Before getting the black box, Xu Wang liked to pick up trash.

It is not only a hobby, a sport that is beneficial to physical and mental health, but also a job that can earn some money to spend.

Therefore, Xu Wang is quite keen on going out to pick up trash when he has nothing to do.

Now Xu Wang has got the black box.

His demand for picking up trash is even greater.

In order to make a variety of items in the blueprint, the lack of basic materials will become a problem that Xu Wang will have to face next.

Let's be honest.

Since getting the universal workshop, Xu Wang's first idea is to build a logistics base in the wasteland world.

With the universal workshop, there is this possibility.

However, if you want to build a logistics base of your own.

A large amount of basic materials is indispensable.

If you want a large amount of basic materials, in addition to paying for them, you can only go to pick up garbage diligently and decompose them.

Xu Wang alone, plus Tiezhu and a dog, this progress is obviously not fast.

But look at what Xu Wang has found now.

A wild garbage-picking robot!

This is a professional robot designed to pick up garbage.

If Wall-E helps, Xu Wang will undoubtedly be able to pick up garbage much faster in the future!

The most important thing is!

Wall-E is also very cute!

He only has Tiezhu as his friend now.

It's time to find another friend for Tiezhu.

Following Wall-E all the time, Xu Wang in the spirit state observed Wall-E's every move.

This little robot looks very smart.

Not just the kind of smartness of high artificial intelligence.

In Xu Wang's opinion, Wall-E's performance seems to have a sense of self-awareness.

It will show curiosity and fear, and even hum songs to itself when walking on the road.

It is a popular music in the wasteland, which sounds a bit retro.

Singing it in the federal language has a bit of the flavor of Shanghai at night.

At this time, Xu Wang and Wall-E are probably on the outskirts of Liumu City.

Xu Wang can't figure out which direction it is in.

He has been wandering in another world, but he doesn't know much about the wasteland world he is in.

Now that he follows Wall-E home, Xu Wang finally has time to appreciate the scenery of the wasteland.

It can be seen that the civilization of the pre-war society was highly developed.

Even though it is now desolate, the prosperity of the past can still be found among the ruins.

The viaduct has been blown into several pieces, forming a natural island in the air.

Someone built an elevator and directly built the base on the viaduct in the fault zone.

That way they can avoid some attacks.

The businessman and his guards walked along the broken road with the two-headed cow, alert to the slightest movement around.

When Wall-E suddenly appeared, several guards raised their iron rifles.

After seeing that it was a garbage robot, they silently put down their weapons.

However, some people cast greedy eyes at Wall-E.

Pre-war robots, even if they were just mass-produced garbage robots, could also sell for a lot of money.

After all, compared with other models of robots, garbage robots are too less aggressive.

Many of Wall-E's partners of the same model have basically been dismantled in the past two hundred years.

Many of those that were not demolished were also helping the major forces with their work.

Or they were simply used as collections.

Little Wall-E was very smart.

He noticed the malicious gazes of the group of people.

His big eyes narrowed immediately, and he looked very serious!

Then, the laser emitter between his eyes immediately emitted a red high-temperature laser!

The laser was so powerful that it directly cut a huge cement slab next to him into two halves!


The slab naturally separated and fell on both sides.

Wall-E's demonstration obviously scared the group of guards.

The merchant in the team also said at this time: "Don't provoke it, it looks like a robot with a program error, and it will actively attack you."

The guards looked at the cement slab that was still a little red at the cut, nodded one after another, and then hurried away.

Seeing that the wastelanders had all left.

Wall-E's original serious look could no longer be maintained.

It seemed to have suddenly lost its temper, and the two tracked wheelchairs split to the left and right, and a pair of mechanical arms also drooped down.

It seemed that he was just pretending to be calm just now.

"Woo~ Ugh!"

Wall-E suddenly shuddered again, stood up, accelerated suddenly, and fled the scene at its fastest speed!

The pair of track wheels ran quite fast!

Not only can it run, it can even jump!

In a place like the wasteland where there are ruins everywhere, there is no hindrance to moving.

Ordinary wastelanders can't catch up with it at all.

No wonder Wall-E has lived for so long and is still alive and well.

After awakening self-awareness, you can live longer by actively avoiding danger.

