Seeing Chen Lie hesitated, Director Wang spoke up quickly

"Xiao Chen, you have to consider the problem based on your actual situation. You know your family situation better than anyone else. In order to treat you, this family is penniless and heavily in debt"

"And your sister will go to college next month, which is another big expense. You dropped out of college before graduating. You can't let your sister be an uneducated person too"

"I'm not nagging you, but in your situation, what else can you do except find a wife through the matchmaking system? Free love?"

"Free love is also There must be an economic foundation. Those girls who shout that they advocate love and will be together till death are just immature children."

"It's okay when they just get married, they are sweet and loving all day long, but after a long time, the novelty wears off, and problems in life will follow. Aunt Wang is an experienced person. Relationships must be based on money to be stable."

"Look at you, you have no education, your health is not good, and with your illness, you will probably die if you go out to move bricks. What else do you have besides being good-looking? What else are you? You..."


Chen Lie raised his hand to interrupt Director Wang

If she continued to talk, he would have to jump down from the sixth floor

Why are you still alive

"Is it not okay for me to sign?"

Director Wang smiled happily when she heard Chen Lie's agreement

"That's right"

Then she lifted the document to reveal the lower half of the last page

"Just sign here. I tell you, if you have a chance, you must seize it. If you miss this opportunity, you will have to..."

Chen Lie did not wait for Director Wang to finish his words. He picked up the pen and wrote his name directly on the place where the man confirmed the marriage.

Seeing Chen Lie's signature, Director Wang couldn't help but smile even more brightly

"Even if this is done, here are the woman's information. I'll leave first."

"I'll see you off."

"No, no, it's so hot, don't tire yourself out."

Director Wang said and walked out impatiently

At the same time, she couldn't help but secretly rejoice in her heart

If she could complete a task, her commission this month would definitely not be less

Otherwise, who would want to go out and waste time talking in such a hot day

The Chen family is so poor, they should be happy if a woman is willing to marry them

Look, didn't this guy agree very readily?

After the other party left, Chen Lie stared at the information on the coffee table in a daze

He got excited and actually signed his own name

At this moment, he suddenly felt unreal

Is he married now?

The funny thing is that he doesn't even know who his wife is

Chen Lie came back to his senses and leaned over to pick up the information in front of him

Only in the female information column was it written

Name: Luo Qingyan

Gender: Female

Age: 45 years old

Height, 150 cm, Weight: 140 catties

Occupation: Cleaner

Physical condition: Good

Family status: Divorced

Phone: 139XXXXXXX"

Looking at the obviously photoshopped photo of the middle-aged woman in the information column

Chen Lie raised his hand and rubbed his eyes in disbelief

After he confirmed the information again, he couldn't help but curse

"Fuck you, you push this condition to yourself? "

Is this really the person you're introducing to me? And not the spouse you're introducing to my father, Chen Wenhua?

At this moment, he suddenly felt like a thousand heads of grass were rushing through his heart, trampling on his pounding heart.

Then Chen Lie quickly flipped the papers in his hand, hoping to find another female profile.

But the remaining papers only had some post-marriage declarations and the rules and regulations of the marriage system.

When he saw the information on the last page, he suddenly felt his eyes go dark.

Then his body shook and he fell to the ground unconscious.

The information also fell out of his hands and scattered all over the ground.

And the paper that made him faint due to the pressure also slowly fell to the ground.

There were a few lines of words written on the paper.

" Husband: Chen Lie, Wife: Luo Qingyan"

After signing and confirming, the man shall not divorce privately or abuse his wife, otherwise he will bear criminal responsibility

For major matters, please refer to Chapter 10, Rule 21 of the Marriage System

If there is no objection, please confirm the signature. The legal effect will take effect immediately after the man confirms the signature"

It was unknown how long it took for Chen Lie to wake up again

When he opened his eyes, a crisp voice suddenly sounded beside his ear

"Brother, are you awake?"

Chen Lie turned his head and saw a cute girl with long hair sitting by his bed

The girl was Chen Rou, the younger sister of the owner of this body. She was 18 years old this year, but they were half-siblings

The original owner's mother was born when he was three years oldChen Rou, the daughter of Chen Wenhua and Xu Xinlian, passed away due to illness.

Chen Lie looked at Chen Rou, who was full of youthfulness, and thought of his wife who had just signed and confirmed, and he felt extremely depressed.

Damn, when looking for a wife, of course you have to find a sweet, beautiful and lovely little woman like Chen Rou.

Not the old, ugly and old woman who can play you badly.

After a moment of depression, he slowly sat up with his hands on the bed.

"What time is it now?"

At this time, he still felt a little dizzy and uncomfortable.

Chen Rou shook the documents in her hand. "It's already one in the afternoon. Are you really that upset? You fainted for three hours. What if you want to consummate your marriage?" "What do you know?" Chen Lie said as he snatched the document from Chen Rou's hand. He then confirmed the information again in disbelief. He found out that he was not dreaming. He suddenly felt his heart aching again. According to the laws of this world, once a man agrees to get married, he cannot take the initiative to divorce. He was actually fooled by Director Wang. He didn't see it clearly. He signed it so hastily

His heart couldn't help but twitch when he thought about having an old lady as his wife in the future

Chen Rou found that something was wrong with her brother, and hurriedly raised her little hand to stroke his chest

"Brother, don't get excited, isn't it just an old lady, what's the big deal, what's the saying? A young man doesn't know the goodness of an aunt, and mistakenly treats a loli as a treasure... Ouch..."

Chen Rou covered her forehead and jumped away quickly, staring at Chen Lie with a pair of big eyes

"You flicked my head again"

At this time, a girl with short hair and a wind The middle-aged woman with a lingering charm walked into the bedroom

"Where did a girl learn these flowery words? If you keep talking nonsense, I'll punish you."

The person who came was Chen Rou's biological mother, Chen Lie's stepmother Xu Xinlian

Xu Xinlian actually had another son, who was awarded to her ex-husband after the divorce, and they rarely contacted each other

Hearing her mother's scolding, Chen Rou shrank her neck, and then stuck out her cute little tongue at Chen Lie

Xu Xinlian turned her head to look at Chen Lie, and a trace of disgust appeared on her face

"You are a grown man, but you are not doing things properly. How come you are not angry to death?"

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