After all, the two of them were very close.

Klein now regrets a little.

Perhaps, she should have looked at the almanac before going out yesterday, or found an old man who tells fortunes in Changkong City to see if her fate in the five elements is destined to be unlucky yesterday.

Otherwise? How could Klein, a three-good student, experience so many bizarre things in just one night? ?

It was just an ordinary day... The head teacher, who had been busy with the promotion of the senior class recently, suddenly took time out to find her alone and said that she must attend a lecture given by a famous biology professor at Qianyu College tonight, otherwise the head teacher would be sent...

Strange... Why did the head teacher say that if she didn't attend the lecture, she would be finished?

Klein couldn't figure out the reason, but after all, it was the request of the head teacher who taught her for a whole school year. In addition, Klein was also very interested in biology knowledge, so she didn't think much and directly agreed to the head teacher's request.

So... her unlucky journey began.

Except for the abnormally jumpy Kevin who was thrown out of the lecture hall by the "Snake Professor", the situation in the lecture hall was relatively normal... It was just that the biology knowledge taught by the snake professor was a bit too profound... Even Klein, who was often praised by others for having a very high talent in biology, found it very difficult to listen.

However, the gains are absolutely proportional to the efforts. Klein clearly felt that every word and every sentence of the snake professor in the class just hit the point of his previous doubts and confusions about the knowledge in the biology textbook. It was as if... the snake professor's class was specially designed for him...

At that time, Klein thought that after the get out of class, he must ask the snake professor for advice. If the other party happened to have time, then he would be able to resolve more academic doubts and avoid a few months or even years of detours; and even if the other party did not have time, it would definitely not be bad for him to get acquainted with this knowledgeable young professor.

With this idea in mind, Klein did not listen carefully to the class taught by "Assistant Xu" in the second half of the lecture.

After class, Klein quickly packed up his notebook and study tools, and wanted to follow Assistant Xu to find the snake professor.

But... when he walked out of the circular classroom, he did not find the figure of Assistant Xu at all.

Klein fell into a brief confusion.

Little did she know that during the time she hesitated, she had already missed the best chance to escape.

What happened after that... Klein couldn't remember clearly. She only remembered that she seemed to see something very exciting, as if Assistant Xu had pushed Professor Snake down... No, no, that kind of thing was so strange no matter how she thought about it. After all, both Assistant Xu and Professor Snake were "girls", how could they do such a thing? So she must have been dazzled.

But when Klein regained consciousness again, she was surprised to find that she had been kidnapped together with Professor Snake.

The black-clad suspect with a mask was very scary, and his IQ seemed to be surprisingly high. He easily saw through all her thoughts. Klein couldn't even figure out where she had provoked this high-IQ criminal.

But this was still secondary. After all, no matter what the other party said, he was at least a person. Although his words were sharp, they could only make Klein despair at most, and they were not directly intimidating.

——Imagine, in the dark night, someone who looks like a human but is using an incomprehensible movement to approach you, what would your reaction be?

Klein felt almost the same way at the time.

While she was still thinking about how to get the black-clad suspect to let her go, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a person, a strange "person" under the light not far away... who was rigidly imitating the "person's" movements and approaching this side... getting closer and closer...

Klein could no longer remember the details of the time. She only remembered that the strange figure had a shocking face buried deep under the dirty hair.



Klein suddenly woke up from the nightmare, her chest, which had not yet fully developed, kept rising and falling, and the only thing left in her mind was the terrifying posture of the last intellectual body that looked like a human but not a human. When she touched her back again, she was already sweating coldly.


A gentle voice rang in his ears, and Klein subconsciously saw that a blond, blue-eyed... beautiful woman handed him a hot towel.

"Wipe your face when you wake up."

Xu Ziling handed the towel to Klein on the bed in the small building, then pointed to the bedside table and said,

"There is coffee over there, you can use it to calm down later."

"Who are you?"

Klein looked around in confusion and found that he was in a simple room. After taking the towel handed by Xu Ziling in a daze, he asked,

"What am I doing now..."

"You experienced a vicious kidnapping and attack yesterday, but don't worry, everything is fine now."

Xu Ziling told the truth.

"You are...ah, I remember now."

Klein stared at the blond and blue-eyed Xu Ziling for a while, and said quickly,

"You are Assistant Professor Xu, right? I have something I must tell you as soon as possible. I saw Professor Snake being kidnapped last night! Kevin tried to save us, but failed..."

After Xu Ziling waited for Klein to finish describing all her fears, he found that Klein seemed to have forgotten the extremely exciting scene she saw between him and Mebius in the academy because of his "physical deep sleep method"... But this is also good, saving him the effort of explaining again.

After Klein finished speaking, Xu Ziling smiled and said:

"Don't be nervous, classmate. The fact that you can sit here now means that you and the doctor have been rescued. Don't worry, you and the doctor are safe now."

"Oh, so... Thank you."

Klein was relieved to hear that the snake professor who had brought him a huge amount of knowledge in just one class was fine. He looked at the towel in his hand and wiped his face with it to relieve his dizzy mind after waking up.

"Classmate, you don't actually need to apologize to me."

However, Xu Ziling said seriously at this time,

"Although I did try to make up for the loss at the last minute... But no matter what, the fact that this matter has developed to that extent is indeed because I failed to fulfill my duties as a doctoral assistant and bodyguard, and even caused you to suffer an undeserved disaster... You don't need to thank me, on the contrary, I need to say sorry to you."


