Regardless of whether it is the Douglas Consortium in the "CSOL" game.

Xu Wang is at least confirmed now.

Deputy Director Raymond's family is indeed rich and powerful.

Although I don’t know why he left the heir to a good consortium inappropriately and came to Raccoon City to be the deputy director.

However, with the resources of the Raymond family, it seems possible to form an anti-biohazard alliance.

In the original plot, each protagonist belongs to a different organization.

Although most of the work he does is to fight biohazards, after all, his strength is still somewhat dispersed.

If Raymond takes the lead, I believe it will be more helpful to the anti-biohazard cause.

Therefore, Xu Wang didn't think so much.

He handed Raymond the recruitment list he had filled out on a piece of paper, and patted Raymond's shoulder solemnly: "The responsibility of maintaining world peace will be left to you! Let's go first, bye!"

With that said, Xu Wang gave Raymond another big hug, turned around happily and greeted Jill to leave.

Jill followed Xu Wang, although somewhat reluctantly.

But since it was Raymond who gave the order, he had no choice but to team up with Xu Wang and follow Xu Wang's command.

The two of them first went to the weapons depot of the police station to get the equipment they might need.

At Xu Wang's suggestion, Gill also focused on selecting heavy firepower weapons.

Don’t worry about the heavy load of ammunition, they can all be put in Xu Wang’s pocket.

With Xu Wang doing the logistics, the two of them can produce continuous firepower that is stronger than a small team.

Gil's weapon is a pistol called the Samurai Blade.

The owner of Kenduo Gun Shop is responsible for training.

It is the exclusive gun she used when she was in the S.T.A.R.S team.

At this time, Jill was quite emotional when the property returned to its original owner.

Because considering the long-distance attack and mobility, Gil himself did not carry much equipment.

All items that were too heavy were placed in Xu Wang's pocket.

Jill was also curious about Xu Wang's pocket that never seemed to be full.

"What's going on with that bag of yours? Why can it hold so many things?"

Jill finally couldn't help her curiosity and asked aloud.

Xu Wang was still looking for what he wanted in the equipment warehouse. Without looking back, he showed off: "It's amazing! The subspace pocket! My friend gave it to me. I call him the novice gift package delivery person."

Jill nodded, but she didn't understand what Xu Wang was saying at all.

Just watching Xu Wang keep picking around the room, he asked again: "What are you still looking for?"

After all, Gil used to be a police officer in the Raccoon City Police Department, so he was quite familiar with it.

"Isn't there an anti-tank rocket launcher in the bureau? I need a big one like that?"

Xu Wang really couldn't find what he was looking for, so he turned back to look at Jill.

"Anti-tank rocket?! You want that kind of thing!"

Jill was stunned for a moment, but then quickly realized: "I understand, are you worried about encountering a B.O.W with an umbrella on the road?"

After all, she had faced the tyrant in the mansion incident.

Although he is a trial tyrant.

But the sense of oppression brought by that kind of monster is really too strong!

To deal with them, you really need big guys like anti-tank rockets.

So Jill thought about it and said hesitantly: "There may be one in Kendo, but I'm not sure. I have to go and see."

"Then what are you waiting for! Let's go! Hurry, hurry, hurry"

Xu Wang said and took the lead in running!

Before Jill even reacted, Xu Wang, who was full of energy, disappeared from her sight in an instant like a hand.

"You are kidding me..."

Gil felt like he was teaming up with a husky, and sighed extremely tiredly.

As a last resort, she could only run quickly.

I was afraid that Xu Wang would have more conflicts with Ken.

Ran all the way out of the police station.

Jill found that more and more survivors were coming here to take refuge.

Marvin is leading a team to check whether there are any infected people.

Once an infected person is confirmed, they will be immediately quarantined.

In this process, various contradictions and conflicts will inevitably arise.

Jill felt very sad after seeing this.

But she had no choice but to quickly cross the courtyard and run towards the Kendo gun shop next to the police station.

At this time, the door of the gun store has been opened.

As soon as Jill swiped the door lock, she knew that it had been broken open by violence!

Inside the gun store, there were even sounds of quarreling.

That voice was very familiar to Jill, it was Kendo's voice.

Gil's expression changed and he quickened his pace again.

Just when she ran to the door of the gun store, she heard a burst of gunshots inside!

"Bang bang bang!"

The sudden sound of gunshots made Jill pause, and then she quickly rushed into the gun store!

"Damn it! Kendo! Don't shoot!"

Jill shouted, turned the corner of the cabinet, and finally saw the situation in the gun store clearly.

At this time, Xu Wang opened his hands and raised his head, standing on the counter like a god.

In front of him, Kenduo's family of three bowed to Xu Wang!

This scene stunned Jill!

Before entering, Jill never expected that she would see what she saw in front of her.

