Beedrill, Pierces Everything!

Chapter 63 Sand Cave Trap, Please Enter The Urn, Trapinch's Round

But they didn't get too far.

"Okay, let's all disperse."

Behind the crowd, a voice with a cold tone sounded.

The young Stephanies all stepped out of the way.

Mei's expression was a little dazed, looking at the long-legged and tall beauty who was full of elite aura, she just bold and beautiful!

Indus was also a little surprised, and felt that she was indeed a professional model.

Three-quarter-length legs, tall and slender.

Saffron's short hair is dazzling, and the straps and long cables of the two large and different-colored earphones are all Black.

Light blue pupils and deep three-dimensional facial features, with pursed lips, give people a cold sense of beauty.

She has a typical diamond-shaped model face, and when she is not speaking, she is indifferent and noble, with sharp eyes.

The upper body is a sleeveless yellow shirt, and the front is a straight line formed by black and white arrows.

A pair of long black pantyhose on the lower body, and a pair of yellow high-heeled shoes.

She came in front of the boy and girl, lowered her head, there was a height difference of 20 centimeters, so she could only look down.

"I'm Xiaoju'er, the owner of the Nimbasa Gym." She crossed her arms and looked at the two people slightly sideways.

Wutong took a step back and calmly said: "Tourist, now you are the challenger, Wumu."

The bud next to me is a bit strange, isn't he called Wutong?

Of course Wutong will not explain at this time, some people often have one or several identities when they walk outside.

Xiaoju'er didn't think much, turned around and walked towards the passage on the right.

"follow me."

A large group of people rushed forward, many of them were her fans, not all of them were disciples of the gymnasium.

In Nimbasa City, the young, fashionable and beautiful owner of this professional model has many fans of the second-generation Stephanie.

Mei walked a step slower, and was already surrounded by a group of fashionably dressed Stephanies.

Indus lightly tossed the Poké Ball in his hand, looking around.

Entering through the passage on the right side of the stage, there is a large room, the center of the room is the battlefield, and the side is the viewing platform.

The width is roughly equivalent to the combined area of ​​two basketball courts, and there is enough space for activities.

"Are you ready?"

"let's start."

Xiaojuer's expression is indifferent, and Wutong's expression is calm. They both seem to be cool-toned characters.

"Three-three singles rules, only the challenger is allowed to change Pokémon, and the host will go first." The referee is Stephanie, who has beautiful short hair.

She quickly finished the basic rules in one breath, neatly.

"Game start!"

She raised her arms to reveal her clean underarms, waved the flag vigorously, and whistled.


Xiao Ju'er let out a soft snort, not caring about the disadvantage of being the first mover, and released a tall and strong Thunder Bumblebee.

Its appearance is like a black and white bald eagle, but there is a silvery white mane from the back to the tail, which makes it a little more elegant and powerful.

"Ley, step!"

Indus threw the ball and added offensive commands, and it was done in one go.

The audience has a feeling of being comfortable watching and listening, with a very smooth sense of rhythm.

Trapinch jumps to Splash, smashing down the Ground, causing the Ground to vibrate.

Like a stone falling into the water, circles of Bulldoze shock waves were triggered around it.

Fluctuation was in front of Zebstrika in a blink of an eye.

"Jump Splash! Stomp!"

Xiaoju'er reacted extremely quickly, and almost gave the order to deal with it without thinking.

Zebstrika's leg and waist muscles tensed, and he rushed forward to splash a few meters high.

When it landed again, it Stomped heavily on the Ground with all its limbs, and Stomped vigorously to neutralize the Bulldoze shock.


Xiao Ju'er's voice and gaze are sharp, and her command style is fast and ruthless.

"Sand Tomb!"

Indus fights against each other, Ground Type's Trapinch, and the opposite Zebstrika!

Zebstrika jumped a few rounds, and finally came in front of Trapinch.

But at this time, the Trapinch drilled into the ground also triggered the Ground in the area, causing the soil under the Ground to rotate continuously, forming a quicksand terrain.

All four of Zebstrika's hooves sank, and Zebstrika couldn't help but let out a frightened Growl.

"Just knowing Attribute restraint is not enough... Magnet Rise...!"

