In the end, Peter told Xu Wang his address.

He is a person who is not very good at rejecting others.

What's more, Xu Wang is still a good person in Peter's opinion.

Although this good man feels weird.

After getting Peter Parker's address, Xu Wang didn't stay at Zhongcheng Middle School any longer.

Ignoring the surprised looks from the surrounding students, Xu Wang climbed over the wall and left the campus.

He wasn't kidding when he said he was going to pick up trash.

He was serious about picking up trash.

Although he has not been in the wasteland for a long time, or in other words, he has not been exposed to the real life in the wasteland so far.

But Xu Wang guessed that it would definitely not be a good place where people could have a good life without worries about food and clothing.

As a reserve wastelander, picking up trash is a required skill!

Even if you travel to a different world, you can't let go of this special training.

In his previous life, people around him said that Xu Wang had mental problems.

Xu Wang sneered at this and completely disagreed.

My thoughts are so clear, how can I say that I have a mental problem? It is simply insulting my innocence!

Just left Midtown High School.

Xu Wang was walking by the road.

Just in front of him, a bosozou riding a Harley-Davidson stopped his car and was going to buy some contraband from a gangster on the roadside.

"Wow! What good luck, a Harley motorcycle that no one wants! As expected of me, I am so good at picking up trash!"

Xu Wang walked to the Harley motorcycle quite naturally and jumped on it.

All this happened smoothly, as if this motorcycle was truly an ownerless thing.

"Have something strong."

The bosozoku looked at the black man selling fans and just started to speak, when he suddenly heard the familiar engine sound of a Harley motorcycle behind him!


The big man from the Bosozou clan was startled and turned around suddenly!

As soon as I saw it, I saw a guy wearing a blue uniform starting his motorcycle!

To a true bosozoku, their motorcycle is even more important than their wife.

Xu Wang's behavior of riding a bicycle without permission is no different from her husband's current crime!

The bosozoku of NTR were instantly angry and jealous!

"Asian! Get off here!"

"First come, first served! The garbage I pick up first is mine."

Xu Wang looked like he was taking it for granted. As he spoke, he kicked up the leg braces, squeezed the clutch, put the gear in gear, turned the accelerator, and rode off!

"Boom boom boom——!"

The Harley motorcycle flew away like a wild horse!

After a while, he ran into the bustling traffic.

"My car! Hey! It's my car!"

"Swallow! Swallow! Swallow! How can I live without you!"

The big man from the Bosozoku clan instantly put on a mask of pain, opened his legs and chased after Xu Wang, shouting in an extremely sad voice!

Xu Wang heard the familiar lines and glanced at the bosozoku chasing behind him through the rearview mirror with a confused expression.

I looked down and saw that the Harley's fuel tank was spray-painted with "Swallow" English paint.

Xu Wang suddenly understood.

It turns out this car is called Yanzi, so that’s okay.

Startled him.

He thought that the bosozoku fell in love with him at first sight, and he was almost moved!

Twist the throttle!

The engine roars and the Harley speeds away!

"That's my new car! Ride slowly! Ride slowly!"

Seeing Xu Wang's figure getting further and further away, the Bosozoku could only howl like a defeated dog in the end!

It's a pity that Xu Wang, who had already run away, couldn't hear anything.

As I said before, Xu Wang's memory has always been very good, and he can remember almost everything he has seen.

Although Xu Wang has never been to New York, he still has a lot of knowledge about New York in his mind.

Xu Wang already knows how to pick up trash in New York.

Like China, there are also scavengers here in the United States, and there are a lot of them.

They also wander around the streets and alleys, picking up unwanted scraps and selling them.

Among these waste products, plastic bottles and cans are the most popular.

Some of them are branded and have New York State printed on the packaging. As long as they are taken to a specific recycling point, they are usually five cents each.

If there is really no recycling point to collect it, you can also take it to the scrap station to sell it.

A bottle weighing about 4 pounds can be sold for about ten dollars.

