.

For so many years, there has been a psychological shadow on Lynn.

“Cut, when I succeed in making pure gold, you will definitely ask for me, and when the time comes, hahaha…”

Lynn laughed triumphantly.

He could already think of using pure gold to hook up with black and white.

Many people will admire him at that time.

Lynn returned to the lab and began to experiment again, thankfully with more than one device.

After more than half a month, Lynn finally succeeded in making a pure gold.

A gold ring.

Lynn put the ring on her hand and then looked at the system panel again.

Sure enough, on the system panel, it is displayed that the cells have stopped aging, which means that pure gold has been successfully manufactured.

“It was fantastic, it finally worked.”

Lynn jumped up in excitement.

He had already decided to give this pure gold to the Heavenly Moon.

The last pure gold was given to Lieutenant General Crane, and this time it must be given to at least when it is given to Tianyue, so that it can be regarded as worthy of Tianyue.


Lynn happily put away the pure gold, then turned and ran out of the room, bouncing and jumping through the streets.

Kaido and Mitsuki Mikuta catch a whole bunch of pirates, drink in a bar, and see Lynn not far away, cold sweat on his forehead.

“What a poor Lynn, must have failed, so go crazy.”

“That’s right, it’s pathetic, go find Lynn some beautiful women and comfort him.”

The only person who can say what to look for a beautiful woman is Mitsuki Mita.

“Then go and find a beautiful woman to comfort Lynn.”

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