She had thought that Xu Wang was too reckless and angered Kendo, and then Kendo shot him as a warning.

"Jill? Why are you here?"

Kendo got up at this time, heard movement behind him, turned around and saw Jill, and was quite surprised.

"I heard gunshots, what are you doing?"

Jill is now full of questions.

"I fired a salute to show my respect and reverence to Lord Xu Wang."

Gun modification master, Robert Kendo, was full of gratitude when he talked about Xu Wang.


Jill was even more confused now.

She turned her head to look at Xu Wang standing on the counter.

This guy was still looking up, looking like an angel descending to earth.

He was almost emitting holy light.

"He saved my wife and my family."

Kendo glanced at his wife and daughter who stood up next to him, and the gratitude on his face became stronger.

With Kendo's explanation, Jill finally knew what had happened just now.

It turned out that after Xu Wang came in first, he found that Kendo's wife had been infected.

At that time, Kendo was very excited to protect his wife.

Unexpectedly, Xu Wang took out a T virus vaccine without saying a word and saved Kendo's wife.

This made Kendo instantly regard Xu Wang as his God.

In the original plot, on September 29, Kendo's wife had already died.

His poor daughter was also infected.

On the last rainy night, after Kendo met with Leon and Ada Wang, he silently picked up his daughter and returned to the gun shop.

Then there was a heartbreaking gunshot!

This scene made many players feel uneasy.

It also directly made the little policeman Leon determined to fight against the umbrella!

Leon, who has a strong sense of justice, can't bear to see this kind of human tragedy happening in front of him.

This time Xu Wang came earlier.

Kendo's daughter has not been infected yet.

But it happened to be the time period when Kendo's wife was infected.

It is true that Xu Wang's T virus vaccine saved their family.

After listening to Kendo's story, Jill couldn't help but change his opinion of Xu Wang.

Looking up at Xu Wang who was still intoxicated there, Jill said helplessly: "Okay, okay, come down quickly, there are still things to do."

Xu Wang heard it, and then he jumped down from the counter reluctantly.

After jumping to the ground, Xu Wang still bent over and waved to Kendo's daughter Emma with a smile on his face.

Emma is also a little girl, who looks about the same age as Shirley.

They may have something in common.

Emma is quite shy.

She also greeted Xu Wang and hid behind her mother.

Jill saw this scene and looked at Xu Wang and said, "Do you have a T virus vaccine?"

Xu Wang knew what the policewoman wanted to say, and raised a finger directly: "I have it, but I only kept two as a backup, and gave the rest to Raymond. He will decide how to use it."

Jill nodded. She didn't expect Xu Wang to hand over such a life-saving thing, and she looked at him with more respect.

Xu Wang no longer cared about Jill at this time. He cast his eyes on Kendo and asked expectantly: "I heard that you have anti-tank rocket launchers here? Is it true?"

Kendo looked at Jill next to him and said awkwardly: "In the past, I would definitely say no... but now..."

The gun shop owner said, and then looked at Jill next to him.

Jill simply crossed his arms and said expressionlessly: "Don't look at me, I'm not a policeman now. And..."

Jill didn't say the next words, but the meaning was very clear.

Raccoon City is like this.

For them, it's no different from the end of the world.

The law has long been out of their reach.

Everything has to give way to survival.

Don't look at the RPDs who are now fighting zombies and transporting refugees.

In fact, in these processes, they will always encounter some morally corrupt people in the doomsday.

Those humans have guns in their hands, which is even more dangerous and difficult to deal with!

Because of Xu Wang's help, RPD actually didn't suffer many casualties when facing zombies.

At present, most of the casualties are caused by criminals.

They are more crazy than before.

Just like Chief Irons before, they are also trash who don't want others to live well and don't want to live well.

The damage caused is too great.

Fortunately, Xu Wang temporarily handed the iron pillar to Raymond for command.

With the iron pillar, the police's defense line can be stabilized.


Kendo laughed dryly and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Jill has made a statement, he won't hide it anymore.

Originally, it was just a collection for hobbies.

Unexpectedly, it would come in handy now, and Kendo was a little excited.

Kendo's gun shop has a basement.

He usually collects big toys through private channels because of his personal hobbies.


A heavy iron door was opened by Kendo.

Turning on the light, everyone followed Kendo down the stairs.

After reaching the basement, Xu Wang and Jill were immediately shocked by the dazzling array of weapons in front of them!


A whole arsenal!

Although Jill is no longer a policeman.

But seeing this scene, he couldn't help but look at Kendo beside him with a strange look.


You are really a punishment!

Such a big arsenal was built opposite the police station!

But it was also thanks to Kendo that he built this arsenal.

Now it can be considered a big help!

This can also be considered as making up for the mistake.

