Chen Lie was sitting leisurely on the bus at this time

The vehicle had left the city and entered a fast road that went straight to Fuyang County

Thinking of the beautiful woman who was stood up by him, he couldn't help but smile

At this time, the sky had completely fallen into darkness. Chen Lie looked at the time on his phone and found that it was already 8:15 in the evening

Then he unlocked his phone and dialed Chen Wenhua's number

"Dad! When are you coming back?"

Chen Wenhua, who was eating, picked up his phone and walked out of the house

"Xiaohao's wedding will be held the day after tomorrow. After that, your mother said she wants to stay for a few more days. You work How is it? Are you used to it?"

"It's very tiring. I don't drive alone, and I have to load and unload goods. I don't want to do it anymore. I'm on the bus going home now. It will take me another half an hour to get home."

Chen Lie didn't tell the truth about work.

Chen Wenhua paused after hearing this.

"Is that so? Then you go back first. This old Zhang is really a man who promised me so much. I didn't expect that I would have to do physical work."

"Dad, don't contact him. He can't help himself. Don't make things difficult for him..."

Just when Chen Lie said this, there were several dull collisions of vehicles in front of the road.

Then the bus braked suddenly and stopped directly in the middle of the road

Chen Wenhua was a little confused when he heard the noise coming from the phone

"What's going on over there? Why does it sound so chaotic?"

"It's okay, I'm on the bus. It seems that there was a car accident in front. My phone is running out of battery. Let's leave it at that for now."

Just then, a large number of people outside the bus abandoned their cars and ran back frantically.

Chen Lie hung up the phone without waiting for Chen Wenhua to reply.

Because he was sitting in the last row of the bus, he didn't know what was happening in front for a while.

"What is that?"

"Fuck! Open the door, I want to get off the bus"

With the noise of the crowd in the bus, Chen Lie suddenly felt that the ground seemed to be stepped on by something heavy and began to tremble

Just when Chen Lie was puzzled, the system prompt sound in his mind suddenly sounded

"Alarm, alarm, S-level monster is approaching, host evacuates as soon as possible"

Hearing the system prompt, Chen Lie hurriedly looked out

The next moment, the scene in front of him suddenly made his eyes widen

Just in front of the three-lane road, a monster with a body of fire and a height of almost six stories was running towards Chen Lie

What the hell? What is this?

Is this the kind of fallen demon in this world?

"Get out of the way!"

At this time, an old man pushed the confused Chen Lie away

Then he jumped out of the window with agility

This scene made Chen Lie stunned

Because the bus driver had already jumped out of the window and escaped, the crowd was in chaos without opening the door

Chen Lie no longer hesitated and also jumped out of the window

At this time, the fallen demon was less than 100 meters away from him

The fallen demon was huge, looked like an evil ghost, and had four arms

Everything around him instantly fell into the air wherever he passed Ignite by the flames on its body

It can be seen how horrible the heat on its body has reached

Chen Lie didn't have time to think about it, he stood up and ran back desperately

At this time, he suddenly found that a private car was squeezed by a truck in a corner of the guardrail, the door was blocked, and a young couple in the car were afraid of hitting the windshield with terrified faces

Just when Chen Lie was hesitating whether to save them

A dozen unusually conspicuous figures suddenly appeared in the crowd running for their lives

They were covered in black armor and held long swords

These people did not choose to retreat with the crowd, but And slowly walked upstream towards the fallen demons

Chen Lie seemed familiar to some of them

The middle-aged man in the lead lit a cigarette

"Xu Yi, this is your first time facing a fallen demon of this level, are you scared?"

A young man who looked about 20 years old beside the middle-aged man shook his head

"Don't be afraid, from the moment I joined the army, my life has been dedicated to my country. My father died for the country. Now it's my turn, and I won't back down a step"

The middle-aged man laughed

"Good job, you are worthy of being the son of the Dragon Scale Thirteenth Team"

"Big Listen up, everyone. Our mission is to delay its pace. Team leader Luo is on her way. As long as we can delay her arrival, we will have hope of survival."

"I, Duan Zhong, swear here that I will never take a step back. The dragon's reverse scale, the heroic spirit will live forever."


