After a lot of work, Owen planned to relax and unwind.

This is not because he is lazy, nor because he lacks a sense of urgency. He still wants to relax at this time, but because proper relaxation can effectively prevent overly tense nerves from causing inner anxiety. In other words, rest when you want to, I Be your own boss, don’t do it if you don’t want to.

In his previous life, he lived an ordinary life. Even if he worked overtime for a long time, he would at most stay at home and watch some videos and watch movies. While enjoying the emptiness afterwards, he would also scold some celebrities for not doing their job properly and messing around with men and women. As for what he actually thinks in his heart, I'm afraid he is the only one. I know that I don’t dare to go to the Foot Washing City anyway, and I don’t dare to come to Yilong. There is no other choice except to have a good time.

In this life, if he has the conditions, he can play it real. Only he knows the pride in his heart, and he is afraid of being beaten if he speaks out.

Although there is a suspicion of exposing his shortcomings, Owen still chooses the gentle and considerate Del as his companion to spend the winter nights.

This night, there were no flowers, no candlelight dinner, and no romance in the castle. Owen didn't care, and Del was not qualified to care. Besides, her current life was already very satisfactory to her, and Owen was not old, ugly, or ugly. A perverted nobleman, he is young, funny, and considerate of others. What is there to be dissatisfied with? He is even much happier than his mother, so what does it matter if he gives all his tenderness for this?

Canary Dale is very satisfied with her current life. Not only did she meet a good master, but he also helped her solve the problem of the witch's bloodline, so that her magic power would not be out of control and her body would not be twisted to make her It becomes more and more ugly and weird, not to mention that you can still research your favorite potions. As for the little problems that the owner is troubled by, it doesn't matter. It can be easily solved by potions or magic, such as an expansion spell.

"This is a catnivet, a magical creature that is very smart. It can not only accompany its owner, but also help you catch mice in the greenhouse." Owen handed the basket to Dale, who was taking care of the herbs.

Catnivet is a magical creature unique to the world of Hogwarts. It looks like a cat, but has bigger ears, various spots on its body, and a lion-like tail. Although it looks a bit ugly, it is not a magical creature. People who make a living by being cute.

The magical thing about the cat nives is that it can keenly detect who is suspicious and who is more trustworthy. It is good as a pet, so Owen also kept one.

I wanted to give one to Maya and Ciel, but considering that their personalities are not suitable for furry animals, we should wait.

"It's so cute!" Del put down the kettle and took the basket. When she saw the cute little guy in the basket, pink stars almost appeared in her eyes.

Few people are immune to the charm of furry animals, especially women.

Dale liked this gift very much and even ignored Owen for a while, but he didn't care, because he would make up for it sooner or later, and he knew it.

The current weather is not friendly to the little guy, so Del very thoughtfully built a warm nest for the cat next to the torch tree stump and fed it some milk.

After placing the cat nives, Del took out a long list. This was the material she needed to refine the potion. It was impossible to complete it by herself or by collecting it in the territory, so she could only rely on Owen to provide it.

The magic potion at Hogwarts is very complex, including not only herbs, but also limbs and organs of magical creatures and ordinary creatures. It is very consistent with the old witch in the fairy tale who stews bat livers, lizard tails, and mouse beards in a pot.

Although it sounds disgusting, Owen can't give up the super-powerful effects of Hogwarts potions, so after successfully growing the herbs, he plans to cultivate commonly used magical creatures in reality according to the list provided by Dale.

Magical creatures are also divided into levels. Most magical creatures are not expensive, but of course there are expensive ones, such as fire dragons and thunderbirds.

However, Del cannot refine potions that use magical creatures of this level as materials. Even if he refines them, he can directly exchange them for the materials.

The price of the ingredients was much cheaper, and he had exchanged a lot of them for Del to practice before, but he prohibited her from adding these things to her daily recipes, except for magic potions and nourishing decoctions.

Owen first exchanged a batch of materials, and then exchanged them for several magical creatures that were easy to raise and less dangerous, such as Bowtruckle, Puff-Rong, Evil Bird, and Moon-Crazy Beast.

The Bowtruckle looks like a green mantis from a distance, but at a closer look it looks like a little man transformed from a branch. It is very good at disguising itself. It usually lives in trees and relies on preying on insects for food. When trees are destroyed, they will attack each other's eyes, which is generally beneficial to the plants.

Because the price was cheap, Irving exchanged a lot of it. He could not only hunt pests, but also clean up dead branches and leaves, reducing Del's workload.

The whole point of exchanging Pujung velvet is for appearance. This furry ball-like magical creature looks like a bun. It is very cute and can be used to decorate the greenhouse. At the same time, this magical creature is also a scavenger and can effectively Clean the greenhouse.

The evil bird is also a beautiful magical creature that is pleasing to the eye. At the same time, its feathers are also a good material for making quills in the magic world. However, for such a beautiful magical creature, its singing can make people lose their minds, so they are kept You must be careful when using duration-strengthening silence spells and silent spells.

Even if it was because he redeemed it from the system, there was no need to worry about losing control. Irving still only redeemed one.

Although somewhat dangerous, when necessary, the evil bird is also a killer weapon against enemies.

As for the Moon Crazy Beast, this creature looks like an alpaca. Its neck is not only long, but also very thick, making it appear top-heavy. Its eyes are as big as a crystal ball and occupy 90% of its head. It looks cute and cute. It makes people wonder if its brain is squeezed out by its eyeballs. In short, it is a creature that looks quite unexpected.

It's hard to describe the appearance of the Moon Crazy Beast, but its feces are very good fertilizer, especially suitable for use as fertilizer for herbs, so Owen exchanged two of them to see if they could produce offspring.

After exchanging the money for the Moon Crazy Beast and thinking about the role of its feces, Owen realized that he had forgotten about the fertilizer issue.

Owen felt that he couldn't bear to let a beautiful woman who was close to him handle fertilizer. The last time he taught goblin farmers to handle fertilizer in the Devil's Horn Forest, it left a big shadow on him, so he decided not to waste it anymore. In terms of progress value, he still used plants and biological materials to assemble a new mechanical maid after exchanging many magical creatures.

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