
[Cause of death: Killed by W88 nuclear warhead]

[Death reward: Nuclear explosion enhancement*1]


The surrounding scenery changes.

A feeling of being grounded comes.

Xu Wang's vision is restored.

What comes into view is a ceiling that looks familiar.

Xu Wang has returned to the wasteland world and is now in the temporary base of the Freedom Army.

At this moment, Xu Wang feels a strange touch on his waist and wrist.

Looking down, it turns out that his personal terminal and subspace waist bag flashed.

It seems that the network is stuck, causing the equipment to disappear and then refresh again.

Xu Wang guessed.

It should be that after his death, the Freedom Army cowboy took his terminal and waist bag.

Now that he has traveled back, the waist bag and terminal have been refreshed.

In addition, Xu Wang discovered another thing.

Remember that in the last moment of "Resident Evil", his waist bag was blown away by a nuclear bomb.

Now it appears on his waist.

I don't know if it's because the waist bag is bound to the personal terminal.

And the personal terminal is strongly related to his golden finger.

But no matter what, this is good news for Xu Wang.

"Ah~ What a great harvest!"

Xu Wang put his hands on his waist, not caring about his naked appearance now.

Before returning from the time travel, Xu Wang was wearing a Raccoon City police uniform.

Things that are not from the wasteland world naturally could not be brought back by Xu Wang.

Raising his right hand, Xu Wang summoned the biggest gain of his time travel.

[Nuclear Explosion Enhancement*1]

The nuclear explosion enhancement is in the palm of Xu Wang's right hand, like a blazing little sun.

As Xu Wang's eyes stared.

The flashing text refreshed, and the introduction of the nuclear explosion enhancement appeared.

This is a super power enhancement.

After using it, Xu Wang can gain the super power of mastering high temperature, explosion, shock wave, electromagnetic pulse and nuclear radiation.

Fusion together, it is a nuclear explosion!

There is no doubt that this is the most powerful attack enhancement Xu Wang has obtained since traveling through so many worlds.

It's just a pity that the nuclear explosion enhancement requires energy enhancement bits.

And Xu Wang's current energy attribute is 0.

This means that Xu Wang can only keep this enhancement temporarily.

Wait until his energy attribute is increased to 5 before using it.

Fortunately, Xu Wang has now enhanced [Demon Immortality], and the speed of adding points is much faster than before.

Otherwise, I have to wait again.

Thinking of this, Xu Wang took out the last shelter uniform from his waist bag and put it on.

The shelter uniform in this world is not the same as the game "Fallout".

It is not the funny one-piece tights in "Fallout".

The style is more casual and beautiful, although it is still one-piece for radiation protection considerations.

It can be faked as two pieces, as if wearing a coat, at least it looks much better than a tights.

Xu Wang thought about it and enhanced the trauma repair from the tracker on this last shelter uniform.

The shelter uniform is rated 10 points and has two enhancement bits.

There is one remaining enhancement position, so I will use it when I encounter a suitable enhancement.

However, Xu Wang feels that this trauma repair enhancement is quite suitable for clothes.

After he dies and resurrects, his physical injuries can be fully recovered.

But his clothes are not like that.

Once injured, they are broken.

Like this trip to the "Resident Evil" world, he originally had three uniforms, but now only the last one is left.

Can't ruin it again.

As the enhancement ended, Xu Wang took out the Wujiang Sword and forcefully opened a hole in his sleeve.

Then under his gaze.

The hole in his left arm sleeve began to slowly grow and recover.

After a while, the hole had completely disappeared.

It looks like new!

"Not bad."

Xu Wang nodded with satisfaction.

Then he snapped his fingers.

The iron pillar in the form of a dog appeared at Xu Wang's feet.

"Woof woof!"

The iron pillar looked very excited. Just after it appeared, it jumped and circled around Xu Wang.

Xu Wang was also very happy, laughing with Tiezhu and having fun in this small room!

Accompanying the dog to release its enthusiasm and physical strength.