As Duan Zhong's dull killing sounded, the black armor on the bodies of more than a dozen men and women instantly wrapped their bodies tightly, even their eyes were covered and protected

Then several people stretched out their hands and drew their swords without hesitation and rushed towards the fallen demon

Chen Lie, who came to his senses, quickly climbed onto the couple's carThe front of the car, raised his foot and kicked the windshield repeatedly

Seeing that the glass had cracked, Chen Lie no longer hesitated, jumped off the front of the car and ran back

Because he had already felt a wave of heat coming towards him

At this time, the Dragon Scale Squad had already started fighting with the Fallen Demon

When the two sides came into contact, the Fallen Demon raised an arm and directly knocked two people away

Then it opened its palm and grabbed a figure directly

With force on its fingers, the Dragon Scale team member who was like a doll in his hand was instantly squeezed into a blood mist

Duan Zhong's long sword burst out a bolt of lightning, carrying the force of thunder and slashing heavily at the top of the Fallen Demon's head

"Go to hell"

Faced with this blow that could split mountains and rocks, the Fallen Demon had no intention of dodging at all

It just hard He raised his arm and smashed it hard at Duan Zhong, who was in the air with nowhere to get support.

Duan Zhong was unable to dodge and was directly knocked away by the opponent's punch.

The other team members seemed to have not noticed the horror of the fallen demon and still launched the attack fearlessly.

Although they had the blessing of psychic equipment, the difference in strength between the two sides was too great.

These team members couldn't even break the opponent's defense for a while.

If it weren't for the protection of their psychic armor, they probably couldn't even withstand the high temperature emitted by the fallen demon.

Chen Lie, who was hiding in a place, looked at this scene and was shocked.

He didn't understand what kind of faith these people had to be so desperate.

Wouldn't it be better for him to escape?

This is a fucking S-class horrible creature.

The lowest level of a fallen demon is E-class, and the highest is SSS-class.

But a 3S-class demon has only appeared once in the past hundred years, and that demon almost destroyed a city of tens of millions of people.

At this time, there was a roar of fighter planes in the sky.

Then two of the latest fighter planes roared from the sky and swooped down on the fallen demon.

When the Dragon Scale team saw the fighter planes appear, they scattered and dodged instantly.

Four flames lit up on the belly of the two fighter planes.

Four missiles dragged long tail flames and hit the fallen demon.

The fallen demon let out a deafening roar at the fighter plane that flew over its head.

Four missiles then exploded on its huge body.

The smoke dissipated. , the fallen demon was not only unscathed, but the flames on its body were even higher.

Duan Zhong got up with difficulty and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

A trace of bitterness appeared on his dark face.

The fallen demon found that no one was blocking its way, so it roared to the sky and started to move forward again.

It seemed to be in a hurry to carry out an important task, without stopping at all, and its target was directly towards Haicheng City.

"Stop him."

Duan Zhong said, and rushed to the monster first. Although most of his ribs were broken, he knew that if the fallen demon was allowed to enter the city, it would cause irreparable consequences.

The battle scene here was also realized by a helicopter. The live broadcast at that time reached major media platforms

Looking at those warriors who were fearless and wanted to hold back the fallen demons, netizens were instantly broken

"These hateful fallen demons, come on Dragon Scale"

"It is my lifelong dream to enter Dragon Scale"

"Where is the main force? Why don't they come to support?"

"Ordinary troops will just be sent there. Only the Dragon Scale troops who can wear psychic armor can have the strength to fight"

The fallen demon was obviously a little irritated at this time. It roared again, and the flames on its body suddenly turned blue


With a few screams, several team members who approached it suddenly ignited with raging flames

The sudden increase in high temperature even caused the spirit Even the armor could not resist it

At this time, only Duan Zhong, who was wrapped in lightning, could still fight

Looking at the sacrificed team members, Duan Zhong's eyes were red

"Die, die"

However, as an A-level captain-level psychic, he only caused a little damage to the fallen demon with all his strength

The gap of one level is like a mountain that is difficult to cross

Because of his serious injury, his movements began to slow down. At this time, he was caught by the fallen demon in an instant

At this critical moment, a golden light suddenly flashed

The arm that the fallen demon grabbed Duan Zhong was instantly cut off

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