The time passed by again.

It was twelve o'clock noon on December 20th, Mushi.

Tianshi International Hotel, Mucheng

Under the official flag of the Mu Federation, the Finance and Circulation Department of the Fire-Chasing Moth provided an entire hotel building as the venue for the Fire-Chasing Science Seminar at the end of this year.

The Fire-Chasing Science Seminar at the end of this year will last for five days, from 8 am on the 20th to 8 pm on the 25th. During this period, if the staff have shared their research results, they can leave at any time.

However, generally no staff of any project will be willing to do this, because during these five days, the backbone of the Finance and Circulation Department of the Fire-Chasing Moth will stay at the venue to review the research projects submitted by each staff.

Ordinary scientific researchers, even if they just go there to make themselves familiar, will have a higher chance of their research projects being appreciated.

There is no harm in not being noticed. Once noticed, it will be a meteoric rise, at least for the next year, they will not have to worry about research funding.

That is why many scientific researchers under the Fire Chaser who were very upset because of the funding bottleneck had arrived at the door of the International Hotel in Mu City before the seminar.

But now it is twelve o'clock, and most of the staff who are supposed to come have already arrived. The rest either plan to wait until tomorrow or not come.

That is why the two security guards who have been working hard in front of the hotel gate for a whole morning finally have a break.

In fact, according to the technological level of Mu Country, they can completely rely on the facial recognition function of AI to complete identity recognition. But the reception of people in front of the conference venue... Strictly speaking, this thing is a kind of etiquette. The person in charge of reception can stand there and fish all the time, but it must not be absent.

The same goes for the security guard.

"Oh... Big brother, what do you think we are doing standing here all day long..."

The younger security guard looked at the time and it was almost time for handover, so he casually complained to the more stable security guard next to him,

"This machine has done all our work, and those clerks are all arrogant and don't even look at us... What's the point of standing here..."

"Humph. You don't understand this, do you? Mu Continent is different from other countries. There are no poor people here. They are all social elites who pay attention to etiquette. Just like the guardrails on both sides of the stairs, you can choose not to touch them when you go upstairs, but you can't do without them."

As he said, the mature security guard glanced at his colleague. companion, added,

"You kid... have you just been transferred here from another place?"

"Uh... yes, I just escaped from Changkong City, and my relatives arranged for me to work here."

"Heh! You're so good to chat with, kid... I heard that a serious disaster happened in Changkong City, can you tell me in detail?"

"Hey! Brother, if you talk about this, I won't be sleepy anymore... I just remember that at that time, a giant beast as tall as the building behind us stepped down and crushed me into a pie. If it were someone else, they would definitely not survive, but fortunately I was a sports student, so I went home and got an air pump and pumped it twice and I was fine again..."

While the two security guards were chatting, another team of staff came by car. Seeing this, the two security guards immediately straightened their posture and said as usual:

"You can leave your surname... ahem, no... please show your ID."

As expected, after they said that, the team led by a green-haired doctor did not even look at them. They took out their ID cards and scanned them through the instrument, and then entered the Mucheng Tianshi International Hotel behind them.

The security guards were accustomed to this. After seeing the identity recognition instrument correctly light up green, they ignored them.

Until... a woman wearing a tall hat and brown boots came to the front door.

"Ahem... Hello, I would like to ask, is the academic seminar of the Fire Chaser Moth held here?"

The woman wearing a tall hat and big sunglasses came to the front door and asked the security guard.


The two security guards looked at each other and did not react.

The woman in the tall hat thought they didn't hear clearly, so she repeated,

"Hello, I would like to ask, is this the venue for the Fire Moth Academic Seminar?"


Until then, the woman who called herself

The security guard, who was a sports student, finally reacted. He pointed at his nose and said,

"...You asked me?"


Hearing this, the woman in the tall hat was silent for a while, and then seemed to have thought of a possibility. She lowered her head awkwardly and said,

"Sorry to bother you. It might be a magic trick... ahem, no... maybe I found the wrong place... I'm very sorry."


