The only thing you can do is to promote the teaching materials.


Xu Ziling accidentally saw that among the cyber-style advertisements standing among the tall buildings, there seemed to be something particularly extraordinary... But when he looked carefully, the eye-catching advertisement was quickly censored.

Tsk... As expected, as expected, no matter what era the human group evolves to, there will always be a group of great people who do not seek fame and interests, but only want to promote more teacher information to more people.

And these people are undoubtedly true heroes...

In the moment of self-imagination, Mebius and Klein had already walked forward a distance, and Xu Ziling hurried to catch up.


Starting from the aviation center in K City of Mu Continent, walking westward, passing through two blocks, we arrived at the villa belt in K City.

This place is also full of modern technology, but compared with the city center, there are fewer high-rise buildings and more quietness that only the rich can enjoy.

After scanning the pure white Western-style modern villa areas in his vision, which can't be said to be exactly the same, but can only be said to be no difference, Xu Ziling looked at Mebius who was standing in front of him, and asked curiously:

"Doctor, aren't we going to your affiliated research institute? This looks like a residential area... or is your research institute here also a basement?"

"When did I say I was going to the research institute?"

After looking back at Xu Ziling, Mebius curled his lips and said,

"I clearly said: my, affiliated, research institute... Well, stop talking nonsense, the one in front is it."

As he said, Mebius got up and walked forward, came to the main door of the villa in front of him, and pressed the doorbell.

Gresh is very happy these days.

Because mom is back.

She also brought back a lot of soft stuffed toys.

A green cartoon snake, a cute pink fairy, and a blonde little loli.

This combination is a bit inconsistent, but mom seems to like these stuffed toys very much. And because mom likes them, Gresh also likes them.

These days after mom came home are the happiest time for Gresh.

Because she can get love from both dad and mom at the same time.

During this time, mom and dad have been taking Gresh to play around.

But in order to pursue extreme efficiency, Mu Continent does not have the "mountains" and "rivers" mentioned on the Internet.

Some are just endless steel jungles.

But dad said it doesn't matter.

Because Mu Continent has the most realistic VR technology in the world.

In this way, little Gresh and mom and dad used VR to appreciate the mountains and rivers.

Little Gresh felt that these simulated mountains and rivers seemed to be missing something...

Little Gresh didn't like such pictures.

But because she was with her parents, little Greshu liked it again.

Because she was with little Greshu, her parents also liked it.

Greshu was the happiest during those days.

But happy times are always short.

Yesterday, after dinner, Dad, who was punished by Mom to sweep the floor, suddenly received a call.

Then, Dad looked serious and kept saying words like "collapse" to Mom, and then left home in a hurry.

Little Greshu felt Dad's anxiety, but Mom told Little Greshu that it would be fine.

Well... it would be fine.

But Mom soon received a call.

Then, Mom said a lot to Greshu.

Little Greshu didn't understand it very well.

But she still remembered it.

Mom said that if the three people on the doll came to see Greshu the next day, Greshu would open the door of the room and invite them to the room as guests.

As for mom...

Since dad left last night, mom has been pacing around the room anxiously, just like dad did at that time, constantly repeating the word "collapse".

Finally, mom couldn't help it. She hugged little Gretsch and said that she wanted to help dad, even if it was just remote satellite assistance.

But little Gretsch couldn't go with mom to the place she was going.

So little Gretsch could only stay at home alone for the time being.

Mom said she would be back soon, and if little Gretsch was hungry, she would use the family's nanny robot to cook.

Well, mom will be back soon.

Little Gretsch believed so firmly.

But it was lonely to be alone at home.

In the middle of the night, although

Although she knew that there were no ghosts in this world, little Gretsch was still too scared to sleep.

She got up wrapped in a quilt, took out her paint box, and tried to divert her attention by painting.

But Gretsch didn't understand.

She didn't understand why the painting she drew tonight was a "blank".

It was really strange... When she was with her father before, Gretsch could always draw humorous and childlike paintings.

