Chen Lie waved his hand

"Bullshit protection, how would you feel if I asked someone to monitor you?"

After saying that, Chen Lie walked towards his car with an angry face

"Where are you going?"

"None of your business"

Looking at Chen Lie driving away, Han Qian was a little at a loss

"Team leader, did I say something wrong?"

Luo Qingyan shook her head

"It's not your fault, I originally planned to let you follow him, so he will know sooner or later"

After leaving, Chen Lie drove aimlessly on the street

Looking at the various high-rise buildings around him, he suddenly didn't know where to go

He was really angry about Luo Qingyan sending people to monitor him

He had a lot of secrets that he couldn't let anyone know, not even Luo Qingyan

And what exactly was the identity of this woman

From what the other party meant, he was in danger because he married her?

Did she have an enemy?

But she just helped me a few days ago, so it's not right to lose temper with her now

Just like this, Chen Lie drove forward aimlessly while thinking about things

Because it was late at night, the road Chen Lie was taking was relatively remote and there were not many cars

At this time, a black SUV suddenly accelerated to overtake, and then stopped suddenly and blocked the middle of the road

The sudden change made Chen Lie slam on the brakes

A sharp tire friction sound was heard, and the vehicle finally stopped when it hit the car in front

Chen Lie was in a bad mood to begin with, and he was even more furious at this time

"You are looking for death!"

As he shouted, a young man in a suit and leather shoes walked down from the driver's seat of the vehicle in front

Looking at the other party's well-dressed and gentle appearance

Chen Lie was stunned

He is pretty handsome, but no matter how handsome he is, he is not as handsome as me

Thinking of this, Chen Lie stretched out his hand to adjust his T-shirt, then shook his shoulders and walked out of the car

The two stood opposite each other, full of gunpowder

The visitor looked Chen Lie up and down

"I thought he was some kind of treasure, but it turns out he's just a loser"

Chen Lie's eyes narrowed when he heard this

It seems that this guy stopped him to find trouble

"You're not that great, you don't speak human language, you're just a dog"

The visitor laughed and stretched out his hand to Chen Lie

"Not bad, you're quite courageous, I'm Lu Guanghao, meet me"

Chen Lie slapped the other's hand away

"I'm not interested in meeting someone else, just say what you want to say, fart quickly"

Lu Guanghao was not embarrassed, he took back his hand with a hint of contempt on his face

"You're not a gentleman at all, Qingyan's thoughts are really hard for me to figure out"

Chen Lie suddenly realized when he heard this

It turns out that this guy came for Luo Qingyan, and judging from his tone, this guy is Luo Qingyan's pursuer

"Watch your wording, Qingyan is not someone you can call someone else"

Lu Guanghao raised his hand and loosened the tie at his collar

"I advise you to leave her, otherwise I will make you live a life worse than death"

Chen Lie couldn't help but chuckle when he heard it

"Whose rope is not tied tightly, allowing you to jump out and point fingers at humans?"

Lu Guanghao's expression turned cold

As a high-ranking psychic, how could he tolerate the repeated ridicule of an ordinary person

"You kid seems to have never died"

Alive, he suddenly raised his leg and kicked Chen Lie in the abdomen

Chen Lie had already He was on guard, dodged the opponent's attack by leaning sideways, and then hit the opponent's face with his horizontal arm

Lu Guanghao didn't expect the opponent's reaction to be so quick, and he hurriedly raised his arm to block

Then he raised his foot and kicked Chen Lie in the abdomen again, and Chen Lie also raised his foot to fight back

The two separated as soon as they touched, and a big shoe sole print was printed on their bodies

Chen Lie didn't use any ability, so he didn't cause much damage to Lu Guanghao

And Lu Guanghao was afraid of Luo Qingyan, so he didn't Without using his ability

He just wanted to make the boy suffer a little. If he really hurt or killed him, Luo Qingyan would never let him go

Then he raised his hand and patted the shoe print on his chest

"Stinky boy, I didn't expect you to have two more moves, but today I must let you know what the real gap is"

After saying that, he kicked his left leg and rushed directly to Chen Lie

Chen Lie's face was not afraid at all

Although Luo Qingyan was not his real wife, they were still legally married anyway

This man who suddenly appeared dared to point fingers at his affairs

Auntie can tolerate it, uncle can't

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had already collided fiercely

Then the sound of fists hitting flesh came one after another

Without using their abilities, the two had a true and most primitive duel between men

However, Lu Guanghao was obviously at a disadvantage when facing Chen Lie, who was proficient in all physical skills

A few minutes later, Lu Guanghao came from behindHe flipped and distanced himself from Chen Lie

Chen Lie showed a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth

"Grandson, come on, aren't you arrogant? Keep going, I'll smash your balls today"

After saying this, Chen Lie suddenly remembered the girl named Chu Qiao

Lu Guanghao raised his hand and pressed the corner of his mouth that was hit, with a hint of cruelty in his eyes

He wanted to tear Chen Lie into pieces

But in the end he suppressed his anger

He never thought that the boy in front of him could fight so well, Su Ye didn't tell him that

At this time, a private car drove over from the other end of the road

"Stinky boy, don't be so proud, one day I will make you beg me on the ground "

Lu Guanghao said something harsh, turned around and got into the car and left directly

Chen Lie looked at the car going away and gave him a middle finger

"What the hell"

You asked me to leave Luo Qingyan, but I won't leave

Thinking of this, Chen Lie suddenly understood

Why can't I pursue Luo Qingyan

Ask yourself whether you like Luo Qingyan

The answer is of course yes

A man would want to possess such a beauty

Others would like to marry her home as a wife, but now I am obviously her husband, but I have to fulfill some bullshit verbal agreement with her

Is it just because I feel that I am not worthy of her?


That was all an illusion from my last life

As long as you work hard, you can grind an iron rod into a needle

It's too embarrassing to give up without grinding this iron rod

As the saying goes, the one who is close to the water gets the moon first, and I have a unique advantage

So why don't I try to pursue her and make her my real wife

After thinking this through, Chen Lie drove home in a hurry

When he got home, it was already twelve o'clock in the evening

Looking at the high heels on the shoe rack at the door, Chen Lie knew that Luo Qingyan had returned home

Just after he changed into slippers, Luo Qingyan appeared in the corner of the living room

"You're back?"

Chen Lie turned around Awkward smile

"Haha, let's go for a walk. You know what, it's quite cool outside at night."

Luo Qingyan looked at the dirt on Chen Lie's body, with a hint of doubt on her face

"Are you sure you're going to enjoy the cool air? Not to fight? Don't get me wrong, I didn't let Han Qian follow you again."

Chen Lie took off his T-shirt and went straight to the bathroom

"I didn't pay attention when I came back, I just fell down. It's my fault for getting angry with you today, but don't let anyone follow me in the future."

Luo Qingyan nodded. She looked at the tough muscle lines on Chen Lie's upper body, and her pretty face was even more puzzled.

Why is this kid in such a good shape?

"Are you exercising? Are you cured?"

Chen Lie turned around and found that Luo Qingyan's eyes were wandering back and forth on him, and he couldn't help but smile.

"How is it? My chest muscles are quite developed, right? How about we compare whose is bigger?"

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