Su Ci was taken aback.

Immediately, she smiled and rolled her eyes.

When Lu Zhe raised his hands to her, the heart in his chest had already collapsed.

She raised the gun in her hand and aimed it at Lu Zhe's chest.

"Do you want me to shoot you in the chest?" Su Ci looked sideways at him.

Lu Zhe: "Well, I'll give you my heart."

Life is also given to you.

Su Ci didn't want to tease him anymore.

She threw the gun and rushed directly to the boy who raised his hand in surrender, slamming his head into his chest.

She hugged him, "Wow, Lu Zhe, I love you to death."

The girl tied her hair, Lu Zhe didn't want to mess up her hairstyle, and his hand wearing black fingerless gloves only squeezed her face lightly, "Stop shooting?"

Su Ci didn't care about unity, it was for the spirit of the team members. Compared with Lu Zhe, what are the team members?

Her face rubbed against his chest, "If you don't open it, I'd be reluctant to shoot you if you kill me."

Lu Zhe lowered his head and kissed the girl's forehead, "Thank you for not killing."

Then Su Ci and Lu Zhe walked together.

When encountering the yellow team, Su Ci hides and let Lu Zhe solve it, and when encountering the blue team, Su Ci will deal with it.

The broadcast sounded: The yellow team eliminated one person.

The announcement sounded: the blue team eliminated one person.

When there were fifteen minutes left, the broadcast sounded again: there were two remaining members of the blue team and one remaining member of the yellow team.

Su Ci was surprised when she heard the broadcast, so, is she the remainder of the yellow team?

In addition to Lu Zhe, the blue team needs another person.

Get that guy out, and the game is almost over.

The road in the forest is not easy to walk, the ground is bumpy, and it is yellow soil, which will bring up a lot of gray layers. After the competition lasted for so long, Su Ci was already tired.

"Tired?" Lu Zhe saw the girl's sullen expression, he rubbed her head and said, "Go over there and rest for a while."

There is a pile of cut long trees on the opposite side, which can be used for shelter or people to sit on.

"Okay." Su Ci led Lu Zhe and walked over.

She disliked the dust on the wood and wanted to find a tissue to sit on, but found that all her belongings had been confiscated by the staff and locked in a locker.

Lu Zhe knew that the girl was squeamish, he didn't hum, he took off his black vest and put it on the wood, "Sit down."

Su Ci gave Lu Zhe a small look of satisfaction, "Why are you so careful?"

Lu Zhe hooked his lips.

Su Ci sat down on his vest and looked up at the tall boy in front of him, "Aren't you going to sit?"

"I'm not tired." There is another member of the blue team who has not solved it. The other party should hide in the dark, surrounded by trees, and there is a certain age, so it is easy to hide people.

Su Ci put down the gun in her hand, rested her elbows on her knees, and looked at Lu Zhe with her hands on her cheeks, "Why is your physical strength so good?"

Lu Zhe looked at the girl faintly, and turned his face away uncomfortably.

Su Ci looked at the sun, Lu Zhe's ears were lightly red, she pursed her lips and snickered.

After a five-minute break, Su Ci has recovered. The game will end in ten minutes, and she doesn't know where the other blue team members are hiding.

Suddenly, Lu Zhe asked her, "Tuantuan, do you want to win?"

Su Ci nodded, she played seriously, of course she wanted to win.

She stood up, picked up the vest, patted the gray layer on it, and handed it back to him, "However, in the end, it's me and you. If we are tied, it can be counted as a win for both of us."

Lu Zhe chuckled, "No, I'll let you win."

Su Ci said, "I won't shoot you."

Lu Zhe's dark eyes looked not far away, "I know."

"Let's go, we'll take the initiative to find your teammate." Su Ci reached out to hold him.

Suddenly, Lu Zhe's big hand grabbed hers and pulled hard.

Su Ci was taken directly into his arms, hugged tightly, and changed positions.

Su Ci was a little stunned, and wanted to tease if he suddenly couldn't help feeling for her, but the next second, she heard a "pop" and something exploded behind Lu Zhe.

The boy's holding her hand tightened.

On the side of her ear, his cold and gentle voice sounded: "The little princess' clothes must not be soiled."

"Lu Zhe!" Su Ci was stunned at first, then became angry, soft-hearted, and then angry.

She broke free from Lu Zhe's embrace, and saw a boy with a blue hand rope walking out from behind a big tree, and the other party's gun was facing this side.

The other party obviously didn't expect Lu Zhe to block the gun for Su Ci, "Hey, have you forgotten which team you are from?"

"I'm from the blue team." Lu Zhe said.

