Capital of the Rain Country, Damingfu

As a newly appointed daimyo, Shiomaru’s inauguration ceremony was quite low-key.

Except for the citizens of the Kingdom of Rain, almost no one from other countries knew the news. Even if someone brought the news out, most people from other countries didn’t care.

The high-ranking lords of powerful countries only care about the situation of the Fire Country, a big threat.

The common people at the bottom don’t care even more about the little-known”small country” called the Kingdom of Rain.

When a person is worried about how to have enough to eat, he has no time to think about so-called national affairs.

“very good!”

“As long as I continue at the current pace, the hearts and minds of the people in the country will all support me. By then, no matter what kind of changes I promote, no one will oppose me!”

In the Daming Mansion, Shiomaru sat high on his throne, showing an expression of certainty of victory.

Politics, military, and even economy.

Everything in the Land of Rain was inherited by him intact, which can be said to be quite smooth.

All year round The Kingdom of Rain was shrouded in rainy days, making this Daming Mansion extremely dark.

The candles in the room were almost never extinguished, providing light for the supreme power center of the Kingdom of Rain. Shiomaru was surrounded by all the candlelight , a kind of fluttering feeling gradually arises in my heart

“Quanzang, how’s the rumor-mongering going?”, Shiomaru turned around and asked towards the dark corner of the room.

If you look closely, you can faintly see the outline of a human figure.

Sanshouyu Zenzo walked out of the shadows and knelt down on one knee respectfully towards Shiomaru. Said:”Back to my lord, my subordinates have followed your instructions and spread rumors about the Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Wind, the Kingdom of Thunder and other great countries.”

“Now, different rumors have begun to circulate in the streets of the Kingdom of Rain, and no one questions the Lord’s succession.”

Hearing this, Shiomaru nodded with satisfaction.

He walked towards the window not far away, looked at the dark drizzling sky in the distance, and narrowed his eyes slightly:”Soon, this country will belong to me!”

Looking at the newly appointed daimyo who was becoming interested, Sanshouyu Quanzang hesitated for a moment, and then spoke again:

“Sir, according to the latest news, the Country of Fire has sent a caravan to restart trade with neighboring countries. I’m worried……”

The words stopped here, and it seemed that he didn’t dare to say any more.

“worry about what?”, Shiomaru turned around and asked

“The subordinates are worried that this caravan from the Fire Country will bring rumors back to the Fire Country and let Senju Hashirama know about it.” Sanshouyu Zenzo expressed his worries.

But after listening, Shiomaru Daimyo did not There was no panic at all.

Instead, the corners of his mouth raised in a disdainful sneer. Although it was only for a moment, Sanjiaoyu Quanzang could see clearly.

“Quan Zang, it’s good that you are cautious, but you don’t need to be too cautious.”

“What is the identity of Senju Hashirama? He is the leader of the Land of Fire and the strongest man in the ninja world. So what if he heard rumors about the Kingdom of Rain? Wouldn’t he directly order the attack on the Kingdom of Rain?”

“The Senju of Mori are a fraternity clan known throughout the ninja world.”

Speaking of this, the smile on Shiomaru’s face could no longer stop. He didn’t know whether he was laughing at Sanshouyu Tsunzo, or at the so-called righteousness and fraternity of the Senju clan.

“All in all, there is no need to deliberately target the caravans of the Fire Country, just let them return to the Fire Country safely.” Shiomaru grinned,”I don’t want to have any head-on conflict with that monster.”

“yes! My subordinates understand!”

Sanshouyu Zenzo responded respectfully, and then retreated into the shadows again.

Only Shiomaru was left, staying in his daimyo room, enjoying the surroundings of many candlelights


Three days later, the caravans from the Country of Fire returned to the border of the Country of Fire.

After a simple screening process, it was confirmed that there were no spies, and all the caravan members were placed inside the Kingdom of Fire.

There were seven elusive figures that quickly emerged from the caravan of the Kingdom of Rain and rushed towards the capital of the Kingdom of Fire.

It only took less than half a day to get from the border to the Palace of the World Tree in the capital.

“Um? No one was sent to stop the killing. It seems that the new daimyo of the Rain Kingdom is not stupid.”

“It’s a pity, if this is the case, we can directly start a war with the Kingdom of Rain.”

Senju Hashirama sat in his seat, thoughtfully, and asked the Shadow ninja at the bottom of the hall:”How did you complete your mission?”

The leader of the shadow ninja stepped forward and said respectfully:”According to the master’s request, we pretended to be businessmen and traveled back and forth in the Kingdom of Rain. We ‘definitely’ heard the fabricated rumors in the Kingdom of Rain.”

“Um……”, Senju Hashirama nodded and began to think in his heart.

Based on this rumor alone, it seems that there is something missing in rashly launching a war. It is not his strength, but the general trend that allows him to stand on the moral high ground.

But this problem is not difficult to solve.

As long as people are sent around the Country of Fire to widely spread the”Rumors of the Country of Fire” fabricated by the Country of Rain, the news that the name of the Country of Rain died of the Thousand-Handed Ninja will be made public.

At that time, Dazhu will naturally have a reason to send troops.

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