Originally, Tiezhu should be in Bing Town.

It seems that as long as he is summoned to other worlds, when he is summoned back, he will not return to the place before crossing, but will only appear beside him.

I guess Tiezhu was just on the train leaving Raccoon City.

I hope that the sudden disappearance of Tiezhu will not scare Raymond.

"Okay Tiezhu, help me find a few people!"

Xu Wang stopped Tiezhu who was playing more and more crazy, squatted down and rubbed his dog head angrily, and at the same time did not forget to put Tiezhu's dog backpack back on his back.

"Woof woof!"

Tiezhu raised his head and barked happily a few times.

It has work to do again.

This guy seems to have endless energy. If you don't find something for him to do, he will always be bored.

At this time, Xu Wang is still in the temporary station of the Free Army.

24 hours have passed, and it seems that no one exists in this base.

Otherwise, the noise made by Xu Wang and Tie Zhu would have attracted the cowboys.

The temporary base of the Freedom Army was in an office building before the war.

Xu Wang searched around and finally found some traces left by the cowboys.

It was a bundle of dirty, blood-stained bandages.

"Tiezhu, come and smell it, and then find them out."

Xu Wang directed Tiezhu to act, and did not forget to make a promise: "If you find it, I have two enhancements suitable for you."


Tiezhu's eyes widened when he heard it!

The whole dog instantly became energetic!

Seeing Tiezhu approaching and sniffing the bandage on the ground, Xu Wang also smiled.

The two enhancements he mentioned were originally reserved for Tiezhu.

Now it's good to use them as rewards to stimulate Tiezhu.

Xu Wang was confused before.

In his personal terminal attribute list, why is there a *1 after the enhancement.

Since there is multiplication by 1, there must be multiplication by 2 and multiplication by 3.

After a world in "Resident Evil" received a large number of death rewards.

Xu Wang understood.

Although the enhancement position is limited.

But the enhancements with high similarity and fit can be superimposed on one enhancement position.

This is similar to the upgrade of a one-way skill.

As more and more enhancements are integrated, even if the basic attributes remain unchanged, the ability it can show will be stronger.

Just like Tiezhu.

It enhances the tyrant ability.

The two enhancements of the tyrant claws and spiked tentacles on Xu Wang can be integrated into the tyrant enhancement, so that Tiezhu's tyrant form has stronger combat power!

At the same time, it will not occupy other precious enhancement positions.

The more Xu Wang thought about it.

While feeling happy, he also felt a little liver pain.

His golden finger looked quite simple at the beginning.

It was to revive after death and then get a death reward.

But the tricks that can be played are getting more and more, and it feels like it can be made into a krypton gold mobile game.

Xu Wang scratched his head.

At this moment, Tiezhu, who had been sniffing and catching smells, raised his head and barked!

It glanced at Xu Wang, then turned and ran out of the office building.

Xu Wang knew that Tiezhu had discovered something.

The group of Free Army cowboys and the Blood Fist Tribe raiders seemed to care about the black box.

This made Xu Wang also very interested in the so-called black box.

The black box originally belonged to Shelter No. 92.

And he, Xu Wang, as a person from Shelter No. 92, was a good brother with the manager Teddy.

So, the black box belonged to Xu Wang.

Is there anything wrong with this?

Since the black box is his, it is natural for him to take back his own things!

Thinking of this, Xu Wang had completely convinced himself.

He was even a little angry!

"Tiezhu! Start the super transformation form! Damn it! They dared to steal my things! I'm angry!"

Xu Wang said angrily.

Tiezhu howled quite obediently.

After a burst of "kukukaka", Tiezhu turned into a 25-meter-long luxury fishing boat and fell heavily to the ground!


The ground shook slightly.

Xu Wang slapped the hull and said unhappily: "Not this! Beast Warrior! Move out!"

Tiezhu reacted, so he immediately changed back, and then switched to the 3-meter-tall orc tyrant form!

