Beedrill, Pierces Everything!

Chapter 33 Hiding Ability Snipe Shot's Hand

The battle between Indus and Forrest is going on.

He was worried that Beedrill wouldn't be able to beat Rival, so let him strengthen first.

On the other hand, Forrest wasn't idle either.

Seeing Beedrill strengthened with Focus Energy, he shouted: "Rhyhorn, Rock Blast!"

Before the autumn wind moves, the cicadas feel first.

Beedrill sensed a large amount of energy gathering around him, khaki, thick and dangerous.

"Fury Attack!"

Wutong's voice also rang in time.

The stab is like a 100-meter sprinter who has been ordered to disappear without a trace.

Rhyhorn froze for a moment, its eyes stared ahead, unable to see Rival.

where did it go

"Overhead! Rhyhorn, watch out!"

Forrest yelled, and it took Rhyhorn two or three seconds to understand what it meant.

At this time, severe pain came from several places on his body.


Rhyhorn hurriedly closed his eyes.


Both eyes were in severe pain, and it felt as if the eyeballs had been pierced with blood holes, and the pain caused it to open its mouth wide.

Above, a belly with two black stripes ends in a stinger that just goes all over the tongue in the mouth.


Blood splatter!

Beedrill suddenly sensed that something was wrong below, and flew up high with continuous flapping of wings, looking first before talking.

Sure enough, Rhyhorn went mad.

Its small brain couldn't bear the severe pain stimulation, and its body was in pain like an out-of-control rocking car on the side of the road, crazily bouncing back and forth.

Ten seconds later.

Rhyhorn went mad for a moment, slowing down, as everyone watched silently.

After a while, it gradually stopped moving.

It fell to the ground.

Most of the disciples in the gymnasium also had a dazed expression on their faces, unable to understand and accept it.

"That's not right..."

"Such a strong defense."

"Obviously during normal training, even if Onix lashes his back with all his strength, this Rhyhorn won't scream in pain!"

"Is he cheating?"

"I don't know, let's see what the owner says."

Xiaogang thought to himself what else could he say?

Missed it!

He glared at the black-haired boy, hiding it so deeply!

"Rhyhorn loses battle, Beedrill wins battle."

Hearing the big brother's announcement, Forrest was full of frustration and disappointment, took out the Poké Ball and took the Pokémon back silently.

Compared with Takeda, the two sides re-walked to the center of the field after the battle.

Forrest took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, and said with complicated eyes: "You are very good, I lost."

Wu Tong has no bad impression of such a person, and immediately responded with a smile: "You didn't lose wrongly, it's the Snipe Shot Ability."

"Snipe Shot Hand Ability?"

"Snipe Shot Hand Ability!"

Xiao Gang also came over, and the two made surprise sounds one after the other.

But compared to Forrest's doubts, Xiaogang obviously knows more.

Other gym disciples also approached curiously, wanting to know why Beedrill, who should never have been able to beat Rhyhorn, was able to beat Rhyhorn in one hit.

You must know that even if Focus Energy improves its ability and hits the vital point, Rhyhorn's physical strength and physical defense should not fall so easily.

Xiao Gang patiently explained: "Unova has already begun research on the dream world and hidden abilities. It is a concept that has only been clarified recently. It is believed that a small number of Pokémon will be affected by the dream world and have rare hidden abilities awakened. Also known as the Dream Ability."

After hearing this explanation, the gym disciples all exclaimed, and looked at the Beedrill with envy and curiosity.

"Then this Beedrill has a hidden ability?"

"Is the hidden ability the Snipe Shot hand?"

"Then is it still an Ability?"

"Don't be stupid, I haven't heard of double abilities so far!"

"Master, what Ability does Beedrill have?"

Xiaogang took the opportunity to give a lecture and answered the gym disciples one by one.

"I'll send Charmander and Persian to cure first!" Indus hurriedly beckoned Beedrill to slip away, instead of staying here and waiting to be surrounded.

"I'll accompany him to the Pokémon Center!" Forrest also took the opportunity to slip away.

Gymnasium and Pokémon Center are in the same block, separated by a street.


The two came to the Pokémon center and handed the Poké Ball to Miss Joey.

while waiting.

Forrest knew that Wutong didn't come to "compete" for the position of the Gym Master, and he was secretly relieved.

Indus doesn't care either, he doesn't care and he doesn't want to be bound by the position of the museum owner in a city.

On the way back.

Forrest said with admiration: "You are only level 10 this year, and you already have such a strong Pokémon. It will definitely be no problem to become an elite trainer in the future."

Wu Tong also said with a smile: "You can be more confident and remove the next two words."

Forrest choked, startled by the brunette's shamelessness.

He said embarrassingly, "Then have you participated in raising the Trainer level?"

Wutong shook his head: "Trainer level promotion requires a certain Region Conference score, and I'm still studying."

In each Region, there are corresponding conference-type competitions, which are officially organized by the Region Alliance, and the competition results are very hard certification.

If you want to participate in the Conference, you first need to get eight Badges from the local Region.

Rookie Trainer actually refers to a Trainer who has never collected all eight Badges and has never participated in a Region Conference.

Once you have participated in the Region Conference, it doesn't matter if you get eliminated in the first round.

Anyone can inquire on the computer through the unique number of the Trainer card.

One of the messages is "Participated in a certain conference: times/scores".

At the same time, there will be a corresponding message, "Trainer level: so-and-so rank."

In this world, the Trainer card is the identity card.

In the slums where Wutong lived before, quite a few teenage "black households" lived.

They do not have to pay taxes, nor can they enjoy the various convenient conditions that the Region Alliance gives Trainers.


He still doesn't understand the deeper reasons, unless he enters the Alliance system.

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