There are too many restrictions on recycling points in various supermarkets. Although the individual recycling prices are good, it is still a bit troublesome after all.

So Xu Wang gave up on it and planned to focus directly on unified sales at waste recycling stations.

He will stay in this world for a long time, and it is necessary to earn some living expenses for himself.

It must be said that Xu Wang's adaptability is very strong.

He rode to the back door of the supermarket, found a relatively clean trash can, and pulled out several large black garbage bags from it.

Xu Wang opened the garbage bag and dumped the garbage inside. Xu Wang kept the big clean garbage bag.

If you pick up waste in the future, you will need these garbage bags to put it in.

Xu Wang did not ignore the garbage that was dumped out.

He dug out a pair of pink gloves and put them on himself.

After all, you have to dig through the trash can, so it’s always better to wear a pair of gloves.

Some trash cans contain not only garbage, but also dangerous items such as needles and blades, so be careful not to get hurt.

"Hey! I don't want such a good backpack. The Americans are really wasting it."

In addition to gloves, Xu Wang also picked up a black backpack that looked of good quality.

Without saying anything, Xu Wang put it on his back.

Looking at his appearance in the reflection of the glass, Xu Wang nodded with satisfaction.

Very good, he is becoming more and more like a wastelander and a garbage man.

With the backpack on his back and the garbage bag in his hand, Xu Wang found a place to park his motorcycle, and then started his own garbage collection.

Xu Wang is a diligent garbage man.

He doesn't care about the strange looks of passers-by.

Once he started picking up waste, Xu Wang found that he was inexplicably addicted.

As the number of plastic bottles in the bag increased, he could not help but feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

He suddenly began to understand why some people like to hoard paper and plastic bottles.

On the first day of coming to the Spider-Man world, Xu Wang spent an afternoon picking up two full bags of plastic bottles.

Before the scrap station closed, he rode a Harley motorcycle to the scrap station and sold his afternoon harvest.

The total income was 23.52 US dollars.

Holding the receipt handed to him by the staff, Xu Wang walked to the cashier booth and exchanged cash with an uncle inside.

From the uncle, Xu Wang also learned a piece of news.

If the disposable waste is sold for more than 100 US dollars, you can tell them the ID and the money can be directly deposited into the bank card.

But as a time traveler, Xu Wang, like other illegal immigrants, does not have a legal identity in the United States, and naturally does not have a bank card.

It is estimated that this staff saw that Xu Wang came here on a Harley motorcycle and thought that he was just selling waste stored in his home, and did not consider that Xu Wang was actually an illegal immigrant.

How smart Xu Wang is!

He immediately understood the staff's implication.

Xu Wang immediately felt humiliated!

He glared at the uncle who had just given him the money: "Please respect my identity and profession!"

"I am a real black household without any identity! I have never paid a penny of tax to the US government. I just came here today to become a scavenger! If you praise me for my talent in picking up garbage, I will be very happy. But if you think I am a person with status, I will only feel humiliated!"

As he said, Xu Wang was about to leave. After thinking about it, he walked back and looked at the shocked uncle and added: "By the way, I am also a divorced black single mother with two children."


Hearing Xu Wang's last words, the uncle was instantly in awe!

"I am abrupt, beautiful lady!"

The uncle quickly took off his hat, revealing his Mediterranean hairstyle.

Looking at the uncle at the scrap yard like this, Xu Wang nodded with satisfaction.

With a huge sum of 23.52 US dollars in his pocket, he rode his Harley motorcycle away with satisfaction.

It was late now.

He had to get his dinner and then find a place to stay overnight.

Thank God.

Thanks to the Internet age, which brought about a great explosion of knowledge in the previous life.

Plus his super memory.

Xu Wang already had an idea of ​​where to stay tonight.

At about seven o'clock in the evening, Xu Wang rode his bike to the door of a pizza shop.

Just got off the bike.

At the door of the pizza shop, a familiar figure appeared.

Xu Wang was immediately happy when he saw it.

It turned out to be Peter Parker in a work vest. It seems that they are quite destined to be together!

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