Klein is a student who just turned 18, and his personality is also the kind of person who tends to be weak and conservative. How can he withstand such an apology? For a moment, the emotional plane was a little flustered. Looking at Xu Ziling who had stepped back and bowed deeply to her, she hurriedly said,

"Ah... no... no need, you are too polite. As long as Professor Snake is fine, I don't need to be so serious."

"No, classmate, please at least accept my apology. After all, this incident was caused by my personal negligence."

If you ignore Xu Ziling's behavior of only giving verbal promises and not giving actual benefits, his words at this moment are so sincere and convincing.

But Klein obviously fell for it. After Xu Ziling's apology, she seemed a little flattered.

"Well...if Professor Snake is fine, there should be nothing for me to do here, right?"

After calming down her panic, Klein no longer wanted to ask Professor Snake, who had just experienced the kidnapping case like herself, questions. She just wanted to get back to her normal life as soon as possible, so she asked Xu Ziling,

"Assistant Professor Xu, can I...can I leave first? Today should be Saturday, I'm in school, and I have club classes to attend..."

"Of course, classmate."

Xu Ziling nodded, and then added,

"However, classmate, before you leave, please at least sign a confidentiality agreement with us, after all, you are the first person to experience what happened last night. Experienced people, and what happened last night... really shouldn't be known to too many people. "

"Ah? So formal... shouldn't be known to too many people...?"

Klein was a little confused. Although the nature of the kidnapping case was bad, if the suspect had been arrested, it shouldn't be that serious...

"Wait, hasn't the kidnapper who kidnapped Professor Snake and me last night been arrested yet? ? "

Klein's tone was a little flustered. Only this explanation could explain why she needed to be so formal that she had to sign a confidentiality agreement, because the suspect had not been arrested yet...

And if the suspect had not been arrested yet... then if she returned to Qianyu College now, wouldn't she also face danger? Because she had just witnessed the other party's crazy criminal behavior last night. If the other party knew that she returned to Qianyu College today... then the other party would not care about this, which was tantamount to provoking

Provocative behavior, and will definitely attack me again to prevent me from telling the case I experienced yesterday!

Klein had no doubt that when he talked to the other party last night, the terrifying inhuman strength and extremely high insight and IQ that the other party showed could easily control him, who was just a high school student.

Professor Snake could be kidnapped even with the protection of an accurate assistant. If the other party really came to me, Klein didn't think Qianyu Academy could protect me.

In short, I definitely can't go back to the academy in a short time, and it will be dangerous if I go back!

——Klein, who usually always sneaks a peek at romantic palace fighting novels, thought so.

Xu Ziling looked at Klein with surprise. He could feel that this girl with the same emerald green hair and blue-iridescent pupils as Mebius seemed to have thought of something extraordinary, and judging from the situation... it would be very beneficial to his next operation?

After thinking for a while, Tactics coughed and said,

"Ahem... Um, classmate, do you have nowhere to go now?"

"Um... Yes..."

Klein nodded somewhat disappointedly. After all, the college entrance examination was approaching. If he did not return to the academy for a while, he would probably be left behind by other students, resulting in a decline in his final college entrance examination results... But between a decline in college entrance examination results and his own life, Klein still knew how to make a clear choice.

"Well... classmate, look around you."

Xu Ziling pointed to the well-decorated rooms around him and said,

"How do you feel? I feel... well, the doctor's house is quite big..."


Hearing this dangerous word, a big question mark rose above Klein's head, and then he asked Xu Ziling in confusion,

"Assistant Xu, what do you mean..."

"I just thought about it. If I let you leave now, it means that you are directly exposed to the suspect's eyes, which is no different from letting you die..."

Xu Ziling spread his hands and said,

"So, since this matter is due to my negligence that you are involved, then please use my method to deal with you. Compensation... If you are afraid these days, you can stay here first. I am quite confident in my personal strength. Although sometimes I am too busy, as long as you stay in the doctor's residence and don't go out... then I can guarantee that you will be absolutely safe. The doctor also decided to stay indoors for the next few days to do experiments. After all, she was targeted by someone just now, so it is not suitable for her to go out these days. "

"You come... to protect?"

Klein blinked, and then looked at Xu Ziling's slender figure and fair skin. No matter how you look at it, she looks like a "weak woman" who needs protection from others. How can such a "weak woman" protect two people at the same time under the gaze of that high-IQ criminal?


Xu Ziling also knew that his empty words were not convincing, so he looked around and took out a pair of scissors from the room and said,

"Actually, I think I should be quite powerful... classmate, you can see for yourself."

After that, Xu Ziling exerted a little force with his right hand, and the scissors, including the sharp metal blade at the front, quickly twisted and deformed. Under Xu Ziling's almost unreasonable physical strength, the aluminum alloy scissors were forcibly squeezed into a nearly spherical mixture of scrap iron and plastic with a diameter of no more than three centimeters.

Klein stared at this scene blankly, and after thinking for a long time, he said:

"Assistant Xu, you call the power of twisting alloy with bare hands... quite powerful?"

"The doctor is tall and cold, she will inevitably be targeted by some people with ulterior motives... and as her assistant and bodyguard, it is normal for me to be able to break steel with bare hands... Don't you think so? Classmate."

Klein: "..."

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