What is a wasteland?

In Xu Wang's understanding, the so-called wasteland should be a world where the survivors of a civilization that has experienced a huge disaster, with extremely scarce resources and backward civilization, struggle to survive and rebuild civilization.

Anarchism, dystopia, technological threats, and violence are supreme.

These are the labels that exist in the wasteland.

This is undoubtedly a crazy, contradictory and wild world.

Before Xu Wang traveled to this world, his understanding of the wasteland was limited to games and film and television dramas.

Therefore, the wasteland in Xu Wang's imagination is probably what is shown in the "Fallout" game series or the "Mad Max" movie.

The short time of activities in the wasteland world has greatly deepened Xu Wang's stereotype.

In particular, the existence of Shelter No. 92 made Xu Wang certain that he should be in a wasteland world similar to the worldview of the "Fallout" game.

After all, the sense of déjà vu in all aspects is too strong.

It is precisely because of this preconceived idea.

Xu Wang thought that the survivors in this wasteland were still in the stage of tribes blooming everywhere.

There is no order, nor law.

Pure jungle law.

It was not until Xu Wang took Tiezhu and walked along the road and came to a small town that he realized that his thoughts seemed to be a little biased.

The town was surrounded by a wall made of concrete and rusty steel.

There was also a huge, crooked sign at the gate.

The huge word "bingzhen" was written on it in the federal language.

Because the light strip of the font had been in disrepair for a long time, only half of the radical of the word "zhen" in "bingzhen" was still lit.

It looked like [bingzhen].

At the gate of Bingzhen, Xu Wang saw that there were two people who looked like policemen standing guard with guns.

The presence of police means there is law and order.

No matter how developed the law and order here is.

This at least proves that this wasteland world should not be as bad as he imagined.

Of course, it will definitely not be too good.

When he was at the top of Xishui Mountain, Xu Wang deliberately looked at the surrounding environment.

He knew that this big city was once one of the sites of nuclear bomb attacks.

Therefore, the high-rise buildings in the prosperous areas near the city center have all become ruins.

On the contrary, the areas closer to the suburbs are well preserved.

This Bing Town is located on a small plain in the eastern suburbs of Liumu City.

As Xu Wang got closer and closer to the gate of Bing Town.

He could also see some wastelanders coming in and out of the city gate.

In addition to some wastelanders wearing mixed clothes and full of punk style.

Xu Wang saw the most, which should be a group of wasteland merchants.

Their characteristics are very obvious, most of them are led by one or more two-headed cows.

These two-headed cows look no different from ordinary cows.

They are just bigger and have sparser hair.

The biggest difference is that they have an extra head.

The two-headed cows are all carrying various goods tied with hemp ropes, some are horizontal iron barrels, and some are rolled leather and sacks.

They all look very docile.

Even in the end of the world two hundred years later, cattle are still good friends of humans.

Thinking of this, Xu Wang turned his head and looked at the iron pillar next to him.

At this time, Tiezhu still had his dog bowl in his mouth.

Seeing Xu Wang looking at him, Tiezhu immediately threw the dog bowl on the ground and slapped it with his paws.

Xu Wang didn't even bother to pay attention to it.

I don't know who this dog learned this from.

It actually has the habit of hoarding things.

It didn't eat the delicious stick I gave it, but hid it instead.

Then, whenever it had a chance, it would hold the bowl in its mouth and ask for food from me.

It's just been hungry for two days.

How can it have such a strong sense of crisis? It doesn't learn something good from me. It's really petty.

After a while, Xu Wang finally arrived at the gate of Bing Town.

Looking up at this time, Xu Wang realized that the wall of this wasteland town was really not high.

After all kinds of construction waste were pieced together, it was only three or four meters high.

It felt more psychological comfort than practical use.

"Hey! Blue mole! Welcome to Bing Town! Watch out for your butt! Hahaha!"

The two policemen at the door saw Xu Wang, and one of them laughed loudly!

When he shouted, many wastelanders around him turned their eyes to Xu Wang.

Being watched by so many people, Xu Wang was not nervous, but raised his hands and shouted: "Comrades! We are united! I am a college student! Let me go first!"

The wastelanders were a little puzzled.

The other policeman at the door didn't care, waved his hand and said: "Go in, don't make trouble, this is not your mole nest."

Xu Wang smiled, took Tiezhu, and slowly walked into Bing Town under the gaze of the wastelanders with different expressions around.

The expressions of the group of wastelanders were mostly not friendly.

This was within Xu Wang's expectations, and he didn't care too much.

Anyway, what he was least afraid of was death.

If a person is not afraid of death, he is basically fearless.

It was the first time for Xu Wang and Tiezhu to come to such a place, and everything they saw was strange.

I didn't see it from outside Bing Town before, but after entering, Xu Wang found it.

It turned out that this was a pre-war bus station.

With the two-story bus station as the center, the wastelanders used various materials to build a series of crooked buildings around it over the past two hundred years.

The roof of the original two-story car center has been continuously expanded to a five-story house.

Most of these houses are made of iron.

Some houses are simply built with pre-war buses.

Therefore, Xu Wang can see that many buses are magically embedded in the surrounding buildings when he looks up.

It may also be because there was no construction planning in the early stage.

The roads in Bing Town are also winding.

Most of them are still relatively narrow.

But it must be said that this wasteland town really gives people a tenacious vitality to survive in the cracks.

Under the iron car building, wastelanders in different clothes come and go, and it is quite lively.

At the entrance of Bing Town, Xu Wang also found that several wastelanders set up stalls with stoves.

Always interested in food, Xu Wang immediately took Tiezhu over.

It was found that there were only three kinds of dishes sold here.

One is grilling unknown creatures.

One is stewing unknown creatures.

Another is the soup of unknown creatures.

The only thing Xu Wang knew was the barbecued lizard meat.

Out of curiosity, Xu Wang specifically asked how much the barbecued lizard meat skewers sold for.

The answer he got was 6 coins.

Xu Wang didn't know if he was being ripped off.

At this moment, a violent quarrel suddenly came from a building next to him!

During the quarrel.

A black guy was thrown out from inside.

Then, two more police officers in desert-colored police uniforms came out and pressed the black guy to the ground.

Finally, a fat businessman trotted out from inside.

He pointed at the black man on the ground and screamed: "It's him! He violated my two-headed bull last night! He must pay me! I know your market price! 200 coins a night!"

Xu Wang saw that there was a commotion and hurried over!

After listening to all the content, he was immediately amazed!

It seems that the mental state of the wastelanders in this wasteland is not very good!

That's really great!

Xu Wang suddenly felt like going home!

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