Becoming Stronger After Death: I Keep Seeking Death in the World of the Universe

Chapter 119 Let Wolverine do pole dancing to make money

For so many years, Logan has never felt so good.

Feeling his current physical condition, he is not too happy, but a little melancholy.

Looking back at Xu Wang, Logan sincerely thanked him.

With his temper, he rarely thanks others.

But Xu Wang is different. He has brought too many favors.

"It's a small matter! But the threat of Ackley Gene Company has not been completely eliminated, so we can't take it lightly. And we are still short of money. You can accompany me to make money later."

Xu Wang really wants to make some money, and he still has some use for money.

Logan also knows the importance of money.

Although with the help of Xu Wang, the self-healing factor in his body has been filled, and he has recovered to the level of self-sufficiency before, and is completely immune to the side effects of genetically modified foods.

But Caliban and Charles can't do it like him.

If you have money, you can buy imported organic food to replace the genetically modified foods produced by the genetic company.

In addition, Logan also wants to find a stable place.

Buy a piece of land there and build a farm. I plan to grow vegetables and raise livestock in the future.

All these require money.

The situation at this time is very different from before.

Logan's previous goal of buying a yacht to go out to sea has naturally changed.

But in this way, they need more money.

"Let's go, pick up the professor and others first, no one can live here for the time being."

Xu Wang looked at the corpses all over the ground and spread his hands: "I don't want to clean up here anyway, just leave it to the people of the genetic company."

Logan nodded, thinking that Xu Wang's words made sense.

Although according to the story of "Wolverine 3" told by Xu Wang, they defeated X-24 and it was over.

But this is the real world after all.

How could such a big company like Ackley Genetics be so easy to end?

The hiding place of this abandoned smelter has been exposed, and they must leave.

"Woof woof!"

Inside the factory, Tiezhu saw Xu Wang and Logan coming in, stood up, and wagged his tail wildly.

"Good dog! So good!"

Xu Wang went forward and hugged Tiezhu's neck, and stroked its head hard.

Logan walked forward and pulled open the heavy basement door.

After hearing Logan's call, the old, weak and disabled people hiding below came up one after another.

Logan went down specially.

He carried Charles up in a princess hug.

After all, there was a staircase connecting the basement, and Charles' wheelchair couldn't go up.

Charles was held by Logan.

He also noticed the difference in Logan at this time.

He stared blankly at Wolverine, who was now in his thirties and prime years, and he felt as if he was in another world!

For a moment, it seemed as if the time in the mutant school had come back again.


Charles looked at Logan and called in an old voice.

"It's me."

Logan nodded.

Seeing Caliban and Nurse Lopez bring the wheelchair up, Charles was placed on the wheelchair.

"What's wrong with you?"

Charles looked at Logan's young and strong appearance, and was a little surprised.

"It's me! It's me!"

Xu Wang couldn't wait to show off.

He took out the gun of kindness and shook it in front of Charles: "Remember what I said before? I have a way to treat you."

As he said, Xu Wang pointed the gun at Charles' head again: "Do you want to try it too?"

Seeing Xu Wang pointing the gun at Charles.

Laura suddenly rushed out like a little wolf, roaring, and stood between Xu Wang and Charles, staring at Xu Wang with a warning look.

This little girl really treats Charles as respectfully as her grandfather.

She is not so good to Logan, her biological father.

"It's okay, Laura, Xu Wang won't hurt me."

Charles patted Laura's shoulder and comforted her.

But Xu Wang was a little angry. He looked at Laura unhappily: "Are you kidding me? I gave you a comic book, but you are so mean to me! Next time I will give you five years of college entrance examination and three years of simulation!"

The little girl Laura was still grinning.

But she still listened to Charles.

Charles asked her to step back a little, and she stood beside the wheelchair, quietly watching Xu Wang's movements.

Xu Wang did not hesitate and pulled the trigger at Charles' head!

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Lasers formed purely by self-healing factors shot into Charles' brain.

These external self-healing factors immediately began to repair Charles' body.

The first thing was naturally to treat Charles' Alzheimer's disease.

As Xu Wang continued to shoot.

After Charles' Alzheimer's disease was cured, he began to treat various old age diseases in his old body.

Although these self-healing factors would not make Charles rejuvenate.

But now he looks much better.

At first glance, he looks like a very energetic 70-year-old man.

The weakening of Charles' superpowers brought by genetically modified foods was temporarily removed by the self-healing factors.

At this time, Charles finally regained his previous powerful telepathic ability.

However, Charles is different from Logan after all.