Its dog backpack was broken and fell to the ground again.

Xu Wang picked up the backpack, jumped on Tiezhu's back, and signaled Tiezhu to set off again!

Tiezhu howled like a wolf, then climbed up the abandoned buildings around, jumped, and rushed to the destination!

In the tyrant form, Tiezhu's explosive power and jumping power are quite strong.

I saw the street downstairs passing by quickly, and was left far behind by Tiezhu.

It has been a while since I came to the wasteland world.

It was the first time that Xu Wang went so deep into the pre-war city.

On the streets below, Xu Wang also saw a lot of strange monsters that he couldn't name.

The most of them were radiated corpses that looked like humans and zombies.

But Xu Wang didn't have time to explore them now.

The people of the Free Army went to the southeast.

Xu Wang estimated that the Blood Fist Tribe should be in that place.

However, since Blood Fist had taken his black box, he would not be so stupid as to stay in the tribe and wait for the Free Army to come, right?

Unless he had other tricks to deal with the Free Army.

Riding on the back of Tiezhu, he ran forward for a long time.

Because Tiezhu would go up and down when running, Xu Wang couldn't stand it and even wanted to vomit.

But he only had Tiezhu as a means of transportation.

There was no way, so he could only bear it for now.

However, this also increased Xu Wang's idea of ​​getting a car.

Batman's Batmobile seemed good.

Spiderman's Spidermobile was very powerful.

Xu Wang was thinking about something else in his mind, diverting his attention, and the feeling of vomiting was much lighter.

But at this moment, Tiezhu, who was still running all the way, suddenly stopped running!

This made Xu Wang, who didn't react, almost thrown off the dog's back.

Fortunately, the biological static electricity worked, so that Xu Wang was not thrown away in embarrassment.

"Are we there yet?"

Xu Wang patted Tiezhu's huge dog head.


Tiezhu barked, staring straight ahead.

Xu Wang jumped off the dog's back and looked ahead.

This was also the outskirts of the city, even further away.

In front of Xu Wang and the others was a huge mine.

It looked like a quarry. A large area in front was hollowed out, forming a downward terrain similar to steps.

Near the quarry, Xu Wang also saw various heavy machinery, such as excavators, loaders, drills, transport vehicles and so on.

There were some buildings underground in the mine.

Those buildings were built with stones, wood and iron sheets, and were obviously the work of wastelanders.

Above the mine, on Xu Wang's right hand side, there was also a factory-like building.

That must be a product of the pre-war era.

Because of long-term mining activities, the nearby ecology has been destroyed, and the trees and plants look relatively scarce.

Xu Wang put his hand on Tiezhu's head and asked, "Are you sure they are all down there, right?"

Tiezhu stuck out his tongue and breathed, it should be here.

Xu Wang nodded: "You change back to your original form first, let's go down and take a look."

Tiezhu's tyrant form was too conspicuous.

Tiezhu obediently changed back to an ordinary husky, and then followed Xu Wang down the mine.

The terrain of the mine pit has a large difference in height due to long-term development and excavation.

However, Xu Wang is known as the handsome Spider-Man, so he naturally doesn't care about this height difference.

One person and one dog quickly came to the bottom of the pit.

Xu Wang has already found something different.

It was not very obvious when he was on top.

After coming down, Xu Wang was sure that this was indeed a predator camp.

The camp seemed small, but it was actually quite large.

Because most of the camps were hidden in a huge mine behind.

The people of the Blood Fist Tribe built their camp by the mine.

Therefore, although their camp was in the pit, outsiders had to go down to the same level to attack them.

Standing on the mine pit, because of the angle, it was impossible to hit the mine.

Xu Wang was still unfamiliar with the wasteland world.

He had never seen what other predator camps looked like.

But Xu Wang guessed that it should be roughly the same as what he saw in front of him.

Corpses were hung outside the wooden and iron fences to deter others.

There were even a few heads stuck on the gate.