It seems that it is because of the different living environment.

There is a clear difference between the wasteland Wall-E and the Wall-E in "Wall-E".

In "Wall-E", Wall-E slowly awakened his self-awareness after seven hundred years of diligent work.

But there is no one on Earth in that world view.

So Wall-E is simple and lonely.

He can only be accompanied by a cockroach.

Wall-E in the wasteland world is different.

After Xu Wang's observation along the way, it seems to be just as innocent and kind.

But it is obviously aware of the malice of the wasteland.

It does not easily trust everyone and knows how to avoid danger.

However, Wall-E still looks quite timid.

Although its laser transmitter is designed to cut large garbage and facilitate Wall-E to carry it.

But it is also quite powerful when used as a weapon!

Even so, Wall-E only chose to intimidate instead of directly attacking the group of wastelanders.

Xu Wang thought this little guy was quite interesting.

Following Wall-E, after a while, the speed of Wall-E's running gradually slowed down.

Xu Wang roughly guessed that this guy should be almost home.

Sure enough, Wall-E stopped in front of a small train station.

Xu Wang wandered around for a while and finally found a signboard [Horseshoe Train Station] that had fallen to the ground and was completely damaged.

This station is very small.

There is only a two-story house.

After entering from the main gate, there are only two parallel rails on the platform behind.

Surprisingly, the rails are still well preserved.

It reminds Xu Wang of the rails outside Bing Town, which seem to be well preserved.

I don’t know if it is the black technology before the war, or if there are still people repairing and maintaining it in the past two hundred years.

Judging from the current situation, trains should still be able to run on these rails.

But most of the trains Xu Wang saw were damaged and overturned.

They should not be used anymore.

On the No. 1 platform of the Iron Palm Railway Station, there is actually a section of train carriage parked.

Watching Wall-E pull the lever outside the carriage door.

The carriage door opened, and a small mobile platform was connected to the platform.

Xu Wang guessed that Wall-E should have made his home on this abandoned carriage.

Little Wall-E returned home, and the whole robot looked much more relaxed.

This little guy is quite particular.

After entering the door, he first removed the track and hung it on the pole at the entrance.

It seems that tracks are like walking shoes for Wall-E.

After hanging the tracks, Wall-E put down the red backpack on his back.

Then he pressed the switch on the side.

Inside the carriage, beautiful lights lit up one by one.

This abandoned carriage was decorated by Wall-E as if Christmas was coming.

The atmosphere was very strong.

If you look more carefully, you can find it.

On the two rows of shelves, there are a lot of garbage that Wall-E picked up from the wasteland.

Those garbage have become its collection.

In the innermost part of the carriage, there is also a big-butt TV.

On the table next to it, there is a tape recorder.

Wall-E closed the door of the carriage, holding a metal backpack in one hand.

The tires rolled to the shelf.

He opened the lid of the backpack.

Little Wall-E took out all his harvests today one by one.

Then he placed the garbage in different positions on the shelf according to the different types.

Finally, he took out a tape.

Looking at the tape in his hand, Wall-E's eyes lit up.

Among all the collections, his favorite is the garbage related to art.

Whether it is tapes, novels, comics, or records, he has collected a lot.

Came to the tape recorder.

Wall-E put the new tape he picked up into it.

Then pressed the play button!


The tape slowly rotated in the machine.

The two large speakers of the recorder emitted music with a slight electric sound.

"I didn't mean to burn the world~"

"I just want~"

"Ignite the fire in your heart~"

"I have only one wish in my heart~"

"That is you~ It must be you~"

The name of this song is "War Never Changes", which is a very popular song both before the war and in the wasteland.

Its lazy melody, plus the retro feeling, with a certain jazz element and improvisational blues pop tune, can be called a wasteland golden song.

Wall-E was intoxicated as soon as he heard it.

He immediately closed his eyes and spun in place.

He also grabbed a doll from the shelf next to him and started dancing for his own amusement in the car.

In terms of mental state.

This robot has already defeated most of the workers that Xu Wang knew in his previous life.

At least it looks quite happy.


A song is over.

Wall-E also stopped with satisfaction.

First put the doll back on the shelf, then took out the tape of "War Never Changes" and put it preciously in a box full of tapes.