His body cannot produce self-healing factors by itself.

It was all thanks to Xu Wang's temporary injection of the Gun of Kindness.

As Charles continues to eat genetically modified food, his superpowers will still be gradually weakened.

There is no way to do this.

But it doesn't matter.

After all, it takes a long time for mutants to weaken their abilities.

During this time, Charles, who has temporarily returned to his peak, is confident that he can get rid of their current predicament!

Seeing that Xu Wang was still planning to shoot him in the waist, Charles smiled and raised his hand: "No, this is good enough. I have also gotten used to living in a wheelchair. You have helped us enough."

Since Charles did not want to repair his spinal injury and stand up and walk again, Xu Wang certainly would not force him to help.

He looked at the nuclear battery of the Gun of Kindness and found that after treating Charles and Logan, there was not much energy left.

Only about half.

When he first got this gun, some of its energy had been used up by his previous owner.

Then the bulk of the energy consumption was mainly used on Logan.

Because the self-healing factor of the Gun of Kindness originally came from Logan.

It is a treatment for others.

But for him, it replenishes the self-healing factor consumption in his body.

The self-healing factor injected into Logan's body seemed to be originally his, and he could accept it quickly.

This is why Logan can fully recover his peak strength.

Charles is currently at a pseudo-peak.

After that, Xu Wang did not favor one over the other. He used the Gun of Kindness to shoot many times at Caliban.

His condition was also restored a lot.

It's just a pity.

His fear of sunlight seems to be a congenital genetic defect, and the self-healing factor cannot be cured.

Fortunately, Caliban has also been accustomed to living away from the sun, so he doesn't care too much.

Now he can recover the physical strength of his youth, he is already very surprised.

"Pack up your things, let's leave quickly, Uncle Wolf, come with me first."

After Xu Wang cured Caliban, he immediately announced his decision to move his position.

Charles was no longer troubled by Alzheimer's disease at this time, and his brain was much clearer than before.

The wise old professor supported Xu Wang's idea very much.

So everyone got busy.

Pack up the necessary items.

"What do you want me to do?"

Logan followed Xu Wang to the outside of the factory.

Xu Wang pointed at the corpses on the ground, especially X-24's corpse, and said: "The people from the Gene Company will definitely come to collect the corpses. We should also leave some gifts for them."

"What do you mean?"

Logan asked in confusion.

Xu Wang smiled and searched a grenade from a mercenary and threw it in his hand!

Logan understood instantly!

He wanted to set up booby traps and blow up another wave of Gene Company's lackeys!

"You are so shady!"

Logan said, showing a cruel smile: "But I like it!"

Xu Wang didn't know how to set up booby traps.

That's why Logan was called.

Logan had been a soldier for so many years, and a mere booby trap would not be a problem for him.

So Logan quickly got busy.

Xu Wang was not idle either.

There was not much time left to scan the blueprints.

He could only put the weapons and equipment he liked into his pocket first, and then scan the blueprints slowly when he had time later.

Probably some rifles, pistols, grenades and vehicle-mounted heavy machine guns.

He only needs to take one of each.

Anyway, after he has the blueprint, he can make as many as he wants.

No matter whether he will use it in the future, he will scan it first.

Originally, Xu Wang wanted to scan these armored pickup trucks.

It's a pity that there is no time, and the subspace waist bag can't fit it.

He can only give up.

Xu Wang comforted himself: "These cars were damaged by bullets. The scanned ones are only battle-damaged. It's better to find new cars later."


Everyone in the abandoned smelter made their own preparations.

They got on Logan's shabby 24 Chrysler and drove north.

This is to temporarily avoid the harassment of the Yakle Gene Company.

They also want to go to North Dakota first to pick up a group of small mutants hiding there.

This is Charles' suggestion.

Since he has learned the story of "Wolverine 3" from Xu Wang.

In addition, Laura and Nurse Lopez are also here.

Given Charles' personality, he certainly wouldn't leave the mutant children in "Eden" alone.

It is estimated that he has already begun to think about how to protect the mutants in the future.

About half an hour after Xu Wang and his group left.

A helicopter flew over from the horizon.

It first hovered over the abandoned smelter for a while, and after seeing the situation below clearly, it found an open space to land.

There were not many people on the helicopter.

In addition to a helicopter pilot, there were only three people in total.

One of them was the chief scientist of Acre Genetics.

Dr. Zander Rice.

Dr. Rice looked quite old, although he was the real behind-the-scenes villain in "Logan 3".

But he was just an ordinary human.

