He put on Dr. Bard's white coat and clipped his work badge on his chest.

Xu Wang wore a mask and used [Skin Awareness] before opening the office door.

Outside the office, there was indeed a young nurse.

"Dr. Budd?"

The nurse looked at Xu Wang in front of her and felt a little strange.

"Why did your hair turn black?"

"Oh! I almost forgot about this, please wait."

Xu Wang reacted and turned away from the nurse's sight.

Just when the little nurse looked confused, Xu Wang came back again.

Overall, Xu Wang has not changed much.

However, there was a note stuck in his hair.

It has the word blond written on it in English.

The little nurse took a look and saw that she was blond!

There is no doubt that the person in front of him is Dr. Bader.

"Let's go, lead the way."

Xu Wang imitated Bud's pulling look, puffing out his chest and raising his chin in an exaggerated manner, looking at the road with his nostrils.

Just like Hua Wu in "Tang Bo Hu Spots Autumn Fragrance".

"Dr. Budd, why do you keep looking at the ceiling?"

The little nurse looked at Xu Wang with a little fear.

"Really?! I've always been like this, you care about me!"

Xu Wang couldn't pull it.

"But you'll hit a wall like this."

As soon as the little nurse finished speaking, Xu Wang said "Oops" and hit the wall!

"Dr. Budd! Are you okay?"

When the little nurse saw Xu Wang hitting the wall, she quickly stepped forward to support Xu Wang.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just testing this wall."

Xu Wang pretended to knock on the wall and hummed twice: "Not bad."

Then I ignored the little nurse next to me and walked forward.

"Dr. Bud, that's the obstetrics department over there."

Seeing that Xu Wang was going in the wrong direction, the little nurse quickly reminded him again.

Xu Wang didn't make any answer, but his steps made a silky turn, completing the U-turn.

Under the guidance of the little nurse, Xu Wang finally arrived at the operating room.

Said to be an operating room, Xu Wang felt that this place was more like a laboratory.

He first put on a light green surgical gown, then a hat and gloves, and then walked inside.

Xu Wang had no experience in operating on people.

He had only cut up earthworms in biology class.

However, it can also be seen that this surgical meeting is not so particular.

Otherwise, the photographer smoking in the corner would have been kicked out due to the sterility requirement.

"Dr. Budd."

"Dr. Budd."


As soon as Xu Wang entered the operating room, the doctors and nurses inside immediately paid attention and greeted Xu Wang.

This is the first time for this young man to encounter such a scene.

My chest couldn't help but rise higher.

It felt really good to be a boss. He immediately got into the mood and stepped forward with a serious face.

On the operating table, a living male zombie was lying.

However, it seemed that the other doctors and nurses present were unaware of the existence of the virus.

Just treat it as some kind of rare disease.

Xu Wang didn't know that the purpose of the surgical meeting originally organized by Dr. Bader was to help the protective umbrella hide the truth together.

This is why a photographer is placed in the operating room.

All Bud has to do is pretend to have a surgical meeting.

He is just misleading the public by relying on his status as a medical guru.

However, now the real Dr. Bader has been tied up by Xu Wang and thrown into the office toilet.

Now, the person who came here by accident is a man who has a lot of ideas and a flawed mind.

There is no surveillance in the operating room.

The person under the umbrella cannot know the situation in the operating room for the time being.

They didn't care about the situation in the operating room.

More importantly than the surgical meeting, from their perspective, Xu Wang suddenly disappeared!

【Skin Awareness】is able to change others’ perception of Xu Wang at the same time after the image of Xu Wang is changed.

The limits of others here are very broad.

As long as the perceptual attributes can keep up, not only the face-to-face biological cognition will be changed, but also the biological cognition that is tens or hundreds of kilometers away after monitoring will be tampered with.

Even if there is such a thing as the will of the earth, Xu Wang is still considered someone else.

That's why I say that as time goes by, Xu Wang will become more and more terrifying as he grows up in the future.

This is the beauty of stacked numbers.

In the eyes of the umbrella monitoring personnel, Xu Wang put on a white coat, pasted a note on himself and then disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, "Dr. Bud" followed the young nurse to the operating room.

But now Dr. Bader is not that important, they care more about Xu Wang's whereabouts.

Experimental Subject No. 2 disappeared right under your nose. This is not a trivial matter.

They immediately contacted Director Kane again.

When Kane heard the news, although he didn't want to see Xu Wang, who was causing him a headache, he still hurried over.

Seeing Kane's arrival, some researchers immediately asked whether they should send the Nemesis to pursue Xu Wang.

Kane was a little tempted, but after thinking for a while, he still refused.

"Continue to search the entire city. There's no way he won't reveal some clues. If he still can't be found after 24 hours, we'll dispatch the Nemesis again."


The monitors are busy again.

Kane's face didn't look good.

The virus has not yet fully broken out, so this is not the time for the Furies to take action.

The existence of B.O.W must not be made known to the public.

I have said it before.

The influence of [Skin Perception] on outsiders depends on the degree of disguise of Xu Wang's image.

It is not like magic, forcibly changing the thoughts of people around through so-called mental power.

Xu Wang's skills are more elusive.

The farther his [Skin Perception] is, the easier it is to ignore the details of the disguise, so the effect of the disguise is stronger.

This is why the people who protect the umbrella did not find anything wrong through the camera.

In 1998, ultra-high-definition cameras were not everywhere.

On the contrary, the closer to Xu Wang, the easier it is to find the details of the disguise.

Xu Wang's identity is also more likely to be exposed.

At this time, Xu Wang's perception is as high as 10 points.

In the operating room, most people are affected by the skill and firmly believe that Xu Wang is Dr. Bard.

But there is another person whose perception attribute is naturally high.

He is less affected.

After seeing Xu Wang come in, he always looks at Xu Wang with a look of doubt.

This person is Dr. Yang.

Dr. Yang hates Dr. Bard very much.

Because his papers have been robbed several times.

Because of this, Dr. Yang believed that he would never mistake the annoying foreigner.

Dr. Bader was 187cm tall, obviously taller than the man in front of him.

Moreover, Dr. Bader was thin.

Xu Wang's surgical gown was propped up by his muscles, obviously from years of exercise.

The most important thing was his temperament!

Although Dr. Bader had a bad personality, he was very arrogant because of his achievements.

The man in front of him...

Dr. Yang was silent for a while.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the temperament of the man in front of him was really incompatible with the doctors around him!

It was like a husky mixed in with the wolf pack!

Even if this husky held his head high and tried his best to disguise himself.

But the sneaky look around and the occasional scratching had fully exposed him!

This was a fool with no medical knowledge at all!

How did he get in!

Dr. Yang stared at Xu Wang and looked at his colleagues around him.

He wanted to warn him.

But for some reason, no one around him seemed to notice anything wrong.

His black hair was clearly showing under his hat!

He was still picking his nose!

He rubbed it on the patient!

Are you all blind!

Unconsciously, Dr. Yang was sweating coldly.

He was full of inner drama.

It felt like this world was so unreal!

He turned his head suddenly and looked at the photographer next to him.

Could this be a spoof show? !

The photographer was confused by Dr. Yang's look and thought that he was not allowed to smoke, so he put out his cigarette and smiled at Dr. Yang.

Dr. Yang was confused and turned his head back.

He looked at Xu Wang again.

This time, he happened to meet Xu Wang's eyes.

What made Dr. Yang's scalp numb was that the man opposite him suddenly brightened up!

It seemed to say: What a coincidence! You are here too!

That familiar look.

Bad memories instantly came to his mind!

No way! No way!

It couldn't really be him!

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