Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 604 The Law of the Creation and Death of Elements

Levi returned to Maple Leaf City from the Kingdom of the Goddess of Magic.

The goddess of magic hopes that he can enter the magic network to find the will of the sky world.

Gather the power of the entire world to defy the gods.

And told him how to contact the world's will through the magic network.

After returning to Maple Leaf City.

But he was in no hurry to do it.

Although the crisis of world destruction was imminent, Levi still had time to go shopping with Gu Sewei.

He even took the initiative to invite Reina to go with him.

Under the gaze of the gods, Li Wei's actions were invisible.

He promised the goddess of magic to find the will of the world and the only hope left in the world.

Li Wei has yet to leave.

Sun core.

Rose was silent.

Twelve colors of divine fire burned slowly on the surface of the law spider silk.

As the power of the divine fire continued to increase, Rose could no longer hold on.

Suddenly, two spatial cracks appeared in the void.

Rose sensed something and slowly opened her eyes.

The pupil of divine power penetrated the sun and saw the scene outside.

The two gods from the underground world appeared in the star world, looking at the huge colorful sun not far away, showing longing.

The sun in front of us that can produce divine power makes all the gods eager to possess it.

However, they did not come here to get this magical sun.

They are to destroy the divine sun.

The gods gave them a promise that as long as they could destroy the colorful sun of divine power in the star realm, they would be allowed to enter the gods' systems and become members of the gods.

The two gods mobilized the power of their own laws to attack the huge sun.

The shock wave tore through the starry sky, enveloped the surface of the sun, and tore apart the surface of the sun.

Countless molten lava spewed out along with the torn surface, flying out of the sun's gravitational circle.

This is the power from the law of shock.

The whole starry sky was shaking.

The shadow behind the other god continued to expand, spreading to cover the entire starry sky, as if it had turned into a huge monster, trying to swallow the entire divine sun.

The broken pieces of the sun flew into the giant shadow monster and disappeared.

Shadows lead to the plane of shadow.

That's another world.

A desolate world full of darkness and silence.

Even the sun will be eroded and extinguished by the shadows there.

The first time the sun was attacked, Li Wei had already noticed the appearance of the two gods.

He looked at Rose and asked, "Did you call me here?"

Rose denied: "No."

"Let me out, and I'll help you deal with them. You alone are no match for them." Rose said quickly.

Levi ignored Rose.

The two gods also seemed to know very well how powerful Levi was in the sun.

They have no intention of getting close to the sun.

Across a long distance, rely on the ability of the law to carry out long-distance attacks on the sun.

The sun is about to fall apart under the influence of the Law of Oscillation.

The shattered sun fragments were swallowed up by the shadow plane and turned into silent dust.

Looking from a distant planet, an astonishing scene of Tengu eclipsing the sun appeared in the sky.

The sun is going to be eaten.

"What a troublesome ability."

Levi tried his best to stop the sun from breaking apart.

Use the law of power to resist the shock waves caused by the law of shock.

But there is nothing to stop the Shadow Plane from swallowing the sun's light and heat.

This is power from a plane.

It does not belong to that god, he just borrowed this powerful power of the world.

In a daze, Levi also understood why the goddess of magic thought that as long as she gathered the power of the entire world, she could fight against the gods.

The power of a world is indeed immense.

Otherwise, the gods would not go to great lengths to seize the power of the world and eat away at the power of the world bit by bit.

Levi was also unable to resist the erosion from the shadow plane.

If it was a stalemate, he could continue to persist for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Even the two gods from the underworld could not completely swallow his sun.

The sky world is in danger.

Who knows whether the Sky World will still exist thousands of years from now?

Maybe, this is the result the gods want.

Levi had an extremely secret communication with the goddess of magic.

It is related to whether the sky world can really be controlled by the gods.

He can't be trapped and die here.

Levi chose another path - to blow up the sun.

The law of force acts within the sun, constantly increasing the sun's internal gravity.

Gravity comes from mass.

Generally the greater the mass, the greater the gravitational force.

Under the action of the law of force, the mass of the sun has not changed, but the gravity has continued to increase.