The two security guards, who were spoken to by the "scientific researcher" for the first time today, had question marks all over their heads. Before they could say anything, the woman in the hat ran away like a fly.

The sportsman's Adam's apple moved up and down twice, then he chuckled and said to his companion:

"Haha, brother, you see, it's not just me, there are also some members of the group who are not used to Mu's high technology, right? Don't they have automatic navigation on their communicators? Why do they have to ask us..."

"Something's wrong..."

The more stable guard rubbed his chin and muttered to himself,

"The clerk just now came alone? I have been working as a security guard for this seminar for several years, and I have never seen that clerk come alone... This is nine out of ten wrong..."

"Hey! Brother , it's time to get off work. "

At this time, the sports student patted his companion's shoulder and said,

"What do you want for lunch? I'll treat you. I just came here and I'm unfamiliar with the place. I'll trouble you to take care of me in the future..."


The more stable guard thought for a moment, and decisively put the strange thing that happened just now behind his mind, and said,

"Ha! I didn't expect you to be so smart. Let's go to the restaurant to eat."

"What do you want to eat for lunch? If you don't want to eat, I'll recommend it to you."

"Hmm? What?"

"Charcoal-grilled starch sausage."


The scene of the academic seminar.

Rather than saying that this is the venue for the academic seminar, the layout here is more like a grand and gorgeous ball. The soft and bright light illuminates the venue, the red silk rolls pave the road under your feet, and the white tables, chairs and napkins are displayed.

Unlike the efficient layout of the highest city hall in Mu, the decoration and layout facilities here...or every "non-core place" seem to be designed with practicality and appropriateness as the core.

This is still the idea of ​​the head of the personnel and news department.

Unlike the general management department which only values ​​efficiency and the capital flow department which only values ​​value, the personnel and news department of the Fire Moth can be said to be the last conscience of the organization. Its head, Bai Wu, comes from Europe and is an absolute saint of man.

All his actions and thoughts are based on "people". Any behavior that is not conducive to "people" will be denied by him, and the members of his department are mostly the same. The hotel layout of the seminar is designed by his department members based on the design concept of comprehensive human aesthetics and practical reality.

Its purpose is to allow scientific researchers from all over the world to communicate with each other without having to tense their own nervous emotions all the time. Anyone can express their opinions and achievements as they please, and the conversation between each other is not hindered by roads and fields. This is what the head of the personnel and news department wants to see.

"Wow! There are so many people here!"

After walking into the venue of the academic seminar with Mobius, Alicia was immediately surprised by the number of people here. Then she smiled and stretched out her hand in front of her eyes to make a telescope gesture, and said with a smile,

"And the layout here is also very gorgeous! It's like... like... um... like a gorgeous dance scene! Dr. Mobius, are you interested in dancing with the cute fairy lady?♪~"


Mobius hugged his chest and said,

"Alica, I brought the little white mouse and Klein here to broaden my horizons, but I didn't say I would bring you here... If you If you keep yelling like that, please leave."

"Oh, don't, don't."

After being rebuked by Mobius, Alicia was not angry at all, but smiled and said,

"It's just... Mobius, don't you think it's a pity? It's rare to come out, and it's in a dance venue like this... If you can't dance with the cute fairy lady, it would be a pity, isn't it? Dr. Mobius, just treat it as a physical relaxation at the end of the year♪~"

However, facing Alicia's various deceptions, Mobius, who had already developed resistance to her, was not moved at all, and hugged his chest and said:

"Hehe... Alicia, when you first came to the institute, you said you were going to investigate

Leaving in two months... but it's already been half a year! I didn't kick you out of the institute, which is a great favor, and this is how you repay me? Put away those little thoughts of yours. "

"Really not?"



After being clearly rejected by Mobius, Alicia sighed with a face full of disappointment, but she soon regained her vitality. After blinking her big blue eyes, her eyes instantly locked on Xu Ziling beside Mobius, and smiled,

"If the doctor doesn't want to... what about Xiao Ziling?"


