How can I say that? It feels like countless slippery little hands caressing your whole body, and like a warm python with its skin wrapped around you. It feels very weird. It feels a little uncomfortable and nauseating at first, but after you get used to it, But unexpectedly, I felt like I was being wrapped around Maya and constantly asking for it.

Once you accept this setting, your mental strength suddenly penetrates and seems to be integrated with this layer of muscle tissue. It feels like you suddenly become extremely strong, just like a skinny boy suddenly turned into a big and round strongman. Obviously this is Because the muscle bundles give the user the illusion of extra strength.

In addition to enhancing the strength of the muscle bundles, this layer of tough biological tissue can also help the wearer share the pressure from the outside world, which is very effective. Owen can even easily lift one or two tons of weight, and this is not the limit. After all, the outer armor is The puppet structure combines a mechanical spine and an energy core, and the power output is also not small.

At the same time, Owen also noticed that the armor had some hidden functions, such as the magnet mushrooms he had specially integrated into it, but these functions still needed to be developed before they could be used.

The only drawback is that it is too heavy. Not to mention ordinary war horses, even the heavily equipped magic sheep cannot bear the weight. Maybe he can consider getting off the chariot.

The ultimate version of the Magic Sheep Powered Armor was named Ba Sheep Armor by Owen, and this set of armor did not require a special place to store it. Following Owen's will, it turned into a Heart of the Brave necklace and was worn around his neck.

The heavy and huge armor turned into a small necklace. The process was very magical, so Owen chose to dress again out of curiosity.

It was very exciting when the armor was released. The pieces of armor quickly spread out in all directions with the Heart of the Brave as the center, covering the whole body in the blink of an eye. There was a smooth stretch with a hint of industrial beauty, and there was also the sound of metal armor colliding and rubbing. , it can make any boy excited and want to fight the super villain for 800 rounds immediately.

Although men will always be boys until they die, Owen didn't indulge in it for too long. He was almost done playing it a dozen times.

"Just synthesize another weapon next." Owen was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, and only then did he realize that he had wasted too much time and progress on this, but what he gained in exchange was the ability to protect himself. And with the peace of mind, it's worth it.

"I don't know how long it has been." Because he was obsessed with synthesis and the secret room in the dungeon was made too comfortable, Owen actually forgot how long he had been here.

Although if something happens, Maya will definitely come to inform him. The problem is that he has not contacted the outside world for too long, which makes him feel a little more anxious. This is definitely not because the little brother has always insisted on never bowing his head, so Owen went directly back to Castle, as a result, I almost froze to death as soon as I came out.

Opening the door to look at the snow, the trembling Owen suddenly realized that it was already winter. He had actually stayed in the secret room of the dungeon for half a year? !

But it's not surprising. The progress value needs to be waited for, and the synthesis needs to be tested. In addition, during this period, inspiration continued to emerge. Owen suddenly seemed to have an enlightenment on puppetry. He became addicted to it without knowing it, and his intelligence increased a lot. No wonder Time is ignored.

As expected, research requires concentration. Without a woman messing with his mind, his efficiency has improved a lot.

Although it was very cold outside and there was a thin layer of snow falling, Owen still couldn't hold back his inner impulse and ran out for a swim. He trampled the white snow into a mess and a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead before he stopped.

No matter how comfortable he made the secret room in the dungeon, the space was limited. If you stayed in it for a long time, you would inevitably feel a little depressed. So as soon as you came out, you couldn't wait to release your inner impulse and ran to the snow to have fun. In the end, you were still wearing single clothes. As expected, he caught a cold.

With such a small body, it was a dream to think that the cold and heat would not invade him, so after changing into a pair of thick clothes, Owen sniffed and went to the greenhouse to find Del.

Of course he can exchange cold medicine from the system, but doesn't this mean he has one less reason to go to Del? Although it doesn't matter whether there is a reason or not, at least it is interesting.

Under Dale's care, the greenhouse is already in full swing, filled with common magic herbs in Hogwarts. However, there are many poisonous snakes wandering around here, which makes it appear to be full of dangers.

"Because it is warm and comfortable here, and there is a lot of food, many rats came here some time ago and bitten the plant guards, so Lord Maya mobilized a group of venomous snakes in the castle. Here they You don't have to hibernate, and you can also help catch mice." While brewing the refreshing potion, Dell told Owen some recent trivial matters, as gentle and considerate as a wife making soup for her husband.

Wrapped in thick clothes and warming himself by the torch tree stump, Owen was enjoying the feeling now. He couldn't help but think that he was not young anymore. He would be twenty years old in another year. Maybe he should think about his life-long events in advance. .

The refreshing potion was very successful. Thanks to her witch bloodline's sensitivity to magic potions and the sufficient raw materials, Dale has learned the methods of brewing most of the potions commonly used in daily life at Hogwarts. Hogwarts textbooks I also taught myself to the fourth grade.

Although the first three years of the course are more about laying the foundation, Dale's talent cannot be ignored.

Of course, this is also related to Dale's witch blood and her already being an adult, but at this rate, she will be able to study all the textbooks on her own in a year or two and become an official wizard.

In comparison, Irving seems a little stretched because he has only studied in the second grade by himself, and his energy is obviously scattered too much.

After drinking a large spoonful of refreshing potion, Owen suddenly became more energetic, but his ears kept smoking, which made him less interested in having an in-depth exchange with Del. After all, it would make him look like a car no matter what. A little train that can't climb uphill even if it tries hard.

Just when Owen was hesitant to drive, Maya quickly arrived and placed a lot of accumulated territorial affairs in front of him.

Okay, don't drive, let's start working first.

In desperation, Owen could only work hard with smoke coming from his ears.

Next, Owen didn't go to the secret room of the dungeon. Firstly, he had exhausted his passion and inspiration before coming. Secondly, the territory really couldn't be separated from him.

Owen first transformed the serfs who had performed well in the past six months into farmers. This was related to the labor efficiency and public sentiment of the territory and could not be delayed.

Then he used the cover of the inner treasury to replenish a wave of scarce supplies to the territory, and then looked through the information compiled by Maya.

Corens has not been idle in the territory in the past six months. He has gone out many times to buy serfs and inquire about the news, mainly about the movements of the second Northland pioneering group.

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