But he is also the minister under the skirt of the little princess.

According to the rules of the game, the team members cannot fight each other, all he can do is block Su Ci's gun.

Su Ci snorted lightly, looked at the boy coldly, raised the gun, and before the other party had time to respond, he shot him directly.

The boy backed away in fright.

With a "pop", the paintball landed on the boy's feet and exploded.

As long as the body is shot, it is considered eliminated.

The broadcast sounded: the blue team eliminated two people, the survivors were 0, and the yellow team survived with one survivor.

The boy was annoyed for a while, he didn't expect that he would be eliminated, and he didn't expect the school flower to respond so quickly.

Lu Zhe looked at Su Ci, "You won, Tuantuan."

Su Ci didn't answer, she shot another shot at the boy's arm.

"Hey, hey." The boy couldn't dodge and was shot again.

It hurts when the paintball hits the body.

Su Ci raised her chin, "This is your punishment for letting Lu Zhe get shot." Then she put down the gun in her hand.

The boy was wronged, he felt that he was really unlucky, and even if he was abused, he had to be shown by these two people.

Su Ci walked to Lu Zhe's side and looked behind him. The black vest on him had just been taken off to cushion her, and the paintball had landed directly on his back.

The red liquid is inconspicuous on the black shirt, but traces can be seen.

"Does it hurt?" Su Ci reached out and touched the spot where he was hit. The fingertips were stained with red liquid, which was very realistic, like blood.

Lu Zhe: "It doesn't hurt."

Su Ci glared at him.

How can it not hurt? In order to give people a real feeling of being hit by a bullet, the paintball will sting on the body, and it may also cause bruising.

When she found out that Lu Zhe was shot just now, at that moment, her heart ached, and her heart seemed to be pinched.

Knowing that it was just a game, she couldn't stand it.

In the lounge, the people who were eliminated from the two classes were brought here.

They looked curiously at the people nearby, guessing who had not been eliminated.

It was obvious from Team Huang's side that Su Ci was the most eye-catching, and she hadn't seen her yet, so it was obvious that she was the rest.

"Wow, is Xiao Cici so powerful?" Shen Xue kept waiting for Su Ci to come out, but found that she hadn't seen Su Ci until the end.

She thought that Su Cijiao was squeamish and would not be able to stand it any time soon. She ran out on her own, or was quickly eliminated by others. Unexpectedly, Su Ci stayed until the end, and she was the final winner.

Wen Duoyu's delicate face was very excited, "She is very good at porcelain."

As expected of the goddess she worships, Su Ci is too powerful.

Not long after, Su Ci, Lu Zhe, and another boy who was eliminated came back.

The crowd began to applaud.

The staff came out and announced, "The team that won today is the yellow team.

The people of Team Yellow applauded enthusiastically and shouted excitedly.

The staff signaled everyone to be quiet, "At the same time, in the yellow team, we will kill the most enemies, and the team member who will receive the reward is: Su Ci."

The staff presented a golden commemorative medal to Su Ci, and everyone was shocked and excited, and applauded wildly after reacting.

No one would have imagined that the dodder flower, who looked delicate and weak, like to be protected, turned out to be the last king.

After Su Ci received the small medal, she walked back to Lu Zhe, and she stuffed the medal into Lu Zhe's hand.

Lu Zhe looked at her.

Su Ci winked at him, "You have been a knight who guarded the princess, and I will reward you."

He is the king.

Lu Zhe couldn't help but chuckle, "Yeah."

After the game, the two squad leaders led everyone back to the hotel to rest and prepare to have a barbecue on the beach in the evening.

Looking at the slowly setting sun on the beach, golden broken light fell into the water and covered the entire sea surface. Everyone listened to the sound of the waves lapping in the distance and started busy barbecues.

The blue team lost today, and the punishment is to grill for the yellow team. The yellow team does not need to do anything, and it is a one-to-one service.

Su Ci sat beside Lu Zhe for granted, and Lu Zhe could only serve her.

Next to Shen Xue and Wen Duoyu, there were also boys from the blue team, who specially served them tonight.

The blue team members who were first assigned to serve the girls were still very happy, even happy, while the remaining blue team members who were assigned to serve the boys couldn't help but wailed in their hearts.

"What do you want to eat?" Lu Zhe changed his clothes when he went back to the hotel. Now he is wearing a light gray shirt with good texture. The two buttons at the neckline are open, revealing the prominent Adam's apple. The sleeves are neatly rolled up, and there is an indescribable calm and nobleness.

Su Ci said casually, "Chicken wings."

"Yeah." Lu Zhe took three chicken wings and put them on the oven.

