Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 53 Dreams of Many People

Entering a dream in the wild, Levi still appears in the bedroom.

This is his dream anchor.

His subconscious reminded him that he could change the position of the anchor point in his dream.

Levi did not choose to change the dream anchor.

Checking the things on his body, he found that the invisibility cloak and staff were all brought into the dream, but they were just in shape.

If Levi wants it, he can look like anything.

Pushing open the door, there was fog and chaos outside.

When you walk out of the room, there is only a portal standing in the mist behind you.

A road appeared beneath Levi's feet, flanked on both sides by an unknown land shrouded in mist.

He knew that the road under his feet led to the nearest dream.

Levi walked forward, and after walking for a while, he saw a huge dream bubble.

This was the biggest dream he had ever seen.

"Whose dream will it be this time?"

Levi walked into the dream with great expectations.

Passing through the edge of the dream bubble, the fog in his vision disappeared, and he walked into a forest.

Use the power of dreams to activate the effect of the invisibility cloak.

He disappeared into the woods.

After walking through the woods and seeing the scene ahead, Levi froze on the spot.

"Is this a dream or reality?"

What appeared in front of him turned out to be the camp where everyone was stationed.

Several bonfires were burning in the camp, and several groups of soldiers were patrolling outside.

The earth-walking beast lies on the ground sleeping.

Everything is just like the real thing.

"Is this true or false?"

Levi was almost confused by the scene in front of him.

He shook his head and planned to go to where he slept to take a look.

When he walked to an earth beast and saw no trace of himself, Levi was convinced that what he saw in front of him was just a dream.

In addition, he also found that the number of people in the dream was wrong.

There are far fewer people than there are in reality.

Levi guessed that those people might not have slept yet.

He walked to the stone house and looked inside, but there was no one there.

Martin, Marina, and Al didn't sleep.

Levi turned around and found that Gu Ze and Luo Ta were nowhere to be seen, and they were not asleep yet.

"This dream is a little strange."

"No matter what, let's see what we can gain first."

Levi turned his head and stared at a mage in the dream.

Master George, the first-level mage of the Mage Tower.

One of the members of the fire mage group.

Good at fire spells!

Just as a target, Levi hopes to obtain the fireball spell model from his memory.

It would be great if you could get crystal meditation.

When Levi was about to take action, his mind suddenly moved and he sensed something.

He turned his head sharply to look at the edge of the dream.

Wisps of gray mist penetrated into the dream, forming nightmares, and the nightmares turned into orcs.

The Nightmare Orcs came out of the woods and approached the camp.

"This dream attracts nightmares?"

As soon as Levi thought of this, the alarm in the camp sounded.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The sound of huge gongs and drums woke up everyone in the camp.

"Orcs attack at night! Orcs attack at night!"

Everyone took up weapons to fight the orcs rushing out of the woods.

There were a lot less people around, and no one realized it.

When you are not aware of dreams, you will automatically ignore all abnormal phenomena.

George takes up his staff and fights the orcs.

He didn't realize at all that there were so many fewer people around him.


A hot fireball flew out from George's staff and fell into the crowd of orcs.

With a bang, two or three orcs were killed.

It is much more powerful than the small fireball technique.

After killing three orcs, George turned to attack the orcs in other directions.

He didn't even notice that the corpse of the orc he killed was recovering bit by bit.

It seemed that no one except Levi could see the gray mist lingering on the nightmare orcs.

The orcs who cannot see their "death" are absorbing the gray mist and restoring their form.

Levi watched the battle for a moment and found that after the people in the dream were killed by the nightmare, they would turn into a gray mist and be absorbed by the nightmare.

After absorbing the gray mist, the nightmare will become stronger.

The stronger the person, the more gray fog will be generated after death.

Therefore, the number of nightmares besieging George is also extremely large, all wanting to kill George and then swallow the power of nightmares.

Seeing this, Levi almost understood the reason for the nightmare.

Many people in the camp are worried and afraid of encountering orcs. When they fall asleep, these people's fear and fear breed nightmares that attract nightmares.

The nightmare takes the initiative to make the nightmare come true, thereby absorbing the power of the nightmare and becoming stronger.

It evolved into the current situation of orcs attacking the camp at night.

Several nightmares passed by Levi. After they passed, they subconsciously looked back.

Sensing something, but not finding Levi.

Levi is invisible and does not have the power to breed nightmares, so he will not be discovered by nightmares.

He walked towards George, worried about the long night and dreams, and prepared to take action.

With a thought, he transformed into a beastman.

Just as George finished releasing his spell, Levi suddenly jumped up and threw a self-destructing fireball from behind!


The cone-shaped flame spread out and engulfed George's figure.

Click, click, click!

The magic shield emerging from George's body made an overwhelmed sound.

In order to break George's magic shield, Levi would do whatever it takes.

Just after a self-destructing fireball exploded, seven more small fireballs flew out of Levi's palm, hitting George one after another.

The explosion caused his body to tremble wildly, making him unable to stand firm and cast spells.

Bang! Click!

As the last small fireball exploded.

The magic shield on George's body also made a breaking sound.

"The first-level magic shield is indeed strong enough!"

Levi sighed, and without saying a word, fired another self-destructing fireball with 4.5 times the power.


The flames engulfed George, and a ball of blue light exploded from George's body.

The magic necklace on his chest was activated, releasing a blue shield to protect him.

Levi was surprised. He didn't expect that George also had a defensive magic item on him.

Magic items can only withstand one fatal attack.

After blocking Levi's self-destructing fireball, the magic necklace shattered and the blue light slowly dissipated.

Even so, the blue light can still last for more than ten seconds.

George was caught off guard by Levi's sudden attack. Under a series of attacks, he was suppressed and did not even have a chance to fight back.

It wasn't until the shield of the magic necklace was triggered that he got a chance to breathe.

After seeing the attacker clearly, George looked shocked.


He had only heard that half-dragons could breathe fire.

After the shock, George saw that the shield was about to disappear and quickly came to his senses.

He cast a spell to fight back.

Levi activated his invisibility and disappeared from George's sight.

George's expression was stagnant, and there was confusion in his eyes, "What kind of orc is this?"

He can breathe flames from his mouth and become invisible.

He had never heard of the existence of such orcs.

Hoo ho ho!

Seeing that George was severely injured, several nightmares swooped in around him.


A ball of flames engulfed the figures of George and Nightmare, leaving only a wreckage at the center of the explosion.

A fragment of memory flashing with white light floated in mid-air.

Several surrounding nightmare cores are absorbing the gray mist and trying to recover.

Bang bang bang!

Levi used a series of small fireballs to directly destroy four nightmare cores in one go.

The core of the nightmare shattered, and four streams of light flew into Levi's body.

Pick up pieces of George's memory.

Levi returned quickly.

The nightmares had discovered him and were attacking him.

With a thought in Li Wei's mind, he flew up.


Break through the siege and fly out of the dream bubble.

Leaving the dream and losing the blessing of the power of the dream, Levi fell to the ground.

The surrounding gray fog was billowing, as if something was about to rush out from inside.

Levi quickly ran back to the room.


Close the door and isolate everything!

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