In the end, Lynn did not do anything to Lieutenant General Crane, but took Lieutenant General Crane back to his base camp.

On the other hand, although the Navy also wants to save Lieutenant General Crane, Kapu and Sengoku all know that only the two of them cannot save Lieutenant General Tsuru.

They could only inform the naval headquarters and ask the navy to send someone to find Lynn and prepare to redeem Vice Admiral Tsuru.

They had not yet reached Dressrosa, and Lynn had already returned with Lieutenant General Crane.

Kaido and Mitsuki Oda had been waiting for a long time.

Looking at the captured Vice Admiral Tsuru, Kaido and Mitsuki Oda were quite surprised, not expecting Lynn to be so powerful that he could actually capture a navy.

But why such a beautiful navy.

Mitsuki Mita looked at Lynn suspiciously, but soon, Mitsuki Mita’s attention was on Lieutenant General Tsuru.

Because although Lieutenant General Crane was a little older than them, he still looked very beautiful and had a very good figure.

Lieutenant General Tsuru noticed the look in Mitsuki’s eyes and felt a little frightened in his heart, and subconsciously took a step back, afraid of what Mitsuki Mitsuki would do.


Lynn slapped Mitsuki on the back of the head.

“You look at you, you’ve already scared my guests, don’t you know how terrible you look?”

Mitsuki Mita was slapped, and instead of getting angry, he touched his chin and didn’t know where to take out a mirror.

“I don’t think so, I’m pretty handsome, it shouldn’t be so scary.”

“No, you don’t look terrible, it’s just a little too obscene, you look at you like this, quite obscene, normal girls are afraid.” 」

Kaido said something next to him.

Mitsuki Mita’s face turned black, was he really so obscene?

Looking at the Lieutenant General Crane next to him, he actually nodded subconsciously, and Mitsuki Mita’s face was even more ugly.

Even beautiful girls think so.

No wonder so many girls love Lynn.

“Okay, you can go down and find some other women.”

Lynn sent everyone else away, then went to some of the housemaids and said something in their ear.

Several of the maids had strange expressions, but did not dare to say anything more, nodded, and then turned and left.

A few minutes later, Lynn walked into the room again, looking at Lieutenant General Crane with some disbelief.

Lieutenant General Crane also blushed, feeling particularly ashamed, as if his dignity had been trampled on.

“I didn’t see it, but you are also a navy, and you are quite old, and you are still a pure girl.”

Lynn really didn’t think of that.

He also thought that Lieutenant General Crane was already married, for example, Kapu and Sengoku were married, but he did not expect that Lieutenant General Crane was not yet.

“Well, it’s not me talking about you, you’re older, and it’s time to think about your future.”

“You don’t need to take care of this kind of thing.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru couldn’t control his emotions and roared out loudly.

It was a shame that she didn’t expect Lynn to do that.

In particular, Lynn’s words ignited the flame in the heart of General Crane, causing Lieutenant General Crane to completely explode.

“Well, I’m not going to say it, then you can prepare for it, and in a few days, it’s our two important days.”

Lynn turned and was ready to leave.

Lieutenant General Tsuru was still about to say something, but suddenly paused, and some of them could not react.

What is called the important day of the two people.

“What did you mean by that?”

Lynn stopped and looked at Lieutenant General Crane with a smile on his face, and this smile looked at Lieutenant General Crane with some fear in his heart.

She always felt a sense of uneasiness.

“Forgot to tell you, I have decided to let you be my first concubine and have a wedding in three days.”

Lynn originally planned to tease Lieutenant General Crane, but he didn’t expect that Lieutenant General Crane was actually a pure girl.

Since this is the case, there is no way but to take good care of Lieutenant General Crane and marry her home.

Originally, it was planned to marry Tianyue, a small wedding, and there were not too many people, but I did not expect that Lieutenant General Crane also came to the door.

Coupled with the fact that he himself is a very normal man, he will naturally like beautiful women, and Lieutenant General Tsuru is so beautiful that he cannot miss it.

If a crosser doesn’t look up to beautiful women, that’s not an abnormal man.

“No kidding, I would never agree, just give me a dead heart.”

Lieutenant General Crane ran towards Lynn like this, but before he could get closer, he was pushed down by Lynn.

“Don’t worry, one day, you’ll be my man.”

With that, Lynn left.

Lieutenant General Crane sat on the ground in some despair, and suddenly a lot of maids stood nearby, standing next to Lieutenant General Crane, to prevent Lieutenant General Crane from doing something out of the ordinary.

Let’s say you want to commit suicide or something.

After Lynn left, he went to look for Tianyue, and he also had to find a way to get Tianyueshi out of the way, so as not to get angry when Tianyue was there.

However, it is clear that as an orthodox Yamato Fumiko, Tianyue is obviously not angry, and even feels very happy.

Only excellent men can have so many beautiful women.

Lynn is a good person.

In the face of such a generous Tianyue, Lynn didn’t know what to say, and could only tightly pull Tianyueshi and take Tianyueshi into his arms.

“You’re so nice, in this life, I will never be separated from you.”

Tianyue’s heart was also full of warm currents, and he leaned shyly close to Lynn and grabbed it with both hands.

“No, this sentence should be my saying that it is the greatest honor of my life to be able to know you.”

Two people are so happy to lean together.

Three days later, the wedding finally began.

The wedding was particularly unpretentious, there were not too many people, only the people of their own pirate group, and there was no one else else.

During the wedding, Mitsuki Mita looked at the two brides in front of him, and his heart was particularly envious, and he suddenly felt that the wine had no taste.

“Well, don’t be envious, this matter has nothing to do with you, if you like, I can send you a few.”

Kaido gulped down meat, drank heavily, and didn’t care about the married Lynn at all.

Women only affect the speed at which he swings his wand.

Instead of finding a woman, eat more, drink more, and if you have time, go out on a trip and provoke the Navy.

It’s better than finding a woman.

Mitsuki Oda didn’t say anything more, and as for the girl introduced by Kaido, she really didn’t believe Kaido’s eyes.

Who knows what kind of person Kaido will introduce.

(Kneel down and beg everyone for the support of the flower evaluation vote.) )

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