
The two-meter-long Licker was kicked to the ground by Xu Wang!

The five-story drop was not a good experience for the Licker.

It didn't even react to what happened.

On the ground with its limbs, the Licker shook its head and tried to stand up.

It was kicked in the head, and its neck was obviously uncomfortable.

It was just halfway up when the Licker heard the sound of boots landing beside it.

Although the vision of the Licker has been extremely degraded.

But correspondingly, their hearing has evolved to an extremely sharp level.

So the Licker reacted quickly, and it shook its head directly!

It hit the black muzzle of a gun handsomely!

Xu Wang held a Mossberg 590 shotgun in his hand.

This gun was also looted by Xu Wang from the Raccoon City Police Department.

Facing a B.O.W of the level of the Licker, there is no need to use 40mm grenades.

With the power of a 12Ga shotgun, it was enough to hit the vital point.

The licker with the virus in his brain seemed to feel the call of his grandmother at this moment.

Xu Wang did not hesitate at all.

The moment the licker turned his head, he had already pulled the trigger!


A huge gunshot!

The shotgun loaded with buckshot exploded!

16 lead balls exploded, instantly smashing the licker's brain!

The kinetic energy of the shotgun was huge, and the licker's head, which had just turned around, was hit and hit the road next to it.

Xu Wang knew the reason why horror movies need to be reloaded.

Therefore, he immediately moved the muzzle, pulled the front handguard backwards, ejected the shell and moved forward, and pulled the trigger again!


Another loud noise!

The licker's head was completely smashed by Xu Wang.

Xu Wang took two Mossberg 590s from the police station, one loaded with buckshot and the other with single-headed bullets.

It is prepared to deal with enemies at different distances.

Confirm that the Licker is dead.

Xu Wang put away his shotgun, holding the Wujiang sword and slashing the zombies around him like a stick, rushing all the way to the police officers behind the bunker not far away.

These police officers obviously recognized Xu Wang's identity.

Seeing that the terrifying monster was dealt with by Xu Wang in a few moves, they breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but admire him!

Their profession.

With the strong strength shown by Xu Wang, it is naturally easy to be appreciated.

The police officers on the front line are worthy of being the elite of RPD.

There was no pause in the action in his hands, and he was even shooting to cover Xu Wang's approach.


Xu Wang waved the Wujiang sword and chopped off the head of the last zombie in front!

Then he accelerated forward, supported the hood of a police car with one hand and flipped into the roadblock!

The action looked cool and handsome.

It was because his pants were hooked by the iron sheet when he landed at the last moment, causing Xu Wang to fall heavily to the ground with his face on the ground!

"Snap", very loud!

Xu Wang was silent!

"Are you okay?"

The police officers looked at Xu Wang with some concern.

It was obvious that they wanted to laugh, but they all knew that the current situation was not appropriate, so they held back their laughter.

"I'm fine, I just checked if there were any zombies under the car."

Xu Wang stood up stubbornly.

He turned his head and looked at the hood of the police car behind him.

He found that the raised hood hooked his pants, which brought him down!

Xu Wang's pants were already a little torn in the previous battle with the tyrant.

Now that they were torn like this, they were even more torn...

Judging from the clothes alone, Xu Wang now looked like a beggar.

The only intact uniform left in the shelter was the last one, so it seemed that he had to find some other clothes to wear in the wasteland.

The thought of clothes quickly passed through Xu Wang's mind.

Xu Wang coughed twice, pretending that nothing had happened, and glanced at the weapons in the hands of these police officers.

They were all weapons like Beretta 1AC11 submachine guns.

All light firepower.

These firepowers are OK for ordinary zombies.

But for those with higher tankiness, these guns would be a bit difficult to use.

So Xu Wang took out two MP5s and an M870 shotgun from his subspace waist bag and threw them to them.

There were also some matching bullets and grenades.

With these firepowers and bullets, plus the strength of elite police officers, they only had to deal with zombies and did not easily enter the house, so there was no problem in self-protection.

"Oh my God! It really helped a lot!"

The police officers looked at these weapons and were immediately delighted.

They were sent out in the early morning.

At that time, there was no news about zombies.

It was just treated as a normal patient riot, so they did not bring too many weapons and equipment.

As a result, before they returned to the police station, the news about the T virus began to be reported.

These police officers received orders from Deputy Director Raymond to try their best to cover the evacuation of nearby citizens, and at the same time allowed to shoot and kill zombies.

The first shot fired at the zombies is often difficult.

Because the zombies are too human, they always hesitate.

Fortunately, there are urgent news reports, plus the order of the deputy chief.

The police officers did not suffer casualties because they did not dare to shoot like in the original work.

In the original work, Chief Irons, who seemed to be crazy and bribed by the umbrella, even deliberately distorted the government's order to prevent the police from shooting.

This further led to the increase in casualties among police officers and citizens.

It can be said that this fat pig chief has killed many people directly and indirectly!

Fortunately, after Xu Wang came, all these changed.

After getting the permission to shoot, the police officers' fighting power was completely released.

After witnessing zombies eating people with their own eyes.

After the infected people also became living dead, they shot more decisively.

For a period of time before, the police officers had been wandering the streets.

While rescuing citizens, they cleared zombies.