When she was with her mother, Gretsch could always draw paintings full of philosophy, human relations, and impressions of the microscopic world.

But why did she only draw a "blank" when she was alone tonight...

Gretsch was vaguely uneasy. She always felt that the world she lived in was about to undergo a huge change.

But she was still just a child.

She couldn't intervene in the changes in the world.

All she could do was to fall asleep in a daze at some point tonight.

Until the next day.

Gray Xiu was awakened by the doorbell.

"Who is it... Is mommy back?"

Without time to deal with her pajamas, little Gray Xiu, with messy hair, ran out of the room barefoot.

It was not until she arrived at the main entrance of the villa that she remembered that her mother had told her to look outside to confirm the person before opening the door for anyone. And, before confirming the person, she should not speak if possible.

But little Gray Xiu, who realized this, had already said the words that she was looking forward to her mother coming home.

And this extremely soft and expectant child's voice also successfully shocked Xu Ziling, who was standing outside the door with Mebius and Klein at the moment.

I'm awesome! Wife... No, I'm awesome! Gray Xiu!!

Yes, the owner of this soft, sticky and easy-to-pull-down voice is the barefoot girl, Gray Xiu, who can easily be stained with the color of others and can make countless ship minions high!

Although the voice of the little Gray Xiu now sounds a little too young and is not exactly the same as the girl's voice in the game, Gray Xiu is the first real barefoot little loli in the game, and the good daughter who was placed on the bridge for close care before crossing. How could Xu Ziling, as a standard Mi-style ship minion, not hear it?

This made him so excited that he wanted to break in.

Gray Xiu, don't look back! I am Hen!


After hearing Gretsch's voice, Mebius was also stunned for a moment, but she quickly reacted and said,

"Gretsch? Um... your mother is not at home now, right? I am Mebius, she should have told you about me, open the door, we will stay for one night and leave tomorrow."

"Mabius... um... who?"

Inside the door, Gretsch scratched her head and did not remember any information about this person in her mind, but she seemed to understand something, holding the golden doll in her arms, and ran away quickly.

"Hmm? Hello? Hello?"

Hearing the footsteps running away in the room, Mebius immediately rubbed his hair with a headache. Are children so defensive now? He ran away without listening to her finish her words?

Xu Ziling, who was beside Mobius and heard the footsteps running away quickly in the room, was thoughtful. He looked at the house that was no different from the surrounding villas and asked Mobius:

"Doctor, the 'affiliated research institute' you mentioned before... refers to Senior Blanca's home in Mu Continent? But hasn't Senior Blanca graduated?"

"Why? After graduation, she is no longer my student?"

Mobius, who was in a headache at the moment, pushed Xu Ziling unhappily and hugged his chest and said,

"Is it rare for teachers to visit graduated students at home?... What's more, where else can I go except to Blanca's house now?"

"Yeah... that's right."

Xu Ziling nodded when he heard it, and at the same time took a look at the isolation bag for the experiment on his back.

This made Klein confused. No... How come the doctor and the senior said something very remarkable in just a few words? Why didn't you take me with you when you entered the encrypted call?

Mebius saw Klein's doubts, but she was still thinking about how to get Gray to open the door for her, so she waved to Xu Ziling and said:

"Little white mouse, you explain to Klein."


Xu Ziling nodded, then looked at Klein and explained,

"It's like this, Klein classmate... As you can see, a large-scale collapse event broke out in Changkong City. You saw with your own eyes that the collapse beasts pushed down buildings one after another and killed one after another.

As a human being, he can feel the horror of Honkai Beasts most directly. "


Klein scratched her head. In fact, she was hiding behind Mobius the whole time and was too scared to look out...

The only time she saw it was when Honkai Beasts surrounded the research institute, and the group of Honkai Beasts were crushed one by one by Xu Ziling at that time.

Hey, do you want to say that group of Honkai Beasts are powerful? It seems that they are very powerful, and they are crushed one by one by one...


