"Follow immediately." The action team hiding hundreds of meters away from Sanada Town changed their expressions after seeing the signal. Because it was too fast, they sent the signal just after entering. Obviously the situation was very bad, and they wanted to boost their morale. , asked the two newcomers under his command not to hold back. Who would have expected to see two personnel rushing past him before he turned around.

"Are the newcomers so fierce nowadays?" Another member of the action team said in surprise, but now was not the time to talk about this, because gunshots had already been heard in the town.

Hadir and Hammer, who were covered in armor like durian shells, were like two small tanks. They rushed into the town with bullets and wielded lightning swords and flame hammers to kill everyone. Soon the village would be plunged into chaos. The guards retreated and then headed straight to the place where the signal was sent.

Originally there was no need for reinforcements. With Enya's strength, if she wanted to leave, there would be no way to stop her unless a legend took action. But now that she is holding the position of Holy Shield, and she doesn't want to contribute, she just fishes in an open and honest manner. , only occasionally speaking to give pointers to his student Jinx.

Jinx was favored by a demon lord. Enya knew this very well, and she also got some benefits from it, so she didn't give much advice, but she got to the point every sentence. Therefore, her personality didn't change much, but her strength improved. Quite a few.

Scattered plants occupy various key points in the center of the town. The bullets ejected are simply too powerful for non-professionals. No matter how brave and fearless the bewitched armed civilians are, they still cannot rush through.

But both Enya and the mayor knew that the point of all this was not here, if it was about what ghost those people wanted to summon.

In the wheat field outside the town, five places covered by straw ignited into dark hellfire. When the hearts of five carefully selected pure and devout girls were dug out and thrown into the hellfire, the slightly hasty ceremony was completed. The great devil's clone was summoned.

It is a rare opportunity to go out and relax. The big devil originally wanted to play with people's hearts. After all, he would play with the so-called believers who summon him until they collapse. This is the devil's favorite little entertainment, but the smell of Jinx is like a bonfire in the dark to the devil. Likewise, he immediately understood that now was not the time to play, so he immediately took action to harvest the souls of believers.

After all the hard work to summon the demon god they believed in, not to mention the benefits, they were the first to die. A group of believers in black robes died with their eyes open.

In the desperate eyes of the believers, the big devil who had achieved a small gain was easily killed by the woman who suddenly appeared just as he was about to leave. Even the origin of the clone was taken away. This is not something ordinary people can do.

The devil is a wage earner from hell, and the original ownership is also in the hands of hell. It is so easy to seize it.

But it is not difficult for An Qi. She was born as a devil in hell and naturally knows everything.

However, she was very busy now. If she hadn't sensed a clone of the big devil, she wouldn't have taken action herself. Therefore, she turned around and left after harvesting. Without the troublemaker, the big devil, the rebellion in Sanada Town was quickly over. .

But the situation in Sanada Town is not a special case. In fact, the establishment of the Holy Shield branch is like putting a ferocious catfish into the pond. Abnormal events have more or less broken out in every small town at the development point, because they cannot withstand it. Check carefully.

The situation gradually became worse, forcing Jonathan to ask for help from the headquarters one after another, because the personnel were far from enough.

Now Harvey has understood the territory's plan, so he gave the green light. The top management wanted to take the opportunity to intervene in the affairs of the Northland, so they naturally would not miss the opportunity. So thousands of capable members and more newcomers were mobilized into the Northland, and then fell into chaos. Suffering from abnormal events everywhere.

The territory is not indifferent, it only asks for help, and the support will arrive in half an hour. Even if the garrison cannot arrive, the planes will come to strafe and bomb to buy time. During the battle, they are on the front line, making it difficult for people to find fault. come out.

But it's useless. Abnormal incidents still occur one after another, and they are hidden deeper and deeper, and the methods become more and more fierce. Members of the Northland branch have to risk their lives every day to perform tasks.

Moreover, in the past, those people were concerned about civilian casualties, but now they have a desperate attitude and have caused heavy casualties several times. For this, they have been held accountable by Beicheng, which makes the North Branch look a little embarrassed.

At first, some people took the opportunity to accuse Jonathan and tried to seize the position of director of the Northland branch. But when they saw that the situation in Northland had turned into a quagmire, there were no more people to accuse him, because at this time, whoever was in the position would be unlucky, so it was better to leave Jonathan behind. Where, if there is any problem, let the headmaster take care of it.

After Harvey understood the purpose of the territory, he no longer restricted the power of the Holy Shield from entering the North. Seeing that the higher-ups were frightened by the casualties, they came up with new baits.

In addition to opening a commercial route with Beicheng, they also used the crisis as an excuse to open several more stations in the north of the territory, which were managed by the branch leaders. This was a decentralization of power.

The Holy Shield executives thought that Harvey was giving up some of his rights because of the unfavorable situation in the North and to excuse Jonathan, the branch chief. So they took the bait one after another and sent more capable personnel to occupy the territory in the north of the territory and carve it up. Commercial interests.

As for the casualties and pressure on his subordinates, it's as if he doesn't care. Anyway, with domestic funding, he can just recruit and train people.

In the northern city, Maya looked at the recent casualty loss report in the north, her expression unchanged, because this had already been planned.

The losses in the north are not caused by the Northland Branch. In fact, these sores have existed for a long time. Now they are just punctured by the needle of the Northland Branch in advance. It looks painful and bleeding, but because it was caused in advance, it has reduced the damage. loss.

Just like Sanada Town, if those devil believers are ready, there will be no one alive in the whole town.

And no one can estimate how much noise a complete avatar of the Great Devil would cause wandering around in the North.

At the same time, this can not only train troops and train quick reaction forces, but also deter those who are wavering.

The reason why evil professionals can't be killed all the time is because power comes too quickly and easily. As long as you are lucky, as long as you are greedy for power, as long as you still have desires in your heart, evil professionals will not disappear.

Therefore, the evil seeds left behind at the beginning cannot be swept away at all. It is best described as "spring breeze blows and rebirth".

Even the territory doesn't know how many hidden dangers are buried and how much evil is lurking, otherwise it would not take the initiative to introduce the Holy Shield to fill this big hole.

But most civilians are still willing to be ordinary as long as they can survive.

Now coupled with the deterrence of the merciless attack on evil, the northern part of the territory will have a period of stability.

However, the heavy tasks and the high casualty rate put great pressure on the members of the Northland branch. They were also human beings, and they had their limits. There were times when they couldn't bear it, but they couldn't resist.

The Holy Shield can enforce laws across regions. Even if they defect, they can go anywhere. Therefore, under crisis and pressure, many members of the Northland branch choose faith as their spiritual support. This is human nature, let alone as a person. Jonathan, the branch leader, loves preaching to people the most.

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