As soon as the Barbarian Kingdom sent out troops, the territory knew it. After all, the one-eyed giant eagle was patrolling the other side's border.

"There is something in the sky, it doesn't look like a raptor, it seems to be some kind of alchemical creation." A demon warlock who accompanied the army said as he narrowed his transplanted demon eyes.

"Magic can't reach it, and the Dragonborn can't fly so high. Summon the Winged Demon to knock it down." Another demon warlock looked up at the sky and said a little irritably.

The demon warlock had a bad temper, but he moved very quickly and jointly summoned more than a dozen flying winged demons.

These abyssal creatures are born to belong to the sky. Even if the one-eyed giant eagle is thousands of meters high in the sky, it still cannot escape the fate of being destroyed.

"Go bring the wreckage back!"

"Let the Winged Demon continue to stay in the sky, patrolling in turns, and don't be targeted again."

Demon Warlocks are not soldiers, but their years of hiding in XZ have made them well aware of the importance of hiding their traces. Therefore, needless to say, they each take turns summoning Winged Demons to patrol the sky, to be wary of the approach of things like the one-eyed giant eagle.

"It seems that the target this time is not ordinary." A great demon warlock played with the remains of the one-eyed giant eagle brought back by his men. Although the self-destruction device made these remains worthless, anyone with a little basic knowledge can still see them. You can see how high the alchemy skills and extraordinary creativity are contained in this.

"If it were normal, we wouldn't have worked together for such a long time." A flesh-and-blood bishop wearing a blood-red robe sneered. Although the evil rat warlock and the undead high priest were silent, they never said anything. From the looks of their eyes, they all agreed inwardly.

It is not an exaggeration to say that these people are the embodiment of evil, so talking about cooperation is just a joke. People in our own organization often have bad ideas, and stabbing people in the back is directly full of criticism. How can they endure cooperation for so long? , you can imagine how difficult it is.

There are only greater threats that force a group of extremely evil characters to work together, such as the Holy Shield and the Northern Glory Alliance.

The Northland was supposed to be their paradise, but in fact, the actions of these evil organizations in the Northland have been unsatisfactory. Especially after the emergence of the Holy Shield, they faced many blows, forcing them to enter a latent period. Only the Barbarian Kingdom succeeded. the only free area.

And now the Northern Glory Alliance is about to unify the Northland. If they don't take action, they will no longer have room to survive.

It is due to these pressures that many evil factions in the North gathered in the Barbarian Kingdom, and the ambitious Barbarian Kingdom was not willing to be lonely. Just like Pan Jinlian met Ximen Qing, the two sides hit it off immediately and couldn't wait to start in-depth cooperation.

"Now that we have been discovered, we will implement the Kiss of Fear plan." The great demon warlock said calmly.

The dispatch of the army did not expect them to be concealed for long, but being discovered so quickly was still a bit beyond their expectations. Therefore, as a precaution, some methods must be used in advance to prevent the other party from being prepared.

"I agree, but the main target is the opponent's defense line or the North City. You must know that dividing the troops is not a good idea." The undead priest who has cooperated with the Barbarian Kingdom for the longest time has experienced many wars, so he spoke.

"The temporary defense line is of little value, and it cannot stop our army. However, the North City is the core of the Northern Glory Alliance. As long as it is destroyed, the opponent will have lost half." The great demon warlock said with a sneer.

In the end, the words of the great demon warlock won the approval of others, so dozens of huge figures flew out of the Four Gods Abyss, flying in the direction of Beicheng like dark clouds. At the same time, many members also went there under the leadership of the demon warlock who was good at teleportation. All over the Northland.

At this time, the territory is still unaware of the opponent's actions. In fact, although the one-eyed giant eagle was destroyed, it still sent back some important news, which is currently being analyzed in detail.

"The number of troops in the Barbarian Kingdom is larger than previously expected. In addition, their size and appearance confirmed our previous guesses. They have begun to become demonic." Maya knocked on the table and said to Howard with a frown.

The multiple projections in front of the two people were continuously magnified, and various details were integrated by the Flame Queen for analysis, and the conclusions reached confirmed the previous guesses.

Although the Northland barbarians are tall, they are still within the normal range. The average height is between 1.8 and 2 meters. Although there are some who exceed 2 meters, there are not as many as imagined.

At present, the barbarian soldiers in the Barbarian Kingdom are all over two meters tall. Judging from the mutated skulls and thick joints, the body mutations have been quite serious. It is hard to say whether they can be regarded as human beings.

In addition to these, from the perspective of equipment, it cannot be underestimated.

The Barbarian Kingdom is not equipped with large-scale firearms. Except for a small number of large-caliber muskets that can even be called cannons, the main weapons are heavy weapons such as tomahawks and hammers. The armor is also heavy but easy to build plate armor.

Although these equipment are primitive, they are extraordinary in the hands of barbarian soldiers.

First of all, even a fully armed knight might not be able to withstand the opponent's blow, and it would be difficult for ordinary firearms to penetrate such thick plate armor.

In other words, once the opponent gets close, the main troops in the territory will only be massacred.

If it were any other army, it would be a dream to break through the firepower network of the territory. However, the demonized soldiers of the Barbarian Kingdom are different. Just analyzing the details, the preliminary conclusion drawn is that every demonized soldier has a power above the human limit. With his physical fitness, he can compete with the intermediate knights with his physical body.

After such monster soldiers are equipped with heavy armor, it is not that easy to suppress them with firepower, not to mention that the opponent's army also has demon warlocks, fel warlocks, flesh priests, undead priests and other legal professions known for their lethality.

As long as the opponent is not stupid, it is not difficult to create opportunities for both sides to engage in close combat.

The data analyzed one by one made Howard frown deeper than Maya, because he knew very well that the enemy he encountered this time had no humanity at all, which also meant that there could not be any negligence, otherwise he would definitely pay blood. price.

In fact, the territory's worries were not in vain, because serious chaos soon occurred in various resettlement sites in the territory.

Demon warlocks who are proficient in teleportation, through the teleportation arrays deployed in advance throughout the North, are simply invisible. In addition to spreading a large number of demon eggs, flesh and blood seeds, cursed items, and evil energy soup and other items that create chaos, they also personally kill them. Some of the more remote settlements turned the residents inside into twisted flesh and blood, cursed undead, and materials for summoning demons, allowing these things to spread out and create more chaos.

At this moment, the disadvantages that have not been transformed by the system are revealed. These people who have just completed the migration and have not yet settled down, out of panic, dissatisfaction, and interests, actively or passively accept these things that should not be touched. Laying huge hidden dangers.

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