Xiaoju'er cheered up a little bit, and looked a little serious.

I saw powerful electricity gushing out of Zebstrika's body, and the resulting magnetic force exploded instantly, allowing it to get rid of the Sand Tomb!

Zebstrika breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly retreated away from the three mines.

The Sand Tomb made with Trapinch as the center has an area of ​​only a circle with a radius of three meters.

"Feint Attack!"

Wutong seized the opportunity and shouted anxiously.

Trapinch followed the order closely, and after Zebstrika escaped from the Sand Tomb, he also jumped out of the sand, opened his mouth and bit it fiercely.

"Low Kick!"

Xiaoju'er's voice fell, and Zebstrika pouted with her hind hoof!

Trapinch was knocked back into the quicksand by a back kick with Oreburgh's strength, and his body sank.

The audience entered the Contest Condition, nervously watching the ups and downs of the fast-paced battle.

"Sand Attack!"

Trapinch was submerged in the quicksand, and in a blink of an eye, a large cloud of sand flew out of the quicksand, hitting Zebstrika head-on and face-to-face.

Zebstrika had no time to dodge this time, and was immediately hit by the sand with her eyes closed tightly, and she backed up again and again.

"Mud Slap, eyes!"

Wutong gave the order in a hurry, biting Xiaoju'er tightly, not letting go.

Xiao Ju'er felt a lot of pressure, she pursed her lips tightly, and bit her white teeth lightly.

She felt that her body was a little hot, and she didn't expect such a young trainer to have such an aura and bring her a little pressure.

"Quick Attack!"

Xiaojuer had a flash of inspiration and found a way to escape.

Jaw Lock's Mud Slap attack, a large cloud of muddy mud hit the air.

Zebstrika evaded the attack of Mud Slap by using the extremely fast speed of Quick Attack.


Trapinch was thrown high this time.

"Go down, Bite!"

Trapinch was still flying high, and the Trainer command sounded again.

It could only open its mouth, trying to control the falling point of its body, and bit Zebstrika's back with one bite.

For the first time, Xiao Ju'er couldn't maintain a cold and stern look on her face, showing surprise.

The audience also let out an exclamation.

The scene just now was indeed wonderful.

Trapinch quickly adjusted his body balance in mid-air so that it landed on Zebstrika precisely and launched a counterattack.

Falling from high altitude made Bite heavier, and Zebstrika also felt pain. Growl kept shaking his body, trying to throw Trapinch down.

Trapinch was thrown away a few seconds later, accompanied by "ten splashes of blood.

Not lightly hurt!

You should know that under normal circumstances, Pokémon's body is protected by energy, so it is not easy to suffer from bleeding and other injuries.

Once even the blood and body fluids flow out, it means that the opponent's attack is too fast or too strong, causing him to suffer unavoidable defense breaking damage.

A strong Pokémon is just the aura pressure formed by the natural energy in the body, which will make the weak Pokémon unable to approach.

Any living thing emits radiation all the time, which is the most basic physical rule.

Human beings have body temperature and also have radiation, otherwise infrared detectors cannot easily distinguish human beings on the detection screen.

There are extremely small amounts of radionuclides in the human body, let alone Pokémon.

Pokémon has such a small body, but it has such a powerful energy, which expresses various magical abilities.

In a sense, they are "high energy" Extraordinary organisms can also be.

"Flame Charge!"

Xiaoju'er was so powerful that she didn't spare the ants, and instead chased after Wutong and bit Wutong's side.


Wutong reacted very quickly, and immediately saw Trapinch digging a hole in the ground to escape.

Rookie Trainer-level battles often have many redundant and even wrong commands.

When it comes to the level of official trainers and elite trainers, sheep-herding command will not work.

Indus suddenly thought of the Takeda people in the Kanto Nibi Gymnasium, wondering if they have realized it now.

Such as the current battle.

Between him and Xiao Ju'er, every order has its basis, and there are very few redundant and invalid orders.

Xiaoju'er's blue-eyed eyebrows frowned slightly. If Trapinch always hides underground, Zebstrika really has nothing to do.

She can use Magnet Rise to dodge the Ground damage that restrains the Electric Type, which is a flexible use.