Although genetically modified food and the new X-weapon plan were all created by him...

Dr. Rice had been following the actions of X-24 behind the scenes.

It was not surprising that he came to the scene to check the situation when he found that the action had failed.

But if Xu Wang saw the next two people coming down from the helicopter, he would definitely be shocked.

Two more people came down from the helicopter, a man and a woman.

One of the men had long golden hair, was tall and sturdy, and had bloodshot eyes.

He wore a blood-red armor, and each arm had a retractable carbonar alloy tentacle implanted.

This man exuded a frightening bloodthirsty aura just standing here!

His real name is Arkady Losovich, a mutant from the former Soviet Union.

But now he is more often called by another name - Red Omega.

Arkady's existence is already surprising enough.

This mutant full of blood and violence, at this time, lowered his head and stood behind another bald woman who looked harmless.

The bald woman looked very young, at most in her twenties.

Although she was thin, she was tall and straight, wearing a long brown windbreaker.

With her hands in her pockets, she acted so calm.

Compared to Arkady, this person's existence is truly against the will of heaven!

Her full name is Cassandra Nova Xavier.

Yes, her last name is also Xavier!

The same last name as Charles Xavier.

In fact, she is Professor X's biological sister from the same mother.

However, this so-called biological sister is somewhat different from what most people understand.

According to the comics setting.

She is Charleston's anti-self, and she shouldn't exist.

But Cassandra Nova's anti-self is a little different.

It is born with powerful mutant abilities.

It is relying on one of the mutant abilities that allows her to copy Charles' cells and thus shape her own body.

After obtaining the entity.

Even in the womb, Nova has already shown amazing malice.

And tried to strangle Charles with the umbilical cord.

At the critical moment, Charles' mutant ability awakened and fought back with powerful mental power.

The two unborn siblings fought in the womb!

This caused their mother to miscarry.

Cassandra's physical body died in the womb.

Charles was born healthy.

But the anti-self Cassandra was far from dying so easily.

She survived in the form of cellular matter and attached to the walls of the sewer, spending decades replicating cells.

Her physical form was rebuilt with Charles' genetic structure.

Finally, she grew into what she is now.

This is why this bald woman is so similar to Charles when he was young.

After her resurrection, she has only one very simple goal in life.

To avenge her brother Charles and destroy other mutants at the same time.


The real boss of Acre Genetics is Cassandra Nova.

Those genetically modified foods specifically for mutants were specially made by her.

After so many years of planning.

It turned out to be as she planned.

Most of the mutants in the world have been eliminated.

Watching her brother hiding from place to place, and watching her close friends and students die one by one, that kind of painful look.

Let Cassandra feel extremely happy.

Cassandra was ready to give Charles and his friends a tragic ending and complete her revenge goal.

But Xu Wang suddenly appeared from nowhere.

This disrupted Cassandra's plan.

But it didn't matter.

On the contrary, it made Cassandra happy!

She was tired of the game of revenge against Charles.

After all, the difficulty became lower and lower later.

Charles even had Alzheimer's disease.

If her poor brother really died, it would be a relief.

That would be too boring.

So she asked Dr. Rice to restart the new X-weapon plan.

As the strongest mutant in the world today, would she need X-weapon?

Of course not!

No one knew that she just wanted to use these children to give Charles a little hope.

She knew her brother's character too well.

As long as he knew that there was a group of mutant children who needed help, he would definitely try to help them.

At that time, Charles' hope, which had finally risen again, would be destroyed by her own hands.

The blow caused by such a gap is what Cassandra wants to see.

Although the appearance of Xu Wang has caused a slight deviation in the script she arranged.

But it is not a big problem.

This is even more interesting.

Cassandra Nova has complete confidence in her own strength.

And it is not blind confidence.

"X-24 has lost its life signal."

Dr. Rice, who jumped off the helicopter first, looked at Cassandra behind him anxiously, and then hurried to X-24's body.

Wolverine's clone is still leaning on the armed pickup truck.

Dr. Rice intends to check the body and then transport him back.

As a result, just after moving the body.

The booby trap set by Logan was triggered!

A huge fireball burst out from X-24's body first!

Dr. Rice, who was the first to bear the brunt, had flames in his pupils, and was blown away by the shock wave the next second!

At the same time as the booby trap under X-24 exploded.

All the surrounding booby traps were also detonated!

It wasn't just grenades that exploded here, there was also gasoline that Logan got from those pickup trucks!


The abandoned smelting plant suddenly exploded.

Even Logan, who was half an hour away, could hear it.

This guy's beast perception ability is very strong.

