"Repair the castle?" Owen, who finally didn't need to worry about those chores anymore, was writing and drawing on the parchment with a quill pen. After hearing this, he raised his head and said in a daze, obviously he hadn't recovered for a while.

After Maya's patient explanation, Owen finally understood the necessity of repairing the castle. At the same time, he discovered from the other party's description that it was not the world that was lagging behind, but the North Border, the Hydera family.

If we count the existence of the nobility from the elders and priests who hold the real power of the tribe, it has lasted for two to three thousand years.

After a long period of accumulation and monopoly, the aristocracy controlled more and more rights and resources, and subsequently developed a variety of luxury and conveniences.

For example, imperial aristocrats have already used flush toilets. The bathrooms are not only laid with brass pipes, but are also connected to boilers that can provide hot water. The design is exquisite and beyond the imagination of poor people.

In terms of enjoyment alone, the imperial aristocracy has reached the level of the wealthy people in the 1970s and 1980s in the previous life, and even exceeded it.

As for the reason, although there are no electrical appliances in this world, there are unscientific things like magic.

He was born on the border of the North, grew up in a castle, and moved around the territory. Among the people he came into contact with, only his parents and the housekeeper spoke eloquently. As a result, Owen's knowledge may not be as good as that of a businessman who travels all over the world. Therefore, his judgment of the world has been problem.

Owen obviously didn't realize that this is a world with magic before, and knights and other professions do not just wield weapons. In fact, most professions have their own extraordinary level of inheritance. It is far from as simple as he saw. .

There was no way. The people who came to the northern border to open up the country were losers, criminals and refugees who couldn't survive in the empire. They had nothing, so where did they get their accumulation and background?

Fortunately, Maya, as the most trusted person of the Countess, had contact with Chao Chao, and it was also from her that Owen learned about the more real side of the world.

Although the extraordinary power of this world has not reached the level where a forbidden spell can destroy the world, it still cannot be underestimated. I am afraid that it cannot be done by relying solely on the military units of the Empire era. This makes Owen, who is already under a lot of pressure, feel even more anxious.

Owen plans to revise his plan again. He must find a way to break through the upper limit of progress value as soon as possible. As long as he has more progress value, he can exchange for stronger power.

The problem is that he can never find a way to break through the upper limit of the current progress value. Many times he has to constantly modify his plan because it is either impossible to achieve or too difficult, so it is really difficult for him.

Fortunately, there is no problem in repairing the castle. Anyway, there are no foreign enemies now, and it is more comfortable to live in the repaired castle. Therefore, Owen cooperated with Maya to mobilize resources to carry out a simple repair of this centuries-old ruins.

But don't think about flush toilets and brass pipes. The cost of shipping them reminded Owen of Jiuxin Pills, and he could only wait to exchange them from the system later.

Due to limited conditions, Maya just asked the craftsmen to simply repair some damaged parts of the castle, and then focused on building new toilets and bathrooms, which were squat pits and large bathtubs with water channels.

Owen is extremely satisfied with the latter two, even if he spends more progress points on it, he feels it is worth it.

Instead of squatting on the bay window hole where you feel like you will be sucked into the black hole, you can move across the rivers and lakes at will. How refreshing that feeling is.

The most important thing is that Owen found the toilet paper. Thinking about the thatch, leaves, sticks, stone chips and other cleaning materials that the chrysanthemum had kissed before, it was difficult to use. If you don't pay attention, you could get injured. What's even more embarrassing is that , if you don’t wipe it clean, after it dries, you will suddenly find that you have fallen into pieces, and you will be like a social death scene.

In comparison, the role of the bathroom is also not small, because I know from memory that Irving really can't take a few baths throughout the year in his life, and his old skin is covered with dirt, so he can't resist a hot shower at all. The temptation of a water bath.

After the transformation in the two places was completed, Owen had a good time urinating first, then squatted in the hot water that can remove hair from pigs and soaked it for a long time, rubbing down two kilograms of mud, and then changed into a completely transparent body. new clothes.

When he walked out of the bathroom, the clothes he was wearing were obviously soft cotton, but Owen felt rough for a moment, which showed how delicate his skin was now after the dirt was washed away.

In addition to these two things, three meals a day are also taken care of by two maids, which finally allows Owen to get rid of everything by himself and have enough food and clothing.

The renovation of the castle and the improvement of food, clothing, housing and transportation did not occupy much of Owen's time. Even some impulses belonging to this age were suppressed by him because he had too many more important things to deal with.

He was well fed and clothed, but he was stabbed to death. Was this considered to be a death rather than a well-fed ghost? So how dare Irving relax.

From his memory, Owen knew that the border of Northland was not safe, otherwise Hydra I and II would have disappeared.

In the Northland, whenever there is a lean period or a harvest, it is the time for banditry.

Some of these robbers are refugees or criminals from the empire, some are local aboriginals who are now being driven further north by northern barbarians, and some are lords who have taken the lead in getting rich. In any case, killing for the sake of stuttering is simply not for them. A piece of cake.

Although the Northland border has been developed for more than 20 years, it is not much different from when I first came. There is not enough to eat every day, and people starve to death every year. Therefore, in order to survive, killing and grabbing food has long been integrated into life.

If there weren't too many people in the empire who couldn't survive, and people would run to the North with dreams every year to find a living, this ghost place would have been deserted a long time ago.

It's a pity that the better places on the border of Northland have been occupied by people for a long time. There is no food and no shelter. If you don't want to sell yourself into slavery, you can only become a bandit.

The previous Hydera I and II had many robbers hanged to death and many fights with their neighbors during their lifetimes. Stealing food, money, and people was commonplace. Otherwise, how could the family support hundreds of soldiers during its heyday? At the same time, there are three knights, grandfather and uncle. You must know that the cost of supporting a knight is more than ten elite soldiers.

How did these come from? Of course they were stolen.

However, the Hydera family acted so arrogantly, which naturally aroused public outrage. When my grandfather and his eldest uncle and his second uncle led soldiers to exterminate the bandits, all three of them died in the battle and most of the soldiers were lost. No one would believe it if there was nothing fishy in it.

If the bandits had this level of fighting power, they would have occupied the territory for themselves and become nobles long ago, so I understand how these people died.

This has become the norm on the northern border. Here, everyone is waving their fists. Whoever has a bigger fist can fill his stomach, become stronger, and grab more things.

On the contrary, there is no way for the coward to survive here. Compromising and giving in will only result in death, without exception.

Owen doesn't like this kind of life. It feels like he immigrated to a beautiful country. Unfortunately, just like his previous life, he can only actively adapt to life and cannot let life adapt to him.

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