On the vast sea, naval warships are chopping through the waves.

At the bow of the warship, Kapu and Sengoku held their chests with both hands, and although they looked calm on the surface, they were not at all calm on the inside.

After all, they were escorting the text of history this time.

With what the two of them knew, there were many people in the New World who were interested in the body of history.

Roger, the top sea thief, and Lynn.

Everyone is investigating the whereabouts of the historical text.

Neither of these two sides is easy to deal with.

They just want to be a little smoother this time, preferably without any hassle.

Suddenly, Kapu and Sengoku looked up into the distance at the same time, their expressions slightly embarrassed.

Only to see a pirate ship in front of them, blocking their way.

“Roger, damn, how is this bastard.”

Sengoku couldn’t help but scold.

The most feared thing is that these top sea thieves do not want them to come, they are going to appear.

He had already anticipated that it would be another hard battle.

“Well, Warring States, there is no need to dwell so much, this battle, after all, is still unavoidable, let’s fight.”

Karp stripped off his coat and was slightly excited.

He has long wanted to take down Roger, has not had a chance, today Roger took the initiative to send the door, then can not give up.

“Well, there can only be one fight.”

The Warring States also faded the cloak of justice, and with a slight loss, the cloak of justice was thrown aside, and with the wind blew, it flew to the sea.

“Let’s do it.”

Karp rolled up his sleeves and was ready to go.

“Reilly, it’s time to go.”

Roger saw the movements of the two men, did not think much, immediately took out his weapons, and prepared to fight.

A great war broke out completely.


The Great War lasted day and night.

Roger’s Pirates and the Navy fought for a long time, regardless of victory or defeat, and neither of them could help the other.

After a long time, I was a little impatient.

For example, the navy is very worried about encountering danger, after all, this is the new world, the paradise of pirates.

In case he encounters a sea thief, he may help Roger, and then it will be finished.

“Karp, you have to find a way to retreat, there is no need to entangle with these pirates.”

Sengoku suddenly shouted, and a big Buddha shock wave in his hand rushed towards Reilly.

Reilly quickly flashed to the side.

Roger took the opportunity to take a step forward and tried to sneak into the Warring States, but was stopped by Karp.

All four are people who stand at the top of the world, and it is still difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat in a short period of time.

“Roger, your opponent is me, don’t think about sneaking up on others.”

Cap looked at Roger, more and more excited.

Roger has a headache, the most feared thing in this life is Kapu, too crazy, as if there is some deep hatred with you.

At this time, there must be a fight.

The two sides once again clashed fiercely, and the battle was fierce for a long time.

“Ah He, you first retreat with the historical text, and here we will leave it to you.”

Sengoku suddenly shouted.

“Got it.”

Lieutenant General Crane did not hesitate and immediately turned and retreated.

Both Roger and Reilly were in a bit of a hurry and wanted to follow behind, but with Sengoku and Capuchin in the way, they couldn’t catch up with Lieutenant General Crane.

“Reilly, you have to stop her from leaving, or it will be more difficult later.” Roger’s face was gloomy.

Reilly nodded as well.

Once the world government gets the historical text, and then wants to steal it, you can only go to the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

But is that place where people can go?

Even if you go, you may not be able to find it.

“Keep moving.”

Roger’s attack became more intense.

At the same time, on the other side, a huge black shadow was rapidly parading on the bottom of the sea.

If someone is at the bottom of the sea, you can definitely find that there is a huge black dragon flying on the bottom of the sea.

That’s right, this huge black dragon, of course, is Lynn.

Lynn had already observed the two men fighting a long time ago, deliberately taking a detour and passing by the bottom of the sea.

He believed that the people who were fighting fiercely should not be able to find him, and then he could sneak attack.

And it is, whether it’s Sengoku or Karp, or Roger and Reilly.

They all focused on each other and didn’t notice Lynn at the bottom of the sea at all.

As soon as Lynn accelerated, he came to the bottom of Lieutenant General Crane’s boat, and then without hesitation, immediately sprinted upwards.

Even under the seabed, there was a lot of seawater resistance, but Lynn was still very fast.

But in the blink of an eye, Lynn rushed to the surface of the sea, and his huge body blocked the front of Lieutenant General Crane’s warship.

Lieutenant General Crane looked at the familiar figure in front of him, and his eyes were full of surprise, but more than that, he was still frightened.

Although her strength is very strong, even if she is a major admiral, she can compete with it, but it does not mean that she can fight Lynn.

Especially Lynn, a pirate who stands at the top of the world, Lieutenant General Crane is not at all sure, not to mention that both Kapu and Sengoku are dragged down.

In the distance, Kapu and Sengoku also noticed, and their faces changed instantly, no wonder they felt a sense of uneasiness before, but they didn’t expect it to be Lynn.

Roger and Reilly were particularly happy.

Instead of being taken away by the Navy, it would be better to be taken away by Lynn, at least when the time comes, even if it costs some price.

“Hands on.”

Lieutenant General Crane immediately moved his hands, jumped into the air, and kicked the fragrant foot hard, which was a sharp chopping wave.

The chopping wave instantly broke through the space, and with a lightning speed, it flew to Lynn’s front and hit the scales on Lynn’s body head-on.


But even if Lieutenant General Crane’s chopping wave was so sharp that it could split mountains and break rocks, it still couldn’t help Lynn.

It just struck a golden spark on Lynn’s body, and beyond that, it was a white mark.

Crane shrank his pupils, not expecting Lynn to be so strong and so defensive power.

His all-out blow was not injured.

Lynn sneered.

His Demon Fruit has been strengthened and awakened, with super defensive powers.

Although I don’t know if it can match the Kaido at its peak, at least it is not something that ordinary people can cut.


As soon as Lynn grabbed the entire warship, with a strong pull, he pulled the warship to pieces, and the historical text inside fell towards the sea.

Even Lieutenant General Tsuru did not react and fell towards the sea as well.

“Roger, the rest is up to you.”

Lynn grabbed the history text in one hand and the Lieutenant General Crane in the other, flapping his wings and flying high, and soon flew into the blue sky, disappearing without a trace.

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