Xu Wang just entered the basement and saw the AT4 anti-tank rocket hanging on the wall!

Although this thing is disposable, it is definitely a real killer!

Under one shot, all beings are equal!

"Oh! My baby!"

Xu Wang passed Kendo directly, slid forward and stopped right in front of the AT4 anti-tank rocket launcher.

He stretched out his trembling hands, carefully picked up the rocket launcher, and gently stroked it.

What surprised him even more was that Kendo actually collected not only one AT4, but six.

I don't know why he collected so many rocket launchers.

But this made Xu Wang very happy.

In addition to rocket launchers, there are even several heavy machine guns here.

Yes, that's right, of course, the famous Gatling gun with blue flames is indispensable.

Kendo's basement gave Xu Wang a big surprise.

It's a pity that his waist bag has a weight limit and he can't put all of it in.

Otherwise, Xu Wang would have to empty this place.

When he thought of this, Xu Wang couldn't help crying sadly!

Everyone didn't expect Xu Wang to cry as soon as he said he would.

Seeing him holding those weapons reluctantly, it was really sad.

Jill walked forward with a somewhat difficult expression.

Xu Wang raised his hand and sniffed: "No, you don't need to comfort me, I'm fine. Although I'm reluctant to leave these little babies, I know I have to say goodbye to them."

Jill's expression became even more tense.

Xu Wang stood up and picked and chose to put things into his waist bag.

Finally, he stopped unwillingly when it was completely full.

Thanks to Xu Wang's power, he had a second growth in this world.

This also led to the upper limit of Xu Wang's waist bag to 75 points.

Otherwise, he could carry even fewer weapons.

For a person with hamster syndrome.

The house is full of favorite things, but he can't take them all away because of the upper limit.

Don't mention how uncomfortable that feeling is!

If it were in a game.

When encountering such a game with an upper limit, he had to turn on the console or install a mod to make the weight or grid infinite.

It's a pity that he couldn't do that in the real world.

"Take it away, take these things away quickly, I want to cry when I see them now."

Xu Wang's face was full of reluctance, but his waist bag could not hold them anymore.

Even Xu Wang's body was now covered with weapons and equipment.

It can be said that he was fully armed.

There were two Desert Eagles in the quick-draw holsters on both sides of his thighs.

For Xu Wang's current strength, the recoil of the Desert Eagle was just right.

Behind Xu Wang, there were two rifles cross-carried.


An AK-47 that paid tribute to the classic.

On Xu Wang's chest, there was also an MP5.

The MP5 submachine gun was a gun from the police station, and Xu Wang took it with him mainly to express his "homesickness".

In addition to so many guns, Xu Wang also stuffed a lot of magazines on his body.

The belt around his waist was also full of M26 grenades.

That was called fully armed!

More Terminator than the Terminator!

Before leaving, Xu Wang even asked Ken for a pair of pilot sunglasses to wear.

He didn't want to see the big treasures in the basement again, so he left first.

Jill suggested that Kendo transport the weapons and ammunition up for the police officers to use.

This would greatly increase the firepower and logistical supplies of the police officers.

After all, Xu Wang only took away three AT4 anti-tank rocket launchers, and there were three left here.

But these weapons were Kendo's personal property after all.

Jill couldn't order Kendo, at most she could make a request and suggestion.

Uncle Kendo was very open-minded.

Raccoon City was basically destroyed.

There was no use for keeping these weapons in his gun shop.

It would be better to contribute them to fight zombies.

Jill was very happy that Kendo would think so, and immediately contacted Raymond by radio.

Let him send someone to move the supplies here.

It just so happened that Kendo's family could go to the police station to take refuge first.

Jill spent some more time dealing with these things.

When she left Kendo's gun shop, she found that she had lost Xu Wang again.

This made Jill quite helpless.

I think Xu Wang is a good guy, but he really has no sense of teamwork!

If you don't pay attention, he will be gone in the blink of an eye!

Fortunately, Xu Wang's current dress is very exaggerated.

Jill looked around and saw Xu Wang standing in front of several police officers showing off his equipment.

"Why is he like a child!"

Jill hurried forward, greeted Kevin, Marvin and others, and planned to take Xu Wang away.

After all, they still have a mission.

Just when Jill was about to take Xu Wang away, the black police officer Marvin hurried forward and stopped Jill.

Chief Irons is dead.

Raymond is now the top leader, and Marvin naturally became the second in command.

"What's wrong, Marvin?"

Jill turned and looked at Marvin Branagh.

Marvin was silent for a while, and then sincerely apologized to Jill: "I'm really sorry, your intelligence is all right, I should have believed you at that time."

Jill's expression was a little moved.

Marvin was talking about what happened in July.

At that time, the survivors of the S.T.A.R.S team told about the mansion and the training center, but no one believed them.