Seems to have remembered something.

Wall-E knocked on his head.

The hatch of the torso opened, and took out Xu Wang's meat and the heart-shaped stone.

Then Xu Wang watched it put his meat in the stone collection area.

There are many strange stones on that shelf.

Xu Wang got closer and took a closer look.

Because his body had been burned by high temperature, it was completely unrecognizable as a piece of meat.

It was about the size of a thumb.

It looked more like a dark brown meteorite.

No wonder Wall-E took Xu Wang's body away.

It turned out that he thought it was a strange stone.

The highest temperature at the center of the nuclear explosion when Xu Wang blew himself up was as high as 1,100 degrees.

At this temperature, most people would be burned to ashes.

Only some slightly larger bones would be left.

But Xu Wang is different after all.

In addition to his own physical fitness being much higher than that of ordinary people, his nuclear explosion is not a physical nuclear explosion in essence.

It is a nuclear explosion based on the release of nuclear explosion energy in the body.

It has a bit of a "magic" meaning.

The nuclear explosion is just its external manifestation.

Therefore, as a spellcaster, Xu Wang is naturally immune to his own energy.

If he does not self-destruct actively.

The energy of the nuclear explosion cannot harm Xu Wang.

That is why Xu Wang's self-destruction disintegration method can be used.

Then wait for a period of time for the resurrection CD.

Because Xu Wang's body parts were placed in the train compartment, his range of activities was limited to the vicinity of the horseshoe station.

As for Wall-E's life, it is quite regular.

It is either picking up garbage or on the way to picking up garbage.

In the process.

If it encounters something interesting, it will collect it.

The rest of the garbage that he was not interested in was stuffed into the trunk hatch, and then squeezed with the compressor inside the body.

Compress the garbage into a regular cube.

These garbage cubes will be placed aside by Wall-E and stacked up one by one.

This is its job.

However, each time the garbage cubes compressed by Wall-E will not stay in the station for more than one month at most.

After all, it is different from the world of "Wall-E".

The people there fled the earth to avoid the increasing amount of garbage on the earth.

But in the wasteland, everyone is a garbage man.

As long as it can be used, someone will want anything.

Not to mention the garbage cubes compressed by Wall-E.

Every time Wall-E goes out to work.

There are always wastelanders who come to steal garbage.

Finally, the 24-hour resurrection CD is over.

Xu Wang, who has been waiting impatiently for a long time, immediately chose to revive.

"Clang! Clang!"

Because the body parts were placed on the shelf.

Xu Wang's resurrection this time made a lot of noise.

Wall-E, who had just deployed the solar panels outside, just came back at this time.

Hearing the noise coming from home, he was immediately frightened!

Wall-E immediately retracted his hands, feet, and head, fearing that he might encounter some danger!

It was not until the noise in the train compartment became a little quieter that he quietly poked out a pair of big eyes and looked towards the direction of the compartment fearfully.

Wall-E wanted to escape directly.

But he was worried about the collections at home.

He hesitated for a long time.

After hearing no other movement in the compartment for a long time, Wall-E mustered up the courage and slowly walked towards the compartment door.


The compartment door opened.

Wall-E did not rush in, but first stretched out a mechanical hand and fumbled on the shelf next to him.

Finally, he took out a washbasin and covered his head, as if he was trying to cover his ears and steal the bell.

Only then did he muster up a little courage and enter the compartment.

At this time, the lights in the compartment were turned on.

The shelf where the stone collection was placed had collapsed.

In front of the shelf.

A strange man with a good figure, with his back to Wall-E.

He was completely naked, with his right fist touching the ground and one knee on the ground, motionless.

It was just like the classic scene in "Terminator" when T800 just appeared!


Wall-E was stunned!

An incredible electronic sound was emitted.

"Quick! Come and help me! I squatted for too long! My leg cramped!"

Xu Wang couldn't pretend to be cool anymore.

He wanted to give Wall-E a handsome first impression.

So he kept posing here after resurrection.

As a result, Wall-E was too timid and lingered on the platform for too long.

When Wall-E finally came in, an hour had passed.

Xu Wang also kept this posture for an hour.

Now he wanted to get up, but found that he had cramps!

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