The car that Steve and Jenny drove for vacation was basically broken.

If they wanted to leave the woods, they had to walk.

"Tiezhu! Lead the way!"

Xu Wang shouted arrogantly.

Tiezhu shook his tail, lowered his head immediately, and ran out to smell the smell.

Xu Wang and the other two immediately followed the dog's butt.

With the dog leading the way, it didn't take long for them to walk out of the dense woods.

Steve and Jenny, who had experienced life and death, were slightly relieved until they saw the road outside the woods.

Living in the civilized world, the experience in the forest these two days really made them realize what it means to "call to the sky and the earth, but no one will respond."

If it weren't for the good luck of meeting Xu Wang, Steve's body would have been cold now.

"We should be able to enter the town along this road. When we get a ride, you will be safe."

Xu Wang pointed to the road under his feet and said.

"Let's call the police after we enter the town. Maybe we can seek help from the townspeople."

Jenny proposed a plan that she thought was reasonable.

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a little strange.

She turned her head and found that Xu Wang and Steve were looking at her with a look of ashamedness.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, I didn't."

Xu Wang comforted Jenny first, then turned back to look at Steve: "Your girlfriend's brain seems to be broken, do you still want this waste? If you don't want it, just recycle it for me. I'm a garbage collector."

Steve wanted to say that Xu Wang was joking, but seeing Xu Wang's serious expression, he suddenly widened his eyes and realized that Xu Wang was serious!

So he quickly changed the subject: "Your dog is also very smart, where did you buy it?"

"I picked it up too."

Xu Wang looked at Steve with his eyes wide open, and confirmed: "Your girlfriend is really broken, are you really not going to throw it away?"

Steve sighed helplessly. If someone else said this to him, he would have been angry long ago.

But facing Xu Wang, Steve could only shake his head and responded seriously: "No, she is my girlfriend."

"It's rare. It seems that you also like to collect waste."

Xu Wang gave Steve a smile of looking at the same hobby.

Jenny's face turned black next to her.

She could hear that Xu Wang really didn't mean to mock her in a sarcastic way.

But it happened that the truth was the most hurtful.

Now she also reacted.

The little bastard named Brett died.

The other little brats also ran back to the town.

As expected, the adults in the town must have known about this.

The town here is so remote.

Who knows if the adults who learned of the death of the children will go crazy.

Their situation may be even more dangerous at that time.

Realizing this, Jenny also knew that she had just said something stupid.

In the plot of the movie "The Garden of Eden", Jenny, who finally escaped from the forest, sought help from the adults in the town, which led to her death.

It is not known whether she suffered other tortures before her death.

"Let's listen to Xu Wang. Let's find a passing ride and leave directly. That's the safest way."

For safety reasons, Steve finally decided to follow Xu Wang's advice.

After so many things, he finally learned to be cautious.

"Since everything is fine, I wish you a safe journey. I still have some things to deal with, so I won't accompany you."

Seeing that Steve and the others made the most correct choice, Xu Wang nodded with relief, took the dog and walked directly towards the town.

Many times, the characters in horror movies are not so easy to die.

As long as they are not so stubborn and leave the dangerous place immediately when they find something wrong, basically there will be no problems.

It can be said that most horror movie characters die because of stubbornness and stupidity.

Xu Wang also thinks they are stupid.

However, those stupid behaviors can be used as a strategy for seeking death for Xu Wang.

As long as you follow it, it should be quite easy to die in the world of horror movies.

After parting with Steve and the others, Xu Wang took Tiezhu and walked forward along the road.

It didn't take too long to enter the town.

Xu Wang had never been to this town either.

I don't know what it originally looked like.

It seemed a little deserted to Xu Wang now.


At this moment, a scream broke the quiet atmosphere.

In a house on the side of the road, the thick-lipped black teenager Machi Mark screamed and rushed out!

He was covered in blood and fell to the ground after only two steps.


A must-have fall in horror movies!

Xu Wang turned his head to look at the house behind the black man Machi.

Jason came out with the body of another older black man in his hand, threw it aside, held a machete, and walked towards Machi step by step.

It seems that these little bastards successfully escaped back to the town, but were finally caught up by Jason.

The older black man should be Machi's father.

Maybe he was easily solved by Jason during the resistance.

Machi Mark is quite lucky.

As a black man, he actually has a father.

But this father is the same as not having a father, and he did not play an educational role at all.

So he still has no father.

"Good morning, Jason!"

Xu Wang walked forward like taking a stroll, with a relaxed expression as if he was greeting his neighbors: "Are you hacking people? You're really energetic working so early in the morning! Go ahead and I'll come find you later!"

Jason heard someone calling him, and saw that it was Xu Wang. He turned his head silently, and then hacked Machi Mark in front of him to death with a knife.

That group of little bastards were also what Xu Wang wanted to kill.

Since Jason was so eager to help, let him go ahead.

"Now that things have come to this, let's go eat first. So that we don't have to eat those nasty things on the way back."

Xu Wang patted Tiezhu's head, ignored the murderer Jason over there, and found a restaurant nearby.

"Good morning! Is anyone there?! I'm here to eat!"

Xu Wang pushed open the door of the restaurant.

The first thing he saw was a mess inside.

A little further inside, there was a body of an old lady lying on the ground.

A chair leg was stuck in her chest.

"Oh my god!"

Xu Wang covered his mouth with both hands: "This is too pitiful!"

"Although it is summer, you should keep warm when you sleep. How can you not cover your belly?"

Xu Wang looked around, picked up a plastic bottle cap kindly, and covered the aunt's belly button with it, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Lifting his leg over the aunt's body, Xu Wang went straight to the kitchen.

Wanted to see if he could get something to eat.

As a result, when he entered the cold storage in the kitchen, Xu Wang was completely stunned.

In the cold storage, human corpses were hung in the air by iron hooks like pork.

The corpses had been cleaned up, as if they were ready to be put into the pot at any time.

The impact of this scene was too strong.

Xu Wang quickly left the cold storage.

Seeing the corpses of the same kind being treated as food, he instinctively felt uncomfortable.

"Woof woof woof!"

There were a few dog barks next to him.

Tiezhu put down his dog bowl and dragged a basket out from under the cabinet.

The basket was full of valuables like cell phones, rings, and wallets.

Xu Wang understood immediately.

Oh my goodness.

So everyone in this town is a villain!

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