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Tải ảnh: 0.063s Scan: 0.028sThere are still 6 million left!

This fucking 25 million RMB is not easy to spend!

Buying cars, buying airplanes, investing in greenhouses, purchasing fish and cattle and sheep, express delivery expenses, modifying airplanes, all these expenses have reached 20 million!

Ye Feng was stunned, thinking that he didn't seem to spend much money?

How did 20 million go out so quickly?

The next step is to buy fishing boats and some agricultural machinery. The tractors and other things in the warehouse are definitely not enough for the farm.

How to spend 600?

Hey, who cares!

Money is a bastard! We can make more if we lose it! Isn't it easy to make money?

Buy what we should buy first

"System, help me order a fishing boat!"

"23M 50 tons of drainage"

【A narrow-body 23M 50-ton medium-sized fishing boat has been ordered from Baikal Shipyard, and the amount payable is 3 million RMB! 】

There are still 3 million left, which is definitely not enough to buy agricultural machinery, so just leave it alone.

When the next phase of the task is completed, you can receive a huge system reward, and the Jingdong self-operated store should be coming soon.

In this way, we can continue the next phase of territory development!

There was nothing to do for a while, so I opened my phone and took a look.

The comments under the circle of friends posted at noon have exploded!

Wang Yibo: 6666, have the helicopter and the big secretary been arranged? These big horses are incredible.

Ma Chaofan: Can Feng Ge bear it? Three against one (sinister)

Su Wenming: Be careful of that person's death!

Chen Cong: Do the big guys you meet even give you helicopters?

Liu Yezi: Feng Ge's life is too good, right? When are you going to invite us to play?


Ye Feng replied directly to the following:

Brothers, calm down! It's like you haven't seen a girl in your eight lifetimes. You'll be easily mistaken for a bootlicker!

Wang Yibo: Feng Feng is talking without any pain in his waist. A full man doesn't know the hunger of a hungry man!

Jiao Xiaojie: That's right! Feng Ge is now a fighter and a three-time champion, so of course he doesn't need to be a bootlicker!

Ye Feng read a few of them and stopped reading them. Why didn't he feel that these guys were so good at bootlicking before?

He turned off his phone and went to find Anna, wanting Anna to teach him how to fly a helicopter, since he had nothing to do anyway.

Anna was very happy to support him.

So the two of them drove the Robinson R44 back and forth at least ten times until the gasoline ran out. After two hours, they finally learned how to take off and land.

Getting started is easy, but mastering is difficult. It only takes five minutes to learn how to operate, but it takes three months to learn it.

You must practice more often, practice makes perfect!

Ye Feng is now the most talented.

In the evening, Uncle Petrov and Alexander finally drove back to the farm and brought back three aircraft parts.

Three fuselages, three tail sections, six-blade propellers, and three pairs of sled landing gear were loaded into the warehouse.

Alexander could easily carry it all by himself!

What's a couple hundred pounds? This has been verified by two helicopters.

He was as strong as an ox, and he effortlessly loaded the plane into the warehouse by himself, which amazed everyone.

"Awesome! You are a retired special forces soldier. You have brought honor to our farm today. These two planes are yours."

"Anyway, you won it by betting!"

Ye Feng generously said that he would give the two planes to Alexander.

But Alexander waved his hand and refused:

"Boss, your two compatriots agreed to send the plane for your sake, and you also stood up for me, so I definitely can't take this plane!"

Alexander looks strong and simple-minded, but he is not. He is a rough but delicate, very sensitive and good at perceiving.

Although he is very proud, he does not take credit for himself, which is rare.

Ye Feng doesn't think so:

"No, you have to earn this respect yourself. Some things cannot be given by others, you have to fight for them by yourself, such as this face."

The two of them declined each other, and finally Alexander suggested:

"Otherwise, we can put the helicopter on our farm so that everyone can play with it in the future?"

This is a good idea. Vera and Chris' eyes lit up and expressed their support!

Ye Feng also thought it was a good idea and immediately said:

"Well, then from now on, everyone on the farm who wants to learn how to fly a plane or practice shooting can apply to Alexander, no restrictions."

"Unlimited supply of gasoline and ammunition"

"The planes and our guns are managed by Alexander!"

What's a little gasoline and ammunition?

Luosha gasoline is cheap, and bullets are not expensive.

Everyone cheered in surprise:"Thank you, boss!"

After solving this problem, Ye Feng began to study the Mosquito helicopter carefully:

According to the helicopter modification drawings provided by the system, this helicopter also needs to add two small lithium batteries, interior decoration, etc. and two switches.

A high-definition surveillance camera (front), as well as a navigator and a radio relay station.

These things are very light and have no effect on the normal performance of the helicopter!

While Ye Feng was studying the drawings, Anna went to teach Vera and Chris to learn Chinese.

As it turned out, Chris had no talent for learning this, but Vera made rapid progress.

At least he can quickly remember words and pronunciation methods.

He is worthy of being a top student!

Farmer A fulfilling day for everyone was spent like this.

The next morning, the temperature dropped sharply, and the first large-scale snowfall in Siberia came with a bang.

The earth was covered in silver, and the snow was getting thicker and thicker!

Although the weather changed suddenly, Anna, Ye Feng, Alexander, Vera, and Chris still insisted on training in martial arts.

Just as Anna said, exercise is a very exercise of will. If you slack off today and tomorrow, you will eventually become a salted fish.

So no matter what the weather is like, you must exercise as long as you have time!

And today's training seems particularly exciting.

Anna specifically asked Vera and Chris to play 2V1 against Ye Feng.���

The three of them were basically novices in fighting and only knew some simple wrestling techniques. They hadn't fought for a few minutes before they started hugging each other and rolling around on the field.

Sometimes Vera and Chris flattened Ye Feng, and sometimes Ye Feng pressed them down so that they couldn't move.

The situation was out of control for a while, but Anna just watched without saying a word.

In the end, Ye Feng's physique was slightly better as a man, and he completely subdued the two of them!

After this game, he had a more detailed understanding of Vera and Chris, but suddenly that curiosity dissipated a lot.

But looking at Anna's reaction, it seemed that this was the result she needed?

I have to say, this level is high!

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