Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 97 A broomstick without a cushion charm

Matters in Mara Town can be dealt with after the beginning of spring, but matters concerning the Northland Witch Alliance cannot wait. The sooner the better, after all, the attraction of a group of witches and sorceresses is not small.

Moreover, there were long nights and many dreams, and Owen didn't want the meat he was eyeing to be snatched away by others.

There are now too many outsiders gathered in the North, including professionals, and it is inevitable that someone will discover the Northland Witch Alliance.

However, if you want to deal with the Northland Witch Union, you must first send Emile back, and at the same time solve the transportation and communication problems, otherwise it will be of little significance.

Without Emile, it would be impossible to win the trust of those people.

Secondly, in Maya's plan, the Northland Witch Alliance needs to have a considerable number of manpower to stay as an intelligence collection point, and at the same time, it also needs to bring those young and talented teenagers back to the territory for teaching. All of these need to take into account transportation and information aspects. question.

There are many problems faced, and even Maya doesn't have a good solution. After all, the distance between the territory and the empire's border is too far. This is both a barrier and a dilemma for development.

Regarding this point, Owen had an idea as early as when Currens first went to the border of the empire, but he was not in a hurry at that time, and his development focus was not there.

But with the Northland Witch Alliance as a local leader, the original idea has the value of being realized.

But now is not the time. Owen first fused Emile's three-meter-long staff with the Nimbus 2000 broomstick to get a super broomstick.

Although the synthetic super broom's flexibility has been reduced, its straight-line flight and dive speed are astonishingly fast, and it can even function as a bomber with bombs attached to it.

In fact, if the Northland Witch Alliance can be conquered, Owen is really ready to establish an air force.

With flying broomsticks and space expansion magic, every wizard can be called a flying arsenal. As long as the logistics can keep up, he can turn the earth into a sea of ​​​​fire in an instant.

Not to mention the other benefits brought by a group of wizards, so even if he faces risks, Owen will not give up this opportunity easily.

During this time, Emile was paying close attention to guiding Dale. Although the latter had a complete set of magic books, it was inevitable that he would make some omissions in the process of self-study. Emile had received the education of a witch from his mother, plus the gains and gains from his travels. The guidance of the rebellious witch Emilia is very experienced. Although she has just come into contact with the knowledge system of Hogwarts, she can always find Del's weak points, at least in the early potions, it has brought considerable improvement to Del.

Owen's arrival interrupted the somewhat warm teaching between the two. The mother and daughter, who were exchanging soup-making experiences, put down their work and looked at the big broom he brought with them in surprise.

Seeing that the relationship between the two had eased, Owen nodded secretly, which proved that his guess was correct. Dale did not really hate his mother, but because Emile left early, he felt lonely and panicked when he was young. turned into dissatisfaction with the mother.

But after seeing her mother, Dale understood Emile's difficulties. If she didn't leave, the whole family might be implicated.

"This is the broomstick prepared for Mrs. Emile." Owen gently pushed the huge broom floating beside him and landed next to Emile.

It is not popular for wizards in this world to fly on broomsticks, either on two legs or on a mount, so when Emile first learned about the function of this thing through the Hogwarts textbook, he was surprised for a long time, but he did not expect that the other party would still fly. I gave one to myself, so I explored its functions out of curiosity.

The control of the broomstick is very simple. After all, there are flying lessons in the first grade, so Emile quickly figured it out. Then he sat on it and flew up with a little effort, but his face suddenly became very rosy and weird.

At this time, Owen belatedly discovered through the depression that after the broomstick was fused, the original cushion curse was gone? !

Hogwarts has the intense broom riding sport of Quidditch, and of course there are relative protection measures. The most important of which is the invention of the Cushion Curse. After all, riding a stick and twisting violently in the air almost puts all the weight of the body on it. Put it on there and don't pay attention.

"You can learn the Cushion Charm from me later, and then teach it to her." Owen whispered in Dale's ear.

After belatedly realizing that something was wrong, Dale looked at Emile speechlessly, who still refused to come down, and began to feel that even if he taught him the cushion spell, whether he could use it or not was another matter.

After a while, Emile carefully stuffed the small box that Owen gave him, then added a thermal insulation spell and a protective spell to himself, and flew southward on a super broomstick like an arrow.

"Have you taught me the Cushion Curse?" After watching the other party leave, Owen suddenly whispered to Dale.

"I taught you." Dell had the urge to cover her face on the spot, because it was useless even if she taught him.

"Forget it, I've also prepared a broomstick for you. When you come to my room, I'll teach you how to fly." Owen said seriously, and Del immediately left the flying broom behind. Man, what is a woman flying on a broomstick?

After an unknown amount of time, the broomstick showing a wavy flight path finally stabilized.

Emile, who had a ruddy complexion and blurry eyes, took out his wand and cast a drying spell while drinking water. Winter was not a good weather for flying, and the broom was covered in ice.

While at Owen, Emile also discovered the benefits of the wand.

Compared with traditional magic wands, magic wands are smaller and guide magic more smoothly and accurately.

Although the magic power output is limited, it is more suitable for beginners and will not cause problems such as loss of control and distortion of magic power. At the same time, stable and accurate magic power output is obviously more suitable for magic potions and transformations.

Owen prepared a wand for Emile. Considering her size and hand-to-hand combat ability, this wand was specially made. It was one meter long and had a thick wrist. Except for the handle, everything else was covered with a thick layer of metal. There are also round protrusions like rivets in an orderly manner.

Originally, Owen wanted to make a short-handled mace with a spear head attached to the head. However, considering that Emile had been single for twenty years, not only the spear head was eliminated, but the spikes were also turned into smooth protrusions. , as expected, was loved by Emile. She bluntly said that she could smash several people's heads, but he took her seriously because the way she wiped the wand looked familiar to him.

Putting aside the issue of the wand, when Emile saw Ferrier Town from a distance, she couldn't help but admire the convenience of the broomstick. However, she did not choose to go to Ferrier Town, but changed direction and went to a nearby town. .

After discovering that Ferrier was unreliable, Emile consciously kept a distance from her. Most of her people were distributed around her. Only a few people whose identities were known to her were still there. This showed that she was ready to fall out with her. .

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