"Knight Howard, please sit down. Now please tell me your origin and experience. These will be sent to the lord, and will also determine whether you can stay in the territory." Maya's judgment-like voice will surprise Howard with her beauty and temperament. After awakening with a start, his many years of experience in the military and the polishing of his life allowed him to quickly adjust to his condition and begin to describe his experiences in an orderly manner. There was nothing to hide, because there was no need at all.

While writing silently and nodding secretly, Maya was very satisfied with the talent brought by Corens.

The territory has no shortage of combat power. Every Teutonic warrior is a fierce man who can chop ordinary knights into pieces, not to mention how many trump cards the lord has hidden. What the territory lacks is management talents. She alone But it's far from enough.

For Howard, it doesn't matter how strong he is. The first half of his life, which can be called torture, is the wealth that the territory needs.

Although Howard's father spent a lot of money to send him here, as a marginalized knight under a nobleman, his ability and influence were really limited. Therefore, Howard, who had just arrived, could only rely on himself, so he started from the lowest level. Waiting for the patrol team to start.

Having been educated as a knight since childhood, and having never experienced severe beatings from society, Howard still retained the innocence of a young man, but as a result, he offended others. As a result, although his career spanned all military organizations across the borders of the empire, they were all at the grassroots level. This is also The reason why he could make up his mind to come to Northland.

The problem is that what the current territory lacks is the grassroots. A general who can command thousands of troops will have no place to place him.

After asking the questions that should be asked, Maya asked people to arrange accommodation for Howard and his son, and then asked Curranth to go back to rest first, and finally came to the castle under the escort of two Teutonic warriors.

At this time, Owen was studying hard with the Hogwarts fourth-year Charms textbook. Because he no longer pretended to be an expert, he asked Dale to teach Charms during this period. He made great progress. He had finished learning Charms for the third year and was officially Congratulations on entering the fourth grade.

However, the textbooks compiled by Hogwarts for some reason were fine for the first to third years. After the fourth grade, the difficulty did not increase even a little bit. It was like jumping from the multiplication table to high school mathematics, which often made him confused. .

However, if you think about Hogwarts, there are no elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools or universities. All learning in your entire life is included in these seven grades. You will know why the span of learning difficulty is so wide. So even with Dale's step-by-step teaching, Owen's Learning progress is still worrying.

Maybe this has something to do with the tutor's uniform of a white shirt and black silk skirt, which always makes him distracted and easily interrupts his study progress. Next time, he will dress up as a wizard, and the witch series is also good.

Just when Owen was imagining what new positions would be opened in the witch series with flying broomsticks, Maya came in, so he naturally crossed his legs and pushed down the book in his hand.

"It is indeed a talent that the territory needs. Let him come for a meal at noon tomorrow. If possible, let him be responsible for the training of the territory's soldiers. He will take over the patrol and security work in the future. By the way, Kelunsi's contribution this time is not small. Eat Call him too." Irving nodded after reading Howard's resume.

As soon as he came up, he handed over the military power of the territory. This operation could not be done by anyone with a right mind. But what Irving was not afraid of most was having his military power taken away, because as long as he gave the order, no matter how high the general's prestige was, he could do whatever he wanted. You can die however you want. If you say you want to chop the dumplings to death, you won't have to chop them off one more time.

Maya knew that her master had many mysterious methods, so she did not dissuade him. However, follow-up surveillance was indispensable, and she just wanted to test whether the ninja given by her master worked well.

"Master, the business is done now." Maya put away the things in her hands, smiled at Owen, her plump lips pursed slightly, her charming big eyes glowed with moisture, and her long burgundy hair fluttered. He looked eager to try.

When Maya smiled, life and death were unpredictable, and when Del sat down, his soul flew to the sky.

Owen's expression suddenly changed, and eighteen excuses appeared in his mind at the same time, but thinking about the sealing magic wand in Del's hand, in order to prevent the user base of this thing from continuing to expand, he had better hold on.

Irving was not the only one who was hard-on that night. Currens, who had been away for more than half a year, was also having a hard time dealing with his wife.

Fortunately, the enthusiastic girls in Ferrier Town didn't drain him completely, and with the accumulation on the way back, he finally got through it.

Therefore, when a middle-aged man sometimes works overtime at his workplace, it may not necessarily mean that something is wrong with his workplace. Maybe he just cannot pay the rent temporarily and wants a few days of grace.

Although he had traveled a long distance and paid for the public food, Curranth still did not rest. He poured a glass of red wine and carefully recalled the process from going to Ferrier Town to returning, as well as the changes in the territory, until he had a clear idea in his mind. He drank all the red wine in his hand, then went back to the bedroom and fell asleep with his wife in his arms.

"My dear, it's time to get up. Lord Maya has sent an invitation. The distinguished lord invites you and the newly arrived Howard father and son to attend the luncheon. I have prepared breakfast and clothes for the luncheon. I am waiting now. You're here." Katie prepared the washing items, opened the curtains to let the sunlight in, then lowered her head and kissed Collens and said.

Katie's words made Curranth wake up completely. He immediately realized that today's luncheon was not only a test for Howard and his son, but also a day for him to receive a reward.

Currans, who had taken a shower, shaved and dressed up, took Howard and his son to the castle with a glowing face. He didn't say much along the way, because Howard and his son were knights after all, and they had to learn aristocratic etiquette. Otherwise, if they went out with the boss, once The embarrassing boss will lose face, and he will definitely not be able to eat and carry around when he goes back.

Because the city wall was demolished, the castle just stood there, which made the Howards and his son, who were used to city walls and moats, very uncomfortable. However, after seeing the Teutonic warriors and hundreds of elite soldiers guarding the castle, the Howards had no doubts. .

With these elite soldiers and generals present, the city wall became an obstacle that prevented them from killing people.

"Baron Curranth, Knight Howard, good afternoon, I am the steward of the castle, you can call me Galleon." The house elf Galleon appeared in front of the three people with the sound of bubbles. If he didn't bring a sword, I'm afraid he wouldn't. The three of them were so frightened that they drew their swords and faced each other.

Although he had never seen a house elf, the way he behaved and dressed was obviously that of a butler of the castle, so Corrence quickly nodded in response, while the Howards, who had just recovered, nodded with stiff expressions.

"The luncheon will be held in the hall. The slime maid will take you there first." As a housekeeper, Garen has many slime maids under his command, but these maids can clean well. More detailed work still requires repeated teaching. And it lacks flexibility, so the operation of the castle is really inseparable from it. However, the owner has decided to add two assistants to it. Before the assistants arrive, it needs to work harder to learn how to be an all-round housekeeper.

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