After hearing the explosion at the smelter, I immediately shared the good news with everyone in the car!

The booby traps in such a remote smelting plant have been triggered, so it must be someone from Yakley Gene Company!

This company has done a lot of harm to Logan and the others.

Now that he could return a small gift, Logan was naturally happy.

But at this time, everyone in the car didn't know that the series of booby traps they arranged had some effect, but the effect was not as great as imagined.

In the abandoned smelting plant, the flames and smoke of the explosion slowly dissipated.

Although the helicopter had been blown up.

Dr. Rice and the pilot, both ordinary people, died.

But both Cassandra and Red Omega are still alive.

The red Omega looked a bit embarrassed, with many explosion scars on his body, but he recovered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As for Cassandra, she didn't even have a torn dress.

His hands were still in the pockets of his windbreaker, looking so elegant and calm, not affected by the previous explosion.

It was as if the huge explosion did not exist at all.

Looking at the flames still burning around her, Cassandra was not angry. Instead, she raised her brows and smiled: "It's really interesting. I haven't experienced their counterattack for a long time."

The red Omega next to him lowered his head: "Do you need me to chase them?"

"Don't be in a hurry, take your time, it's fun now."

Cassandra was a little happy, put her hands in the pockets of her windbreaker, and skipped towards the water tower.

She wanted to see Charles' living environment here.

Red Omega has been following Cassandra like a loyal slave.

Cassandra, who was walking in front of her, seemed to think of something and said again: "Oh! By the way! There seems to be an old spider in El Paso. Don't forget him. You have to bring him with you next time." ”

The murderous big man nodded immediately.

Nothing is known about what happened at the abandoned smelter.

The battered 24 model Chrysler traveled a long way north.

"We're going to find a place to fix it up later, put some gas in the car, and then hit the road again."

In the back seat of the car, Charles suggested.

By this time they had already driven quite a distance.

Except for Xu Wang and Luo Gen, everyone was also a little tired.

Xu Wang was holding a truck-mounted machine gun in his hand to scan the blueprint. Hearing this, he happily agreed: "That's right! I also want to take Uncle Wolf with me to make some money!"

"We are short of money now!"

Hearing about the money, Nurse Lopez thought of her twenty thousand dollars, so she mentioned it and indicated that she could give the money to Logan.

That was the reward she wanted to give Logan before.

Now that Logan has fulfilled his promise and took them north.

Logically speaking, this money should also be given to Logan.

But Logan, who was driving, refused without thinking: "No! You can keep it for yourself."

He would definitely want it before doing it again.

But now, after all, it is no longer the embarrassing situation before.

He couldn't bear to take Nurse Lopez's money.

This is not about accepting a commission and giving it away.

But they themselves decided to save Laura and the group of little mutants.

"Besides, Xu Wang also said that he has a way to make money."

Logan said and glanced at Xu Wang next to him.

After the battle at the smelter, Xu Wang's unreliable impression in Logan's mind was greatly changed.

So he also began to try to believe Xu Wang.

"Oh! Uncle Wolf! Don't worry! I will definitely not betray your trust!"

Xu Wang didn't expect that Logan would start to trust him, and he was instantly moved to tears!

Seeing Xu Wang putting away the machine gun and about to come over to hug him, Logan pushed Xu Wang away in disgust.

Finally, the Chrysler sedan stopped in a small and medium-sized city.

Everyone finally has some time to rest.

As per previous allocation.

Xu Wang took Luo Gen to find work and earn some money.

The rest went to sell the Chrysler sedan.

Then find a new car.

Tie Zhu still followed Charles and the others as a safety net.

Walking on the streets of this strange city.

Logan asked Xu Wang: "How do you plan to make money?"

Xu Wangze laughed excitedly, took Logan to find a bar and walked in.

Logan was very familiar with the bar environment.

The first time he saw the ring inside, he raised his eyebrows: "Are you going to be a boxer?"

He was also familiar with this. Before he met Charles, he was a boxer.

"No, no, no! I only make a few bucks from boxing! Of course it's dancing!"

Xu Wang said, pointing to the steel pole stage aside!

At this time, a sexy girl was dancing hotly on top.

When Logan saw this, his face suddenly darkened!

I immediately turned around and wanted to leave!

He discovered that he was still too naive.

I really thought that if Xu Wang performed well in battle, he would be a reliable person.

Turns out, his intuition was right!

This guy is still so unreliable!


Thank you all for your monthly tickets!


Also, thank you to the book friend [I don’t know what to take] for the 500 Qidian coins reward!

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