Xu Ziling, who was caught in the crossfire, slowly typed out a question mark, and looked at Mobius in front of him, whose expression didn't change much, and still declined,

"Sorry, Miss Alicia, I may not be very good at dancing, so I won't..."

"Oh! Not good at anything... they are all small problems, and the smart fairy lady can teach you! ♪~”

Without giving him a chance to refuse, Alysia smiled and took Xu Ziling’s hand, tilted her head slightly, and said with a smile,

“I have a friend… She is very good at music and dance, and even the all-powerful Fairy Miss has learned a lot about art from her! Although what Fairy Miss has learned is definitely not as good as she is… But it is more than enough to teach Xiao Ziling♪~ How about it? Come on, come on? "


This time, Xu Ziling was really hesitant.

The reason was simple.

[Daily Task: Dance with any Valkyrie/Yingjie and gain the attention of at least ten people.]

[Task Reward: Xingqiong*150, Random Item Reward*1]

Xu Ziling swore that he really didn't want to betray his own doctor, but... the daily tasks have been completed here, right?

After thinking it over, Xu Ziling decided to see what his own doctor meant first. If it didn't work, he would wait a while and then go to her shamelessly, asking her to help him get through today's daily life for the fact that he had worked for the institute for nothing for half a year.

However, Mobius rolled his eyes at him and said:

"Do whatever you want to do, don't keep asking for my opinion. I'm your doctor, not your boss... But you have to remember who you belong to, and don't go too far. "

Mobius' words made Xu Ziling feel relieved. What he was most worried about was that his own doctor would be upset because of Alicia's teasing of him, but now it seems... he was judging others by his own standards.

"If you want to play, play here for a while... but Klein has to come with me to find the assessment backbones of the Finance and Circulation Department and submit the research results report of the first phase of physical strengthening reagents."

As he said this, Mobius waved to Klein, who had been quietly following the group, and then prepared to leave the seminar that was like a dance party.

"Great! ♪~”

Alicea was dressed simply, and immediately raised her hands happily. Then she looked around at the scholars from various fields who were gathered in groups of two or three, but deliberately avoided the area where Mobius had walked. She grabbed Xu Ziling's hand, and at the same time, she flipped her right hand and took out a delicate and small object.

Xu Ziling looked over, and his eyes suddenly became subtle.

Alicea was holding a pink and white trumpet in her hand.

"Hey, hey, hey~ three, two, one, two, three~"

After slightly adjusting the tone, Alicea successfully attracted the attention of all the staff present with the trumpet in her hand. It could only be Alicea. Otherwise, if someone else were to joke with a trumpet in such an occasion, I'm afraid it would be regarded as a joke. Joyful Envoy.

The difference that needs to be made special is that... the clown relies on some sensational means to attract the audience's attention; while Alicia... she can really use her sincerity and smile to exchange for everyone's attention and understanding.

As the strongest single soldier of the Fire Moth Operations Department, and a star who has been wandering among the major female soldiers and female clerks for many years, Alicia's popularity is still quite high.

When her trumpet sounded, she immediately attracted the attention of the clerks present. Those who could have avoided it because of Mobius also showed signs of getting closer and showing goodwill.

Seeing this, Alicia smiled with satisfaction, holding Xu Ziling's hand with her left hand, holding the trumpet with her right hand, and said with a smile:

"Thank you very much for your attention and understanding! Now Miss Fairy wants to announce something to everyone, that is... um?"

Alica's voice stopped abruptly.

Tonight, she found two familiar faces among the crowd of clerks watching at the ball.

A familiar figure.

Then, Alicia's gaze changed from joking to subtle, and she coughed and roared, and laughed,

"I announce! ... I'm back~! Miss MEI, who is determined to grow to a higher level than Dr. Mebius, is also here to participate in this academic seminar♪~!"

MEI: "..."

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