Just by looking at this style of behavior, you can tell that the predators really don't care about human affairs.

However, at this time, the predator camp that made people around tremble with fear seemed to be ravaged by a strong wind and was severely damaged!

The gate was completely knocked down!

Most of the buildings inside were also demolished!

As Xu Wang and Tiezhu approached, a bloody smell came to their faces.

The predator camp was full of broken bodies!

Xu Wang took a rough look.

He found that there were bodies of predators and cowboys.

And there were quite a few bodies of Free Army cowboys.

This surprised Xu Wang a little.

The group of cowboys were all fully armed and looked professionally trained.

As for the predators.

Xu Wang had also fought with them, but he was just brave.

When he encountered a disadvantage, that bit of bloodiness might not be able to remain.

Compared with the cowboys of the Free Army, they were obviously far inferior.

Although judging from the number of bodies, the predators did die more than the cowboys.

But the cowboy team was an elite team of 12 people, including a team leader wearing power armor.

It should have been a one-sided battle.

At this time, seven cowboy bodies fell here.

This is obviously a very huge loss ratio.

Gunshots were faintly heard in the mine.

This told Xu Wang that the battle between the two sides was not over yet.

"You have worked so hard. I hope you will have a good life in your next life and don't come to the wasteland again."

Xu Wang shook his head, then squatted down and licked the bag with tears in his eyes.

The predators and cowboys were still fighting, so naturally they had no time to clean up the battlefield.

As a five-good youth in the new era, Xu Wang also carried forward the spirit, suffered a little loss, and cleaned up here.

Now Xu Wang's waist bag has a much larger upper limit, which is just right for carrying these spoils.

Xu Wang started from the periphery and stripped the equipment of these cowboys first.

Although the cowboy clothes and hats were a little damaged because of the gunshot, Xu Wang didn't mind and took them off and stuffed them into his waist bag.

As for their rifles, revolvers, bullets and so on, of course they couldn't be missed.

Xu Wang took a special look and found that the rifle bullets used by the cowboys were longer and were not compatible with his drone X-01.

It was a pity.

In a short while, Xu Wang stripped the bodies of several cowboys naked, not even leaving them with their pants.

Anyway, Sanfan Tavern even collected fly meat, so Xu Wang didn't waste it.

While Xu Wang was busy, Tiezhu was not idle either.

He saw what Xu Wang was doing, so he dragged the predator's body to Xu Wang obediently.

"Good dog."

Xu Wang smiled and rubbed Tiezhu's head, and started hard work again.

But slowly, Xu Wang suddenly found something weird!

Although the predators of this Blood Fist tribe were dressed like beggars,

But the weapon configuration is ridiculously high!

The eleven bodies that fell here, each of them had a Drone X-01 assault rifle!

This gun is definitely not particularly powerful, it doesn't even have a tactical track.

This means that it can't even quickly install a scope, and can only rely on machine aiming.

But even so, compared to the iron pipe weapons used by most people in the wasteland, the performance of the drone is much higher.

Therefore, its price must not be cheap!

Otherwise, when in Shelter 92, there were so many looters, and Green Eyes would not be the only one holding this gun.

But what is going on now?

It has only been a few days, and the Blood Fist Tribe has updated the version to this extent?

The drone rifle is so popular that everyone has one?

And these guns look very new.

As if they just came out of the factory.

Xu Wang blinked his eyes and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He looked at Tiezhu next to him and said in amazement: "Tiezhu, my black box may be a really good thing, I must get it back!"


Although he didn't understand what Xu Wang was saying, Tiezhu shouted in a very cooperative manner.

"Okay! Hurry up, we have to enter the mine too."

Xu Wang and Tiezhu sped up their actions and stuffed everything they could take away from the looters' camp outside into their waist bags and took them away.

The 11 drone rifles were not left behind.

But in this way, Xu Wang's bag was not much heavier.

It was not easy to come across such a chance to pick up a bargain, and it would be too painful to put down his bag.

"Let's go, let's join the battlefield."

