"Old Xu! Do you want a wife or not?!"

This was the first sentence Xu Wang heard after crossing over, and he still remembers it vividly.

He thought that if he really crossed over, he would be given a wife.

As a result, Xu Wang, a foreigner, was severely taught a lesson by the locals!

There is no such thing as a free wife, only a lawless lunatic with chest hair longer than his hair!

It was less than an hour after crossing over.

Xu Wang, who was still in Shelter No. 92, was robbed by the looters who suddenly broke in along with other residents of the shelter!

In his last moments, in a trance.

Xu Wang felt that he was thrown into a cart by the looters.

He was sent to the hot surface again.

Before he died, Xu Wang only saw the rusty mechanical left eye of the wastelander.

And that sentence: "It's a pity that the boss doesn't let me eat it..."

Then, he and the other bodies on the cart were thrown down a cliff with a drop of hundreds of meters!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Several bodies fell freely like dumplings, and finally fell into a few pools of rotten meat on the solid road...

From crossing to death.

It took 56 minutes and 21 seconds.

Xu Wang didn't know how to evaluate his luck.

At the same time, he turned into a puddle.

"In front of his eyes" suddenly appeared rows of flashing words.

[The main world has been bound to: radiation wasteland]

[Cause of death: fell off a cliff by humans]

[Death reward: Constitution +1]

[Confirmed death, start crossing...]

Oh my god, the golden finger has arrived!

I didn't expect the trigger condition to be death!

As these lines of text appeared in front of him, Xu Wang's mind gradually became clear.

He was very familiar with these flashing words.

In his previous life on Earth, when he went to buy medicine, he was hit and killed by a dump truck.

At that time, this kind of text also appeared in front of him.

So thinking about it, his ability to cross over actually already existed on Earth!

As Xu Wang thought, his body began to gradually regain consciousness.

Although it was still pitch black in front of him.

But his sense of smell, touch and hearing had been restored.

He felt down to earth.

He also heard a noisy voice and the sound of vehicles passing by.

This familiar ambient sound made Xu Wang know that he had successfully crossed over.

And it was an environment very similar to that of Earth.

A few seconds later, the text appeared again.

[Crossing successfully]

[Current world: New Godzilla]

[Return to the main world after dying again]

Xu Wang finally regained his vision.

Looking around, there were low-rise buildings around.

He was standing by an unknown river at this time.

People were coming and going around, and it looked very lively.

"I didn't expect to come to the world of Godzilla!"

Xu Wang looked at the Japanese sign on the building next to him, and his tone was full of sighs.

At the same time, he felt very surprised.

His golden finger seemed to be much more useful than he had imagined.

He could even cross over to the fictional movie world.

As for whether he would be afraid of facing Godzilla?

Just kidding!

Xu Wang felt that he was super brave!

Flashing text reminds that the condition for returning is death.

What does this mean?

It means that he is already immortal!

Since he will not die, what is there to be afraid of?

Xu Wang feels like he can have fun!

After calming down, Xu Wang felt the foreign object on his left wrist again.

Looking down, it turned out to be his personal terminal in the shelter.

It was a bit strange. He remembered that after he was stabbed, his personal terminal seemed to have been taken away.

But now it has returned to his hands without any warning.


Before Xu Wang could think about it.

At this moment, a huge collision sound suddenly sounded at the river estuary in the distance!

As if an earthquake had erupted, Xu Wang, who was far away, felt that the ground under his feet was shaking.


It was a roar from a huge beast!

Hearing that roar.

Xu Wang was not afraid at all, but felt excited instead!

"It's a living Godzilla!"

Looking from a distance.

From a distance of about 500 to 600 meters, a huge monster with a reddish-brown body was roaring and swimming towards Xu Wang!

Wherever the monster passed, the water was blood red.

Xu Wang had seen "Shin Godzilla".

The memory in his mind was even clearer at this time.

As soon as he saw the appearance of Godzilla in front of him, he knew which stage of the plot he was in.

In the movie, the real Godzilla showed a total of four stages.

At this time, Godzilla was the second form in the early stage of the movie, Putian Jun.

The second form of the real Godzilla had a pair of huge lifeless fish eyes.

The feet were thick, with dorsal fins and a pair of very small claws.

But because of the heavy head and light feet, it could only crawl on the ground like a snake.

At this time, Godzilla was 30 meters tall and 60 meters long!

Although it was not a complete form, it was already a qualified monster!

With such a huge body, even if it just squeezed into the river and headed inland towards Tokyo, the water flow it pushed would be enough to cause tsunami-like damage!

In fact, this is exactly the case.

Godzilla had just squeezed into the river.

The water of the river suddenly backflowed!

The huge waves lifted up all the boats and ships on the river and rushed inland!


The screams of passers-by filled my ears!

The river water is backflowing!

The giant beast is on the shore!

The citizens of Tokyo were frightened and fled madly!

Only Xu Wang did not retreat but advanced.

He took a few steps forward and ran directly to the Asahi Bridge across the river next to him, laughing up to the sky and facing the waves!

"Let the storm come more violently!"

Xu Wang raised his hands and cheered loudly!


The next second!

Godzilla pushed the waves and the boats on his head and hit the Asahi Bridge where Xu Wang was standing!

Xu Wang first felt the stone-like river water slapping on his face.

Then, the hull weighing more than ten tons pressed up directly!

The moment he just touched, Xu Wang was already crushed!

His fragile body, facing Godzilla, had no power to resist at all!

In the case of deliberately seeking death.

Xu Wang died quite cleanly!

His vision fell into darkness again.

In the darkness, the flashing words appeared again.


[Cause of death: Squeezed by the fishing boat pushed by the real Godzilla]

[Death reward: Fishing boat reinforcement*1]

[Starting to return...]

Just like the first time he traveled through time.

Xu Wang's body senses slowly recovered.

Then the darkness in front of him was illuminated.

When he saw the surrounding environment clearly again.

Xu Wang knew that he had traveled back.

Back to this wasteland world bound to the main world.


Xu Wang propped himself up and tried to sit up.

There was a slippery and sticky thing in his hand.

He raised his hand and saw a piece of dark brown sticky blood.

Xu Wang quickly stood up.

Around him, there were several bodies of residents of the shelter.

They were thrown down from the top of the cliff by the predators together with him.

At this time, their bodies were completely unrecognizable.

That is, the blue uniforms of the shelter were of good quality, barely holding the broken bodies inside, so that a human figure was retained.

But forget about the unprotected head.

Xu Wang couldn't find them at all.

You can imagine.

When Xu Wang fell from the top of the cliff, he was probably not much different from the corpses on the ground.

But now, except for his dirty clothes, his body is not injured at all.

Not to mention being alive and kicking.

And because of the physical strength he had added before, he felt stronger!

He touched his intact body up and down.

Xu Wang smiled happily.

"Did I really get immortality?!"

"Not only will there be rewards after death, but I can also travel through other worlds."

"Then die again, get rewards, and travel back to revive!"

"It's simply invincible!"

Thinking of this, Xu Wang couldn't help but start to jump for joy.

He looked around.

He was on a dilapidated road at this time, and there was nothing around.

Fortunately, not long after walking, Xu Wang found a piece of rusty iron on the ground.

"Let's try!"

He stared at the iron sheet in his hand, sharpened it slightly on the guardrail next to him, closed his eyes, held the iron sheet and stabbed it hard into his throat!


Death came again...

New author, new book!

Please give me some food, readers!


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