Until the gravitational force inside the sun exceeds the gravitational limit that the sun's material can support.

The entire sun collapsed inwards.

Rose felt like everything around her was being squeezed in.

She realized something was wrong.

"What are you doing?"

"Let me out of here!"

Rose's face changed drastically and she shouted in horror.

The sun was undergoing changes that even she was unaware of.

Rose felt a huge crisis, a life and death crisis.

The changes about to take place in the sun are enough to create the power to destroy the gods.

In the star realm, the two gods looked at the rapidly shrinking sun, showing surprise.

"How is this going?"

"What happened?"

The scene in front of them was beyond their understanding.

Humanity has been observing the starry sky for a long time, and has witnessed the death process of the sun through various astronomical instruments and mathematical theories.

Gods who live for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years.

In the life course of a star, which can take billions to tens of billions of years, it also appears to be as short-lived as floating between life and death.

It seems that the gods like to look down at the world and do not want to look up at the stars.

It is even more difficult to witness the death of a sun after tens of billions of years.

What will the sun become after it dies?

The first process experienced is the collapse of matter.

The density of the sun grows extremely fast, and the collapsed material undergoes a violent fusion reaction, and the material is converted into energy and pours out.

The scene of the explosion, observed from a distant planet, is a magnificent and gorgeous supernova explosion.

For all life within the supernova explosion range.

Even if it is a god, the scene in front of him has nothing to do with any grandeur.

For them it is the color of death.

Gods who have never seen a supernova explode have witnessed the entire process from the collapse of the sun to the supernova explosion at close range.

Just as they wished.

The sun was destroyed.

However, the sun was not destroyed by them.

Levi took the initiative to destroy the sun.

Burning everything in the sun, the last and most dazzling brilliance burst out and left in the world.

The two gods turned and ran away as soon as they sensed the danger of death.

However, supernovae explode too quickly.

Almost instantly, the figures of the two gods disappeared into the brilliance of the magnificent supernova explosion.

Li Wei once imagined that detonating a solar energy could not destroy a kingdom of God.

Now, he knows the answer.

If it were a divine kingdom like the Golden Fields, detonating a sun could easily destroy it tens of thousands of times.

This is a power that the gods fear.

In Maple Leaf City, the sun had just set and the sky was getting dark.

People light up lights and prepare to enter the night.

Suddenly, a light appeared in the sky, and the light illuminated the entire sky.

Dispels the darkness and becomes brighter than the day.

No one could raise their head and look directly at the light from the sky.

When people leave the house, they feel the extremely hot light burning their bodies.

Everyone is hiding inside the house.

The defensive array of the mage tower was activated to resist the strong light coming from outside.

Levi stood on the edge of the balcony and looked towards the sky.

That's the direction of the sun that just exploded.

The direction of the supernova explosion.

Gu Sewei put her right hand in front of her eyebrows, walked behind Levi with squinted eyes, and asked in surprise: "What happened? What's going on?"

The sky outside was blindingly white.

There were no clouds or sun in sight, and when I looked up, there was only endless white light.

After looking at it for a long time, even professionals' eyes will feel extremely stinging, and they may even become temporarily blind.

Levi hugged Gu Sewei's shoulders and asked her to turn around and walk towards the room.

"It's nothing, it's just that there were some accidents. Unexpectedly, the sun was a little close to the sky world, which caused a slight impact."

Gu Sewei couldn't quite understand what Levi was saying.

However, since Levi said there was nothing wrong, there was no need to worry about it.

The dazzling white light that enveloped the sky world lasted for a month.

This month, most areas of the Sky World have been under daylight.

Many races invaded from other worlds find it difficult to endure the month-long glare of the light.

In many places, the originally precarious defense lines were inexplicably held.

Especially invaders from the underworld and the dark world.

When the strong light breaks out, it is simply a matter of running away without any armor.

A month later, Levi in ​​the star realm found a way to stop some of the rays shooting towards the sky world.

For all the energy contained in a supernova explosion, that may not even be one part per billion.

"You are a madman!"

Rose stood on Levi's shoulder and cursed.

Her size has shrunk a lot.