Xu Wang stuffed the last kettle into his bag and shouted to Tiezhu to run into the mine.

The outer perimeter of this mine was quite wide, and houses could be built.

The further inside, the narrower it became.

It looked like an ordinary mine.

There was even a railroad track on the ground pointing inward, and there was an overturned mine car next to it.

I don't know what kind of mine is inside.

It was getting deeper and deeper, and quite complicated.

Fortunately, Tiezhu, who had a keen nose, led the way, and heard the gunshots coming from inside, otherwise it would be difficult to find people.

Along the way.

Xu Wang could occasionally find a few bodies thrown away.

There were both looters and cowboys.

It seemed that the two sides had fought quite fiercely.

"Da da da!"

Just when Xu Wang passed a corner.

Suddenly, a series of bullets hit the cave wall next to him.

This scared Xu Wang and he quickly hid back.

But then he changed his mind.

He now has an immortal body, plus his own life, a total of 4 lives, he will not travel through time and space after death, no matter what!

So Xu Wang walked out again with a swagger!

This is considered a mining area.

It is obviously a big hole.

The two parties were hiding behind the bunker and shooting at each other.

The one who almost hit Xu Wang just now was the plunderer's people.

They didn't find Xu Wang, but were injured by stray bullets.

When Xu Wang, such a big living person, approached, the two groups of people in the mining area seemed to have discovered him.

All shifted their guns.

"Wait! Why is it you! Aren't you dead!"

The cowboy side, the one called Gunpowder, recognized Xu Wang.

This shocked him!

"That's my big brother Xu Dawang! I'm Xu Erwang! I'm here to seek revenge on you! Ahhh! Give me back my brother's life!"

Xu Wang got into the role in a second, and rushed towards Huoyao with a ferocious face!

He looked like a younger brother who wanted to avenge his brother.

"Are you Blue Gophers all idiots? I didn't expect that he actually has a younger brother! Just right! I'll send you to hell to see him!"

Huoyao aimed at Xu Wang and immediately pulled the trigger!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Although the free rifle in the cowboy's hand can also fire continuously, the firing rate is slow.

But the power and accuracy of the rifle are very good.

Xu Wang's forward steps were immediately stopped by the kinetic energy of four full-power bullets!

His upper body fell backwards uncontrollably!

Four very exaggerated bullet holes were shot in the chest!

The heart and lungs were pierced!

As a large amount of blood flowed out, Xu Wang's consciousness gradually fell into darkness.


[Cause of death: Killed by a human with a free rifle]

[Death reward: Energy +1]

Now he is lacking energy attribute, so Xu Wang naturally added attribute points to energy.

Huoyao looked at Xu Wang who had just appeared and died there, and snorted disdainfully: "Like your brother, a blue gopher with fragile vitality!"

Having said that, Huoyao no longer paid attention to Xu Wang, and chased the retreating predators in front into another mine with his teammates.

No one noticed.

After everyone left, Xu Wang immediately jumped up on the spot as if nothing had happened.

Then he quickly chased after the cowboys!

Huoyao seemed to hear the footsteps behind him, and instantly raised his gun and turned around!

But as soon as he turned around, Huoyao's eyes widened!

He said in disbelief: "How is it possible! Aren't you dead?"

Xu Wang's face was filled with grief: "You actually killed my eldest brother and second brother! I, Xu Sanwang, will never coexist with you!"

As he spoke, Xu Wang shot out a spider silk and ripped away the free rifle in the hands of the opposite Huoyao, then slowed down his pace and rushed towards Huoyao in an exaggerated manner, just like walking on the moon!

Xu Wang's exaggerated slow motion gave Huoyao time to react.

Without time to think, Huoyao immediately took out the free revolver and emptied the magazine at Xu Wang in one breath!


Xu Wang's body fell again!

Thanks to the book friend [Lemu likes you the most] for the reward of 100 starting coins!

Please give me a monthly ticket!

Thank you everyone!

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