However, among the skills Zebstrika has mastered, there is nothing that can effectively damage underground enemies.

Xiao Ju'er simply stopped talking, folded her arms, and waited coldly for Trapinch to appear.

"Sand Tomb!"



Soon, there are multiple Sand Tombs scattered throughout the venue.

Zebstrika was forced to use Magnet Rise to stay in mid-air, not daring to land.

"It's shameless!"

"How can a man avoid a fight!"

"Let Trapinch come out and fight!"

"It would be disgraceful to win like this!"

Dozens of female spectators beside the long railing on the second floor burst into outrage.

Mei was caught in the middle and watched the game, feeling speechless.

Indus's Trapinch has been hiding in the ground and constantly making Sand Tomb, and it never took off.

Zebstrika also has no means to attack Rival under the Ground, so it can only be stalemate.

Wutong watched the six Sand Tombs divide the field, and heard the shouts of those people, knowing that it was time.

"Then........ Rock Slide!"

Indus suddenly shouted loudly.

coming soon!

Xiaoju's body trembled slightly, her eyes lit up, and she shouted.

"Maximum power... Quick Attack!"

A dozen or so Rocks fell down in chunks, hitting Zebstrika straight.

However, Zebstrika's figure disappeared in place, and in a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Trapinch who drilled from the ground.

When Zebstrika got close to Trapinch, he saw that he was about to hit him, and suddenly his body sank into the ground.

A big pit!

Sand Trap!

Trapinch, as a kind of Pokémon that digs sand cave traps in deserts or wilderness Regions, is not only Sand Tomb.

In fact, its Sand Tomb is a more subtle sand trap.

Traps that seem to be normal are actually all around Trapinch.

"Zebstrika! Come out!"

When Xiao Ju'er saw her Pokémon fall into a big funnel-shaped pit, she knew she had fallen into a trap, and she quickly drank.

"Rock Slide!"

Indus let Trapinch chase without mercy.

The battle is over.

Rock energy condensed above Zebstrika, turning into a dozen brown Rocks.

Zebstrika had just floated to the Ground using the magnetic force, but was dropped heavily by a bunch of Rocks, and fell back into the trap pit more than one meter deep.

"Zebstrika is unconscious, the challenger wins the first round!"

The referee also announced the battle situation in time at this time.

"......come back!"

Xiao Ju'er took a deep look at the black-haired boy, surrounded the Poké Ball to retrieve the unconscious Zebstrika.

She suddenly asked: "Your Trapinch, is it Sand Cave Ability?"

Putting his hands in his pockets, Wutong calmly replied: "That's right, it is very good at (Wang Dezhao) digging sand traps."

Trapinch's Ability is not only reflected in special abilities, but also affects Common skills and life habits.

Reality is not a game.

The Trapinch of the Machamp Clamp Ability has a more lethal high strength, and it is difficult to be intimidated, etc. to reduce its physical attack strength.

Another kind of Sand Cave Ability Trapinch is more proficient in Sand Tomb and other skills, and is good at using traps to make prey unable to escape.

Xiao Ju'er was thoughtful.

She actually heard the voices of those fans and some disciples who came to learn from her, the museum owner.

"Although it is not glorious, it is indeed Excellent, so... let's continue!"

Xiaoju'er took a deep breath, she was not too sorry to lose, the opponent really made good use of the different abilities of Pokémon of the same race.

Another Machamp Trapinch would probably be down by now.

Indus was not surprised.

The few Sand Tombs made before are mainly for making terrain.

Form a straight line that is most suitable for attacking!

When there are Sand Tombs on the left and right, only the middle is roomy, and the Trapinch appears at the end.

This is an obvious game.

But both Xiaoju'er and Zebstrika had to step in, so they fell straight into the trap.

Only now these passers-by or low-level trainers can't understand, and will shout shameless or despicable.

A slightly higher-level Trainer, after understanding it, will call it subtle.

This is a kingly layout, a trap that Rival has to step on.

Trapinch is full of Sand Tomb around, leaving only a wide passage.

Zebstrika wanted to attack, only to go this way.

The hidden sand cave trap is arranged in front of Trapinch, please enter the urn. .

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