Lu Zhe's craftsmanship is good, and he is also very good at barbecuing. The chicken wings slowly turned golden yellow.

Lu Zhe put the chicken wing on a paper plate and handed it to Su Ci, "It's a bit hot, let it cool before eating."

On the opposite side, Shen Xue looked at the chicken wings in Su Ci's hand and was envious. The boy next to her obviously didn't know how to grill. She spat out the blackened chicken skin before eating the meat inside.

As for the boy next to Wen Duoyu, it's not much better. The baked things are half-baked, and Wen Duoyu needs to save it by himself.

Shen Xue looked around and saw that Lu Zhe's baked the best, and Su Ci the most delicious.

She had found out that although Lu Zhe had ALS, aside from his condition, Lu Zhe was like a treasured boy, too good.

Of course, she was even more amazed at Su Ci's vicious eyes, and she started to guard Lu Zhe so early.

No wonder when she committed suicide before, Su Ci laughed at her bad eyesight and liked Fu Baili. Now that I think about it, apart from the illness and family background, Lu Zhe is indeed better than Fu Baili.

Shen Xue was glad that Su Ci rescued her at that time, and even scolded her to wake her up.

"There is a leisure station over there, I'll go buy something to drink, Xiaocici, Duoyu, do you want to drink?" Shen Xue came back to her senses, her eyes were sore and her throat was dry due to the charcoal smoke in her position.

Su Ci ate the chicken wings that Lu Zhe baked for him, "I'll do whatever, you help me choose."

Wen Duoyu shook his head, "I'm not thirsty, thank you."

Shen Xue got up and told the boy to remember to be optimistic about the fire, she ran to buy a drink.

The sky has darkened, and there is a fire around the barbecue, which is very lively.

The firelight reflected on the young man's face, and his eyebrows became more and more handsome.

Su Ci looked at Lu Zhe, who lowered her eyes and concentrated on the barbecue. Her eyes were bright, and she fed the chicken wings directly to his mouth, "You can eat it too."

"I'll do it myself." Lu Zhe took the plate in her hand.

Su Ci let him eat it by himself, "Then I'll bake it for you."

"Can you?" Lu Zhe looked at the girl's ten fingers, fair and slender, and even her fingertips were pale pink, delicate and beautiful. These small hands were only suitable for being raised.

"No." Su Ci leaned into Lu Zhe's ear and whispered, "Good brother guide me."

Lu Zhe glanced at her faintly.

Su Ci smiled triumphantly.

Shen Xue came back, holding two cups of drinks in her hand, "Xiao Cici, this cup is for you."

"Thank you." Su Ci took the drink from Shen Xue, "What's this cup? It's pretty nice."

Shen Xue sat back in place, "It's good, I ordered it as soon as I saw it, it seems to be called Rainbow." There are seven colors in the drink, which are very beautiful.

Su Ci ate the barbecue and was indeed a little thirsty. She took a few mouthfuls and found that some plum meat was added to it.

Sweet and sour, very thirst-quenching and delicious.

Su Ci drank half a cup at once.

Lu Zhe saw that the oysters were fresh, "Do you want to eat oysters?"

Su Ci nodded, she saw that Lu Zhe only took two, she let go of the straw in her mouth, "You bake more oysters, you can eat them too."

Then, Su Ci approached him again and whispered to him, "I heard that eating more raw oysters can strengthen your yang."

Lu Zhe's eyes darkened, he really felt that this little dude needed to be cleaned up.

Su Ci looked at him, the firelight reflected in her eyes, bright and moving, she urged deliberately, "Hurry up, you can eat too."

Lu Zhe had to pick up two more oysters and put them on the oven.

Su Ci sucked the drink and watched with pleasure Lu Zhe's helpless appearance by her teasing.

I don't know how long it took, Su Ci felt itchy on the top of her head, as if something was about to come out.

She touched the top of her head, ignored it, and continued to rely on Lu Zhe to barbecue.

However, the top of her head became more and more itchy. The familiar itch made Su Ci stunned. What happened?

Her bunny ears are about to pop out?

She didn't do anything, just ate a little barbecue and drank a drink. Why did the bunny ears pop out?

Su Ci frowned, suddenly thinking of something, she asked Shen Xue, "Is there wine in the drink?"

Shen Xue was nibbling on the chicken leg, and when she heard Su Ci's words, she didn't react, "I don't know, it doesn't taste like alcohol."

Lu Zhe on the side responded quickly, he asked her in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Su Ci's fair fingertips wrapped around Lu Zhe's clothes. She whispered and said anxiously, "My bunny ears may be coming out."

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