Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 75 Exchange for Holy Objects

In fact, the Goblin General did a good job. He was not careless about the ruins and sent a team of Goblin soldiers to station here at all times. Therefore, after the mutation occurred, most of the Goblin farmers working here were They were brought back safely, but they also paid the price of total destruction, because they had no time to retreat in the face of the swarming monsters.

Fortunately, the mutation had just begun at that time. Although the number of monsters was large, they were not very powerful. Coupled with the instinctive reluctance to leave the ruins, the Goblin tribe was not invaded.

Later, the Goblin General tried to take back the ruins. After all, he knew how much the Demon King valued this ruins.

However, the two counterattacks on the ruins were unsuccessful, and instead they suffered a lot of losses. In addition, the mutated horned goblin suddenly turned against the enemy, so the Goblin general had to focus all his energy on this. However, the situation inside the ruins was not that great. Learn something.

"Lord Demon King, these monsters have increased in size after mutating and become more aggressive." The Goblin General personally led the team into the ruins twice. Each time was more dangerous than the last. The last time he almost didn't come back, he still has lingering fears.

The originally harmless black glue worm has now become as thick as a thigh, and can swallow air like a puffer fish to become larger. Then, connected head to tail, it controls the flow of viscous body fluids in the body to roll like a wheel, and the speed will increase. Quickly, attack the enemy with a collision.

But no matter how hard the Black Glue Bug tries, it is nothing more than a car-level pneumatic tire. A simple collision is obviously not fatal.

In this way, it stands to reason that the threat level of the black glue worms is not high, but in the eyes of the Goblin General, the black glue worms are the biggest threat in the ruins, because once their tough outer skin is broken, the body will be under high pressure. The viscous bodily fluids will instantly vaporize and burn violently.

If the sap of the devil's horn tree is petroleum, then the body fluid of the black gum worms that feed on the sticky sap of the roots of the devil's horn tree is purified and concentrated fuel. Therefore, the power of the instant explosion after gasification is extremely powerful, comparable to that of a trumpet. Thermobaric bomb.

If the Goblin General hadn't been cautious enough and allowed the Goblin soldiers to explore ahead, they would have been stuck on the wall by now.

In comparison, although the hard-skinned mice and thorn spiders have undergone great changes, they are not as deadly as the black glue bugs.

"The hard-skinned mice can now walk upright, know how to communicate, use tools, and gather in very large numbers, making them very difficult to deal with."

"The thorn spiders have become quite huge. The thorns on their bodies are very sharp, and their carapace is very strong. Unless they use heavy puppets, they cannot stop them when they collide. However, they are relatively small in number, and most of them act alone."

The Goblin General told Owen the information he had, which made him frown more and more, and at the same time he changed his original plan.

Leading troops to fight in is the most stupid choice. Not to mention rat men and thorn spiders, the black glue worms alone are a hurdle that cannot be overcome. After all, if one self-destructs, there are not enough people to fill the gap.

Although Owen didn't think he was very smart, he had too many choices, so there was no need to choose a head-on confrontation, so he returned directly to the Goblin tribe to find a solution.

The Goblin General prepared a palace for the Demon King in the tribe a long time ago. It was a huge tree hole. The huge root system and hollow trunk created a space that could accommodate dozens of people inside.

Originally, most of the inside was filled with gravel and soil, but the goblin farmers cleaned it up and covered it with animal skins to retain the most natural and primitive style, giving it a unique flavor.

This is specially arranged by the Goblin General according to the Demon King's preferences. Otherwise, according to tradition, it will be decorated with skulls and phosphorus fire, and then filled with iron cages with sacrifices and hung on the wall. When the Demon King arrives, use the sacrifices The blood, wails and souls welcome the arrival of the Demon King.

However, the Goblin General didn't feel that the Demon King he was currently loyal to would like this, so he changed his behavior. After all, the Demon King's preferences were their code of conduct.

Although the tree hole is novel, Owen does not pay too much attention to the living environment.

There are Teutonic warriors outside, ninjas in the dark, and Ciel who is a personal guard, protecting him very well, so Owen can now think about with peace of mind what he is going to do with these thirty progress points, because of his next plan A lot of progress points need to be used, no time can be wasted, and there is no time left for him to continue to hesitate.

In fact, the reason why Irving hesitated was that he was faced with too many choices. Many of them made his mouth water, and it was really difficult to make a decision.

With the last grit of his teeth, Owen made the difficult decision to redeem his target, which was an ordinary-looking holy object.

Relics originate from the Imperial Age, and their function is to enhance the characteristics of the building and increase the amount of gold.

These functions seem to be average in the game, but in Owen's view, they are not simple. In addition, most of the buildings and troops in the territory now come from the Empire era, so he made up his mind to exchange for a holy item to see if it can work. What chemical reaction?

Even if he failed, it would be okay. He just had to wait a little longer, and he could afford to wait.

On the contrary, if he succeeds in stimulating a chemical reaction, he will obviously make a lot of money.

In the game, the holy object is a box, and no one knows what is inside. After exchanging it, Owen realizes that the box is just a carrier, and the essence of the holy object is actually the sacred power that can create miracles.

Divine power is superior to ordinary energy and must be more idealistic.

In other words, it is able to distort reality at will, so it is called a miracle.

With Owen's current abilities, he couldn't understand it at all, and he didn't even know the specific role and upper limit of miracles, but he knew that his risky choice was not wrong.

And after being exchanged into reality, the holy objects have another characteristic, which is faith.

Now Irving can choose to integrate the holy objects into the building to improve the characteristics, or create a statue to collect faith. However, after careful consideration, Irving chose to integrate the exchanged holy objects into the heart of the brave to transform and enhance the armor.

The main reason for doing this is because Owen can't figure out the current situation of the ruins. With the protection of the holy object, he can feel more at ease. Besides, even if it is wasted, he can afford to wait for a while to accumulate progress points.

After making the decision, a ray of golden light silently merged into Owen's necklace. After waiting for a while and there was no movement, he unfolded the armor hidden in the necklace and discovered something extraordinary.

After receiving the sacred blessing, the armor has been optimized and increased, and has additional features such as purification and protection. So although Owen is a weak scumbag, after wearing the armor, he is the number one master in the territory. Whoever cuts him will die, and no one can beat him. The most important thing is that as long as the problem of faith is solved, this set of armor will become stronger and stronger with the blessing of sacred power, and eventually create miracles.

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