Yechen left the Hokage Building after returning the Sealed Book to the Third Hokage. It always felt weird to stay with a kind-looking guy like Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It cannot be ruled out that Sarutobi Hiruzen's strength is unfathomable, and he also masters various secret and forbidden techniques!

Yechen's own strength is not weaker than any shadow-level strongman, but he will not fight casually because it makes no sense.

Judging from the urinary properties of the system, the probability of generating pirate treasure chests seems to be decreasing now.

At the beginning, various divine equipments were given out at the start, but later on when the Ninja World battlefield was reached, many good things were also revealed in the early stage.

But as his strength rapidly increases, the chance of exploding the treasure box decreases.

Ye Chen guessed that only after experiencing a real life and death battle and triggering the system would a god-level treasure chest be born.

But today's Yechen is not so dependent on the pirate system!

As expected, Gravity is the Great Buddha of Fruit, and the Burning Fruit is enough to last him a lifetime, coupled with the three-color domineering energy and the forbidden technique of the Sealing Book that is remembered in his mind!

With these, Yechen can stand at the top of the ninja world even in the late stage!

If you master the Blood Succession Snare and the Six Paths Immortal Technique again, you won't be afraid of anyone.

After leaving the Hokage Building, Yechen did not go home. The street he was on was the most prosperous area of ​​Konoha, in the center, with busy traffic and people coming and going.

On the street, Ye Chen unexpectedly met an acquaintance.

I saw Konoha's blue beast Matt Dai, whom I hadn't seen for a long time, carrying a basket and seemed to be shopping for groceries on the street. This was so rare that Ye Chen was a little surprised.

Matt Dai is a cultivator. It's normal to do crazy tasks or exercise like crazy, but running out to buy groceries seems a bit strange.

He was wearing a green tight-fitting sportswear, with a black weibo around his neck, thick eyebrows, and a gaping mouth from time to time, with flashing teeth.

Ye Chen subconsciously released his domineering perception. In his perception, Matt Dai's aura was much stronger than three years ago. The blood in his body was surging, and the blood flowed very fast, like spring water.

If the Eight Gate Dunjia were to explode once it was activated, it would probably turn into a huge red furnace immediately, which would be terrifying.

Because of Konoha's attention and the jounin's subsidies, Matt Dai's life is much better, and he also has enough nutrition to supplement his body's consumption. His physical fitness has been greatly developed, and he is stronger than the original.

Matt Dai's perception is not weak, and through training, his five senses are sharper than ordinary people.

When he saw Ye Chen, his eyes suddenly straightened, with various expressions of disbelief and confusion.

After all, it had been three years, and Matt Dai could not confirm that it was Ye Chen standing not far from him.

The last time we were together, we went through a mission that was apparently C-level but was actually A-level!

A smile appeared on Yechen's face:"Dai, long time no see."

"every night……"Matt Dai was about to say the name that now made many people in Konoha crazy.

Yechen winked at Matt Dai, and Matt Dai immediately understood and showed a clear look.

Even though he looks silly, he is like a mirror in his heart.

Yechen's return at this time must be done in secret, otherwise there will definitely be news from Konoha

"It’s great to see you, my youth is back!"Matthew opened his arms and was about to hug.

But when he found the vegetable basket in his hand, he looked embarrassed.

"Why did you run out to buy groceries?"Ye Chen asked.

It's really rare for this cultivator who cherishes time so much to walk around the market like a housewife.


Matt Dai showed an inexplicable smile, and then suddenly pulled Yechen and said:

"Come on, come on, I’m treating you today, come to my house."

Ye Chen instinctively wanted to refuse, but seeing Matt Dai's kindness, he couldn't resist. At the same time, Ye Chen was also a little curious about what was going on. Who has such great ability to subdue Matt Dai, the unique beast in Konoha? Just be obedient. He is a virtuous husband.

So he followed Matt Dai to his home. In fact, on the way, an idea flashed in Yechen's mind and he already had a guess.

But after arriving at Matt Dai's house, the guess became a reality..

Matt Dai’s home is not big, but it is an independent house with a courtyard.

In the courtyard, he was right. Matt Dai’s son has been born, which is Matt Kai, Xiao Li’s teacher in the original work. , opened the Eight Gate Dungeon Formation, and defeated Akai, who defeated Six Paths Madara! He became a god in one battle, thus truly promoting the Eight Gates Dungeon and making him famous in the ninja world.

But now he is just a little baby, he looks about three years old.

What makes Ye Chen feel helpless to complain is that the little baby actually has thick eyebrows, extremely wide eyes, and a pacifier in its mouth. It's amazing!! Regardless of whether it makes sense or not, you can recognize it as Akai at a glance. Or Little Lee Rock, how painful it is. There is no need to do a paternity test. You can tell at a glance that it is not the old Wang next door!

Matt Dai's look is obviously extremely happy. After taking Chen Ye home, he It felt a bit like showing off.

It was indeed a bit silly to show off, but after all, he was the future Emperor Kai, and he was indeed uniquely gifted.

In the end, he even blinked and asked Yechen and Kushina in a strange tone. Condition

"Every morning when I run around the Konoha ninja village to train, I see Kushina heading towards you." Matt Dai said.

Ye Chen was speechless about this. After all, he is a man with a baby. He has become a mother-in-law and started gossiping.

"If it's mine, just leave it alone, Dai?"

Ye Chen was walking in the courtyard and saw the three-year-old Matkai wearing the unique green children's training clothes. He stood upside down to urinate from time to time. He couldn't help but cover his face.

But looking at Matkai's proud and joyful look, he couldn't help but say:

"This child is full of heaven and has amazing bones. He is a good material for practicing physical skills.

In the future, he will definitely grow into an outstanding ninja and even make his name known throughout the world."

It looks like a blessing, but in fact it is not a blessing, but it is saying something that should have happened. Akai's name has indeed resounded throughout the world. The

Eight Gate Dunjia Formation, one kick almost kicked out the big man. The ending!

The end of the entire Naruto world!

It can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented!

Of course, this also requires the help of his companions. Without the cooperation of his companions, even if the eighth door of death is opened, Kai will not be able to achieve such great achievements.

"Yes, my child will definitely become such a ninja. Maybe he will be even better than you in the future."Maitedai ​​was so confident that he looked at his son jumping around in the courtyard.

Ye Chen didn't refute these words!

Even after having opened the Eight Gate Armor Formation, Ye Chen didn't want to meet such an opponent.


I don’t know what’s going on, but the book doesn’t show updates these days. The background says I’ve stopped updating. If anyone sees it, please leave a message in the comment area.

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