Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 541 Making up the foundation

There is an adventurer branch in the town. Registration is super simple. After filling in some information, you can become a novice adventurer trainee.

If you want to become an official adventurer, in addition to completing some novice tasks, you must also go to the branch to complete further registration.

It doesn't really matter, Irving is busy training.

The Adventurer Branch will also conduct simple training for new adventurers. Otherwise, there are really not many people who can survive. Various accidents in the wild can kill half of them. Owen has a say in this.

You must know that most new adventurers have no access to knowledge and skills. The former is exclusive to nobles and mages, while the latter is the foundation of a life. Who will teach it at will, just like survival in the wild or something, which you have never heard of. , not to mention the wide variety of modern professional supplies.

Generally speaking, a weapon, a water bag, and a backpack are all a new adventurer has.

To survive in the wild, those who are either not professional enough or lucky enough or have bad luck are naturally buried in the wilderness and become part of the food chain.

Owen listened carefully to the veteran's absent-minded narrative, then learned how to hold the weapon, how to swing it, and then it was gone.

What do you expect when it's free? If you want to learn more, just spend money. The lame veterans of the Adventurer Branch who are responsible for teaching newcomers rely on this to make a living, otherwise they can't afford to drink.

Irving had no hope for this, so he just wanted to quickly defeat monsters and upgrade to add points. The life of a time traveler without cheating would be like a coffee table full of cups.

No, no, he almost went back to his old ways. Owen took a deep breath and secretly told himself that he didn't come here to fight monsters and upgrade, he came here to learn and to temper himself. Come on, Oli!

After calming down, Owen accepted the task of escorting the caravan, but he didn't expect that the owner of the cargo turned out to be a goblin? !

Unlike the smart and studious goblins in the territory, Owen only saw greed in those small eyes. The slender aquiline nose perfectly reflected the meanness of the other party. Even if Owen revealed that he was a spell caster, the other party was still stingy and only willing to pay the price of a new adventurer.

Owen, who was not good at words, could only accept the price depressedly, and then joined the caravan with the two newcomers in the town.

This caravan was the one that lost two people before. In fact, they lost more than these two people, so they repaired for two or three days and recruited more guards before setting off.

In fact, the so-called guards are civilians armed with simple weapons and have never received any decent training. For example, the two newcomers who joined Owen are one of the colleagues he met when moving bricks, and the other joined the adventurer branch earlier than him. young man.

However, there was no communication between the two parties. Firstly, they were not familiar with each other, and secondly, Owen, who was hit hard by reality, took all the time to study. He carefully read through the magic notes hidden by his former teacher and took various notes. He was strict about this world. The spell system limited in the framework gradually gained a clearer concept.

Although obsessed with studying, Owen always set aside some energy to pay attention to the caravan, because he did not trust goblins.

The journey was very boring. The caravan always took the safest route and walked it more than once. The previous loss of manpower was due to the unlucky encounter with a traveling group of goblin bandits, so the journey was uneventful. However, Owen became more and more worried. I felt something was wrong with the atmosphere in the caravan.

Owen, who was feeling bad, didn't notify anyone and took advantage of the morning poop opportunity to sneak away.

Of course, the caravan would not waste time looking for a temporary escort who was missing, so after a while of noisy, the caravan set off again.

Owen, who was not familiar with the road, did not actually walk far away, but followed the caravan quietly until the next morning, when he found two fresh soil bags not far from the caravan's camp, and he immediately knew that his guess was correct. Really.

Peeling away the floating soil, Owen couldn't help but feel a bit chilly when he saw two faces that were both unfamiliar and familiar at the same time.

Owen didn't know whether these two people were spies for the bandit who were discovered by the caravan, or whether the greedy goblin simply didn't want to pay the salary. Anyway, these two people with dreams of getting rich died.

Because he had prepared some dry food in advance, Owen had to wait an extra day in the wild before entering Haifeng Town.

Haifeng Town is much larger than Xiaolinzi. Because it is close to the seaport and is one of the important transfer stations, it is very prosperous. Many people who do not like the seaside environment will choose to settle here.

After paying the city entry tax, Owen was secretly relieved by the crowds after entering the city, so he didn't have to worry about being targeted by caravans.

And there is also a place where Owen, a cultural man, can use his skills, and that is copying scrolls.

The skills required to copy scrolls are not very advanced, and even a magician apprentice can do it, but the success rate is a little low. If you don't have the talent in this area, you will easily lose money in the early stage.

Fortunately, the inner core is not original. Owen is also a branch of the god's consciousness. Whether it is controlling the body, guiding magic, or even learning, he is much better than ordinary people. This allowed him to quickly master the skills of copying scrolls.

But this did not make Owen rich. Because of his spell slots, he could not provide scrolls that exceeded his upper limit, otherwise countless mages would swarm him and tear him apart alive.

Without the numerical advantage, the profits that can be earned are limited, because copying scrolls also requires money. Excluding the failure rate, a mage apprentice can barely make a living from this, but cannot make a lot of money unless he can copy a level of spells.

Fortunately, Owen Society's blade protection is quite popular. An extra layer of leather armor's defensive power, even if it can only protect the upper body, can at least reduce damage and avoid stray arrows, which can save lives on the battlefield.

The same cannot be said for the Mage's Hand, basically no one wants it.

Because its function is to reach things far away, but the distance is limited. Who would buy a scroll for something that can be done in just two steps?

Even nobles with money and no money to spend would not buy it. With this money, it is better to buy scrolls of elements such as flames, at least they look good.

During this period, Owen tried to record the blade protection every day in the way of a normal mage apprentice, and then completed the copying to become familiar with everything a mage goes through during normal growth.

Although he has become a god, but he is learning from the beginning as a mage apprentice, Owen does not think that this is a useless effort, but just making up for what he lacked before.

And now that he is standing high enough, when he looks back, it is easier to see where to go, which greatly saves time.

For example, now, Irving has evolved from the stereotype of his predecessor to a more in-depth level.

Core runes, spell structure, and magic filling, this is the most real aspect of spells.

When combined together, the more complex it is, the greater the impact. When it reaches a certain limit, it can even leverage the power of the law, which is exactly what Irving needs.

As a god, the deeper the understanding of the laws, the more powerful he becomes. Although Owen has reached this level, it is like contacting advanced mathematics without memorizing the multiplication tables. It does not affect his continued learning, but his efficiency is greatly reduced.

So at the moment, Owen is not in a hurry to get into more profound spells, but is working hard on zero-level spells, trying to improve the foundation that should have been established long ago.

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