But now the facts are in front of us, which undoubtedly proves that Jill and the others are right!

This makes Marvin feel very guilty and guilty towards Jill and the others.

If they had believed the report of S.T.A.R.S. at that time, would this kind of thing not have happened today?

They have been colleagues for many years, and Jill knows Marvin very well.

One look at Marvin's expression tells you what he is thinking.

So Jill shook her head and said, "Marvin, don't think too much. As long as Umbrella exists, what happened today is inevitable. It's not your fault."

"Live with everyone! Let's overthrow Umbrella together!"

Jill looked at Marvin deeply, and then cast her eyes on Xu Wang next to him.

Xu Wang was standing in front of Kevin, who also had a split hair and was equally handsome.

"Brother, your equipment is not as good-looking as mine."

As he spoke, Xu Wang turned around in front of Kevin.

Looking at Xu Wang in front of him, Kevin felt melancholy and wanted to drink again.

Fortunately, Jill's mother came over competently and pulled Xu Wang away.

Xu Wang and Jill were going to the underground research institute to find the secret special train.

The RPD police had to continue their mission of fighting zombies and rescuing citizens.

As the situation changed due to the flapping of Xu Wang's butterfly wings, Umbrella also changed their actions.

Different from the original work.

Umbrella used its relationship with senior personnel to order the US military to strengthen the blockade of Umbrella.

At least all the main roads have been completely blocked.

It is no longer like the morning, as long as you pass the quarantine, you can enter and exit freely.

Director Kane observed the current situation in Raccoon City, thought about it and issued a few more orders.

"No more waiting, send B.O.W to the South District now. The remaining five T-103 Tyrants are also released. Two go to the North District to destroy evidence, and three are sent to the South District. I need the data of that dog."

"Let the U.B.C.S enter the city, and ordinary team members will give them the task of rescuing citizens. The spies will record the actual combat data of B.O.W and destroy the evidence at the same time."

"Finally, let the goddess of vengeance go..."

"The target is Experimental Subject No. 2."

In the big tent, Kane put one hand in his pocket and watched Xu Wang who was acting with Jill in the surveillance.

According to the news sent back by Hank, Xu Wang has been swallowed by the mutant saltwater crocodile.

I didn't expect that he was still alive.

It's just right to use Xu Wang to test the actual combat ability of the goddess of vengeance.

Kane continued: "Give the goddess of vengeance two instructions. After destroying the No. 2 experimental subject, destroy the S.T.A.R.S members."


The subordinates received the order and immediately went to do it.

So Kane looked at another monitor, which showed a ward in the Raccoon City General Hospital.

"When will Alice wake up?"

"Not sure, she is more and more active now, and she should wake up soon."

A researcher answered.

After hearing this, Director Kane stopped talking.

Xu Wang has brought him enough surprises, and now he wants to see what kind of performance Xu Wang can have in front of the goddess of vengeance.

"Ding ding ding!"

At this moment, a phone rang suddenly in the tent.

After Kane's assistant answered, he immediately handed it to Kane.

The level of this call is too high, so Kane has to come.

As soon as Director Kane saw the assistant's appearance, he knew where the call came from.

After taking the phone, Kane walked away two steps and talked to the other party with a serious expression.

After talking for a few minutes, Kane hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a call from the military.

Originally, according to the negotiations between Umbrella and the military, it was planned to launch a nuclear bomb to clean up Raccoon City at dawn on October 1st.

But because of Xu Wang's intrusion.

Kane didn't want to wait that long.

He planned to launch a nuclear bomb directly tomorrow, that is, on the morning of September 25th.

The military naturally disagreed.

After all, there are still many survivors in the southern part of Raccoon City.

If the matter is exposed, they will be under great pressure from public opinion.

But this is the United States.

In this area, there is nothing that capital cannot do.

Refusal is just not enough reward.

Therefore, with enough benefits promised by Director Kane, the other party finally agreed to advance the launch time.

Anyway, it's a cover-up.

This is the strength of the Americans.

In the Internet age of the 21st century, they can turn black into white.

Not to mention now in 1998.

The people who survived in Raccoon City are just bargaining chips for them to negotiate.

Bloody bargaining chips!

On the other side.

Xu Wang was completely unaware of the upcoming nuclear bomb and the Goddess of Vengeance.

He thought he had enough time and could get it on October 1st.

But William, who suffered a loss and began to counter-monitor Director Kane, was a little restless!

He tore off Kane's sleeves before, not just to vent his anger!

At that time, he had already installed a micro-eavesdropping device on Kane.

Sure enough, this precautionary measure allowed him to get such important news!

William didn't care whether other people died or not.

But his Shirley was still in the city!

"No! I can't just sit there and wait for death! I have to think of a way!"

William looked at the computer screen with red eyes!

I'm stuck! It's torture!

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