It was only with the appearance of the Lickers.

In addition, their ammunition began to run short.

The police officers had to build roadblocks and began to defend.

If Xu Wang hadn't come, they would have been trapped here alive.

"There are not many citizens nearby. You should also start to retreat to the south. The defense line below still needs your strength."

Xu Wang said.

Seeing that these police officers agreed, he didn't stay any longer and left quickly with spider silk.

He still had to rush to rescue the 4th team.

The main task of the police officers was not to clear zombies.

Instead, they bought more time so that more citizens could evacuate.

We must not harbor the illusion that Raccoon City can still be saved.

That would only lead to destruction in illusion!

Team 4 was not far from Team 3.

Xu Wang landed lightly on the roof after turning a corner.

He found that the situation of this team was obviously worse.

They were completely out of ammunition and food, and were blocked in the back alley.

They could only rely on the iron gate in the alley to temporarily block the zombies.

There were at least dozens of zombies blocking the iron gate tightly!

The exit of the alley on the other side was also blocked by a large number of zombies.

Without firepower and being blocked in such a narrow terrain, if there was no support, they could basically only wait to die.

"Bang bang bang!"

The group of zombies below desperately knocked and shook the iron gate.

It seemed that the iron gate could be overturned at any time.

In fact, this was the case.

The two iron gates in the alley were already shaky.

Xu Wang observed it for a while, and then immediately started to act.

He poured the gasoline he had picked up from top to bottom!

Soon, it covered the zombies outside the iron gate.

One bullet went down, and with a "whoosh" sound!

The gasoline was instantly ignited!

A raging fire suddenly broke out outside the iron gate!

The four teams of police officers trapped in the alley also found Xu Wang at this time, and they felt relieved, almost thinking they had seen God!

Xu Wang did not stop, and after burning the zombies on this side, he ran to the entrance of the other alley and burned the zombies there as well.

A raging fire broke out at the entrances of both alleys.

For a moment, thick black smoke rose into the sky.

The high temperature also made the four teams of police officers in the middle of the alley feel a little uncomfortable.

But they didn't say anything.

Although it was very hot, at least the heat gave them a sense of security.

"Thank God! I finally survived!"

"Holy dog ​​food! I almost thought I was going to see my grandmother!"

"Kevin! If you drink again next time! I'll put the bottle in your ass! I'll keep my word!"

"Roy, stop talking, I promise I won't drink again...yue!"

As he was talking, there was another vomiting sound from below.

I don't know if it was because of the alcohol or the smoke on both sides.

"Hey! Do you want to go online?"

Xu Wang spoke to the four police officers trapped in the alley.


The four were still a little confused, and they were pulled up to the roof one by one by the spider silk fired by Xu Wang.

Although they could wait until the zombies were burned to death and then rescue them, it would be a waste of time.

Time is still very important now.

"Thank you very much, if you hadn't come, we would have been dead."

Roy, a white man with a short hair and glasses, thanked Xu Wang.

"It's okay, I'll be very happy if you are willing to call me the savior of the Raccoon City Police."

Xu Wang grinned.

At the same time, he took things out of his waist bag and gave supplies to the four policemen.

"Okay, Mr. Savior, what arrangements do you have for us next?"

The policeman named Kevin, who had a middle-parted hair and looked quite unrestrained and unruly, sat next to him, and looked a little dizzy.

It seemed that he was the policeman who drank too much.

"Evacuate to the south, remember to meet up with other teams first, concentrate firepower, don't be too scattered, find a car, there are not many living people here."

Xu Wang said, seeing that the four policemen had made preparations again, he put them on the street with fewer zombies.

These four people were also unlucky.

But to be honest, they were also elite.

Kevin had signed up for S.T.A.R.S., but unfortunately he was not selected.

At this time, he got ammunition supplies, so Xu Wang basically didn't have to worry too much about them.

What Xu Wang is doing now is just to try to preserve the living combat power of the human side.

Anti-biochemical crisis is a long-term battle.

It's not just Raccoon City...

Successfully rescued 4 teams.

Xu Wang also planned to deliver supplies to the other two teams.

At this time, another phone booth next to him rang.

If Xu Wang didn't leave, it would keep ringing.

So Xu Wang had to walk over, enter the phone booth, pick up the receiver, and answer the call.

"Hello, the number you dialed is busy, please call again later!"

Xu Wang spoke in a half-voiced voice.

The other side was silent for a while, and no one answered.

Just when Xu Wang was about to hang up the phone out of boredom, William finally spoke: "Let's make a deal! It's about your life. If you don't want to die..."

The second update is 3,000 words.

All 6,000 words are updated today!

In addition, thank you to the book friend [Ao Xiaobai] for the 100 starting coins reward.

Thank you to the book friend [Negative Energy] for the 1,000 starting coins reward.

Thank you to the book friend [Lie down and listen leisurely] for the 100 starting coins reward.

Thank you to the book friend [20210223225335042] for the 100 starting coins reward.

Thank you to the book friend [Wang Yige] for the 500 starting coins reward

Thank you to the book friend [My Name is the Bible Preface] for the 500 starting coins reward!

Thank you very much!

I will update more in the first month.

In addition to the basic 6,000 words, I will have additional updates later.

Please support me, Niu Niu thanks you!

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