Only less than the size of a palm.

Levi said calmly: "If you survive, you are lucky. Don't look for trouble, or I will slap you to death."

Rose was silent.

In order to survive, Rose made extremely heavy sacrifices.

She is no longer a god.

The godhead has been given to Li Wei.

The divine body is also gone.

The current body is an ordinary spider body shaped by Levi using the power of nature.

All Rose retains is her sense of self.

All power has been lost.

Levi was willing to keep her life because Rose made a proposal that made his heart beat.

Two meteors flew upstream, heading towards the source of the supernova explosion.

Those are two gods.

Li Wei grabbed the two gods, and thirteen colors of divine fire burned in his palms.

The thirteenth color is Rose's purple.

He squeezed hard, and the two gods were shattered, burning rapidly in the divine fire and turning into nothingness.

He controls the two laws and powers of the underground world.

The divine fire also emerges in the fourteenth and fifteenth colors.

Li Wei chose to burn everything and strive for sublimation on the road to becoming a god.

His divine fire was conceived with faith and has the power to burn everything.

This is also the reason why Levi can use stars as fuel and burn them into divine power.

Spirits and gods are also fuel.

Levi can also burn the world into divine power like the gods.

However, he has better fuel than burning the world.

After a supernova explosion.

Levi understood the law of creation and death of elements in the midst of extreme destruction.

To be precise, he should have understood the law of elemental destruction.

He has not yet understood the law of elemental creation.

However, as long as the comprehension progress bar is turned on.

For Levi, it is only a matter of time before he understands the true law of birth and death of elements.

[Law of birth and death of elements (elementary)] 5000/10000

The sun has completely exploded into a supernova.

This outbreak process will continue for a long time.

Eventually, the sun will form a neutron star less than ten kilometers in diameter, floating in the silent void.

Become the Grim Reaper in the Dark.

Any object that comes close to a neutron star will be torn apart by its powerful gravity.

If the mass of this sun could be twenty times greater.

It will eventually become an all-consuming black hole.

Levi was fortunate that after the sun was detonated, it would not eventually evolve into a black hole.

Otherwise, the not-so-distant sky world, even if it escapes the claws of the gods, will be swallowed by a black hole in the future.

Levi left the still-exploding supernova.

To find a new sun.

Levi stretched out his fingers to open a crack in space and opened a space passage.

Said to Rose: "The time has come to fulfill your promise."

Rose resisted: "You have taken away all my power, how can I do what I promised you?"

Levi said: "That's your business, I don't care."

He threw Rose into the space channel and teleported to the nearest star.

The divine fire ignites the star and transforms into a steady stream of divine power.

In order to detonate the sun, Levi had just exhausted 90% of his divine power.

He looked for a star to regain his divine power.

Be prepared for what comes next.

Next it takes a lot of divine power to achieve his goal.

Divine power is the force that drives laws and changes the rules of the world.

If you want to change the underlying rules of the world, you will need extremely huge divine power to fight against the original rules and order of the world.

This is the power that changes the world.

What Levi is about to do is no less than changing the world.

Before that, he must first understand the complete law of the birth and death of elements.

Levi was silent in the depths of the sun, accumulating divine power and comprehending the laws.

In the sky world.

The month-long twilight finally ended.

People rushed out of their houses in excitement, singing and dancing loudly to celebrate the passing of the disaster.

Levi stood on the balcony of the mage tower, overlooking the singing and dancing residents of Maple Leaf City.

It's not too late to be happy now.

In the future, there will be no chance to be so happy again.

He actually had hidden doubts about the Magic Goddess's plan.

I am not 100% sure that the plan will work.

"It's time to set out to find the will of the world in the magic network."

Levi told Gu Sewei that he was going to sneak into the magic network.

After entering the magic network, he may not have the energy to pay attention to the outside world.

Gu Sewei was a little surprised, not understanding that Levi had become a demigod, possessing power comparable to that of a god.

Why still enter the magic network?

Isn't the Magic Network an external object that only weak mages have to rely on?

Although she doesn't understand, she fully supports whatever Levi does.

"Don't worry, I will always wait for you to come back."

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