Klein was silent for a moment, and consciously skipped this embarrassing question, and then said,

"Then... aren't we safe now? What is the connection between this and what we are experiencing now? I just want to know... why did the doctor say that there is no other place for us to go except here? The doctor... isn't he Dr. Mobius?"

"Well, the doctor's influence is indeed great. "

Xu Ziling nodded, and then added,

"But it is so big that a big tree attracts the wind... When the collapse broke out in Changkong City, the top leaders of this world knew that the doctor was in Changkong City. Some of them hoped that the doctor would survive, and some hoped that the doctor would die. They would form a check and balance between each other, so we can go back to Mu Continent, but we can't come back 'safe and sound'.

Because everyone knows that Dr. Mobius is a doctor who will do anything for the sake of experiments. Those top leaders know that Dr. Mobius is eager to study the heart of collapse.

If you think about it again and put your perspective into those top leaders, you will know that they will definitely guess that the doctor's return to Mu Continent must have brought back materials related to collapse that are urgently needed for research, and this is indeed the case.

Although with the birth of the Great Collapse, experimental samples related to collapse are no longer as scarce as before...but the minds of those 'top leaders' mentioned by the doctor have always been worrying.

The doctor is now worried that those high-ranking officials will suddenly get sick, put pressure on her, and then send people to inspect or even take away the experimental samples.

If it was ordinary Honkai flesh and blood, it would be fine. Maybe they would withdraw when they saw that it was not worth much. But the problem is that what we are bringing back now is not Honkai flesh and blood, but the core and remains of the Herrscher. Once the high-ranking officials of the Fire Moth find out the specialness of the Herrscher, they will definitely put crazy pressure on the doctor. Although we are not afraid of them, their operations can really disgust the doctor.

Therefore, the best way is to have no evidence. While the high-ranking officials have not reacted yet, we will directly hide the core and remains of the Herrscher. When the high-ranking officials send people over later, we will grit our teeth and refuse to admit that we brought something back from the Honkai, or even fight back.

Of course, no one would think that the doctor would really return from the Honkai battlefield without bringing anything... But as long as they don't find clues related to the Herrscher from the doctor, they will at most suspect that the doctor brought back the remains of the Honkai beast, and they will not think that we actually brought back a Herrscher.

After all... people are always willing to believe what they have deduced little by little based on the 'evidence'.

When they find the Corpse Mountain Knife and worship it as a treasure; when the Doctor's limelight has passed and no one cares about it anymore; we can then start researching the Herrscher of the Void without being disturbed by anyone.

As for whether the birth of the next Herrscher will cause the whole situation we have set to collapse... I can only say that by the time they realize that the next Herrscher is most likely not the first Herrscher, the Doctor will have already thoroughly studied the core of the Herrscher of the Void. The time difference will make their impotent rage at that time seem particularly ridiculous.

Do you understand what I am saying? Classmate Klein. "


Klein hugged his head. He felt that what he said now was not what an experimental assistant should say at all. Instead, it was a bit like a conspiracy theory...

As for what Xu Ziling meant... She really didn't understand! But Klein also knew that she shouldn't ask any more.

Xu Ziling shrugged his shoulders when he saw this. In fact, he didn't mind explaining some similar social psychology to Klein, but Klein didn't want to learn Xu Ziling.

Forget it, let her have no time. Conspiracies and schemes between people are not suitable for her.

And on this side.

Mebius was still racking his brains to get the runaway Gray Xiu back, and footsteps sounded in the room again, and then Gray Xiu's voice came out:

"Auntie Lu... Here, the pen you asked for."

As he said, the mechanical arm at the main entrance of the villa stretched out and handed Mebius a... fountain pen.

"? ? ? "


Seeing this, he was a little confused and asked subconsciously,

"Why did you give me a pen?"


In the room, little Gray scratched his head and then said weakly,

"Didn't Aunt Green just say... she didn't have a pen..."

Mebius: ???

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