Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 451 The background of the Border Town Alliance

The results of the meeting were delivered to Maya on the same day, and she was speechless about it, let alone Howard.

What's the difference between this and seeing the robbers not only cooperate, but also prepare to perform a dance for fun?

"Speed ​​up, I'm afraid if we delay a little longer, they will change their name to Northern Glory Second Alliance." Maya said to Howard quietly.

Howard, who originally planned to take the opportunity to train troops, saw that the training was about to turn into a parade, so he had to nod his head.

The first batch of 20,000 reserve troops rushed to the border of the Northland Noble Alliance and began digging trenches and building camps. The second batch of 30,000 reserve troops took over the work of building roads and building transfer stations, while 50,000 field troops carrying heavy equipment The regiment also began to set off.

This is a real army of 100,000 people. If Maya hadn't secretly sent someone the news, the Northland Noble Alliance Council would have passed the name change proposal that day.

But now they also know how to do it. Wave after wave of messengers are desperately sent to the south and the north.

The barbarian kingdom in the far north is too remote. Even if they plan to send troops, they will probably only attack Beicheng instead of coming to rescue.

Barbarians are not stupid either. Those who can take advantage will choose to fight head-on.

Moreover, they have long been covetous of Beicheng, which is known as the first city in the North. They are just concerned about Beicheng's excellent soldiers and horses and complete defense system and dare not act rashly.

At present, 100,000 troops are being transferred to the south, and the interior is empty. If we don't take advantage of the situation, we will be sorry for this golden opportunity.

Little did he know that the territory had already prepared for this, so the target of the army's plan to go south this time was the Beiguan Border Town Alliance.

To be able to put so much thought into the territory shows how extraordinary the Beiguan Border Town Alliance is.

In fact, the military strength of the Beiguan Border City Alliance, which inherited the huge legacy of the imperial border army, cannot be calculated according to conventional rules. At least, the Northern Nobles Alliance, which is composed of a bunch of shabby people, is not even qualified to look up to them.

After all, despite the corruption of the imperial frontiers, with hundreds of years of accumulation and the support of the empire, it not only has a large-scale ordnance manufacturing system, but also has a large number of craftsmen, alchemists and mages, and has the ability to activate multiple gold-swallowing beasts. Research.

For example, Brian, the deputy director of the Territory Scientific Research Center, was the person in charge of an experiment of the Imperial Frontier Army back then, which shows what his background is.

Although the empire has collapsed and the border army has long since ceased to exist, the Beiguan Border Town Alliance, which inherited most of the legacy, still cannot be underestimated.

In fact, if it were not for the deterrence of the Northern Honor Alliance, the Beiguan Border City Alliance would have swallowed up the Northland Nobles Alliance long ago. Therefore, as soon as it received the request for help from the Northland Nobles Alliance, it was immediately moved.

Of course, they are not planning to help, but are planning to take advantage of the situation and divide the Northern Nobles Alliance. If possible, they may also add the Northern Glory Alliance.

Being able to have such an idea, the Beiguan Border Town Alliance is naturally confident.

Although the Beiguan Border City Alliance only has a population of five to six million, which is about the same as the Northern Glory Alliance and the Northern Nobles Alliance combined, it has a standing force of 200,000. With a mature reserve system, it can form 500,000 troops when necessary. The reserve army of more than 10,000 people is more powerful than the Northern Glory Alliance and the Northern Nobles Alliance combined. Therefore, once the decision is made to start a war, the 120,000 main force and the 100,000 reserve force will be directly mobilized to begin the march northward. .

This army is different from the alliance army of the Northern Nobles Alliance. Because of militarism, the regular army of the Beiguan Border City Alliance are all professional soldiers, that is, elites who do not produce full-time combat.

Generally, taller and stronger teenagers are selected, and training begins at the age of fifteen, and they can become professional soldiers at the age of twenty.

Although limited by resources and other conditions, it is impossible to conduct high-intensity training every day, but after several years of training, each soldier has a strong physique, skilled combat skills, tenacious fighting spirit, and good weapons. Equipment, every one of them is a rare elite soldier. This is the confidence of the Beiguan Border Town Alliance.

If it were just these, the territory wouldn't pay so much attention to it.

The main reason is that the Beiguan Border City Alliance is very keen on war, especially new weapons. In addition, it has a large number of craftsmen, alchemists and mages. It has completed the imitation of guns and cannons in a short period of time. After many years of development, It has been able to mass-produce some guns with relatively simple structures, such as breech-loading single-shot rifles and breech-loading bronze artillery.

However, according to intelligence, the other party is already trying to equip the army with steam tanks, which requires more attention.

This is just one of them. As the successor of the Imperial Frontier Army, the Beiguan Border City Alliance also has large-scale professional corps such as knights, mages, and assassins. If they really fight, it cannot be described simply by the number of troops.

It is because of knowing this and the background of the Beiguan Border City Alliance that the territory decided to take this opportunity to use the Northern Nobles Alliance as bait to let the troops of the Beiguan Border City Alliance leave the ridiculously strong imperial border defense system in a relatively fair situation. There is a decisive battle in an environment. As for whether the Northland Noble Alliance is willing to serve as the battlefield, it actually doesn't matter.

This plan of the territory is actually a conspiracy, because Maya has long known that the integrity of the Northland Noble Alliance Council's vote cannot be given only to her, and it is estimated that the Beiguan Border Town Alliance has also received it.

But so what, as long as the Beiguan Border City Alliance does not want to see the Northern Glory Alliance annexing the Northland Noble Alliance, they can only send troops, not to mention that their ambitions are not small, and they will not maintain such a large-scale army if they are small. There is no money to raise soldiers.

Twenty thousand border cavalry set off first, coming out from the imperial border and heading north with great momentum.

Although the Northland has transitioned into the age of guns at this time, the Northland is vast and flat, and the cavalry is still an indispensable unit. It has great advantages especially in reconnaissance and sneak attacks. It can be said that the cavalry on one side has the upper hand. , the opponent's army will become blind and deaf, and even more fatal is the blow to logistics. Once the logistics route is cut off, the entire army is not far from collapse. Therefore, the Beiguan Border City Alliance sent 120,000 troops, of which 20,000 were Elite border cavalry.

Facing the border cavalry coming across the border, the territory's rangers were not to be outdone. The two sides launched many cavalry battles around the Northland Noble Alliance, with each winning and losing. However, the territory's rangers rarely lost, and instead set off in high spirits. The border cavalry suffered a lot of damage. At least 3,000 cavalry were killed, and more than a thousand were injured. The battle damage was close to a quarter.

Such heavy losses made the border cavalry dare not easily provoke a war again, otherwise they would completely lose the ability to check and balance the opponent's cavalry. Therefore, they no longer stayed away from the infantry and relied on the fire support of the infantry to maintain the status quo. For this reason, the general responsible for this northern expedition Cross was very dissatisfied, but he did not attack directly. Instead, he planned to understand the situation first. After all, the opponent he faced this time was not ordinary.

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