Owen has gathered a group of believers and is walking towards the steel gate, which may be their only way to survive.

As expected, due to the outpouring of people, the Rat's Nest Street became very deserted. Because the existing rat people either rushed out or got into the underground rat nest, this place turned out to be a rare safe haven.

However, Owen knew that this was only temporary. With the counterattack of the drow matron, the fate of Rat's Nest Street was already doomed. Therefore, he could only rest here temporarily, but he could not stay here for a long time to prevent the disaster from affecting Chiyu. After all, he could not count on the master. Mother's soldiers know the difference between good and evil, and they simply kill everything they see.

In fact, Owen is waiting for an opportunity. He doesn't believe that the Fel Ratmen came out this time just to recycle garbage in the lower city. Silver City launched a vigorous attack, and this was the opportunity Irving needed.

The drastic changes in Mithril City alarmed Owen's body. The body living in the authority space was thinking about what kind of impact the proliferation of evil energy in the underground world would have on the entire main world. As for eliminating this hidden danger, he had not thought about it that way, because he had not thought about it in the past. With the power he now possesses, if he wants to completely eliminate the hidden dangers of evil energy in the underground world, he must bring out at least five or six levels.

It doesn't sound like much, but it represents hundreds of thousands of troops with well-equipped guns, thousands of elites and a large group of mechas, as well as double-digit legends and one or two demigods, not to mention the period It requires a huge amount of faith and divine power, which is enough for Owen to start a fierce divine battle with any lower god and gain the upper hand.

But after paying all this, what Irving can get is the most important.

In fact, he got nothing. A destroyed underground world no longer has the value of trade or occupation, because the cost of reconstruction is enough to offset the value that can be obtained, let alone after showing such strength. Irving will become a thorn in the side of many gods.

The most important thing is that Owen has never regarded himself as a savior. In fact, if he has not turned into a devil who thinks on three legs, he is worthy of the nine-year compulsory education in his previous life. After all, there are no effective moral constraints on the strong in other worlds. Theory The stronger the power, the freer he is. He can completely let go of all self-restraint and become a happy King Zhou.

In fact, although Irving has changed a lot, his essence has not been completely erased by power and time. Simply put, the bottom line has not been completely worn out.

In fact, if Owen were invincible, he would not mind paying some price to eliminate hidden dangers. The only problem is that he is not the only god in this world, and from the noble goddess, he also guessed that there will be more demigods in the future. , even gods appeared, and the scene of his sister Katie condensing divinity proved that this guess was correct.

Under such circumstances, if Irving dares to expose such outrageous strength, he will definitely be targeted and even become the target of calculations.

It is out of this concern that Owen even separated the millions of believers in the territory from himself, disguising the temple faith as the faith of another powerful god, and he is just a small god of the shadow of death, currently only There are some believers in the underworld.

In fact, this is still a trick to prove that there is someone behind him and a backer, and at the same time reduce his sense of existence and threat. Otherwise, why would he put the direction of his mission in the underground world, and why would the noble goddess try it? Winning him over is not just because he pretends to be good.

But ignoring it is not a wise choice. The pollution and spread speed of evil energy are such that even Owen dare not be careless. If he is not careful, the whole world will be destroyed.

Therefore, Owen plans to use external forces. For example, when he exposed the projection of the internal situation of the Rat's Nest before, he was relying on the power of Mithril City's senior management.

It's a pity that the slowness and carelessness of Mithril City's top management made Owen disappointed with them, and he didn't have much hope in whether Mithril City could win, because with the help of the Lower City, the Fel Ratmen had already accumulated enough resources to launch a Fel War. Resources, as long as the Central City is lost, the Evil Ratmen will be able to use the resources and lives of the Central City to become more and more uncontrollable.

By then, the evil ratmen occupying Mithril City will be able to rebuild the evil empire in the underground world, and this is definitely not what Owen wants to see.

Owen was in a dilemma and was not going to sit idly by. After discussing with Maya and the others, he contacted the noble goddess through the divine network to ask about the situation of evil energy. This was to remind the other party, but the response he received was not very good. Sample.

"My followers have discovered large-scale evil converters in the underground world. They are spreading at an alarming rate, so what exactly is evil?"

After hearing Owen's question, the noble goddess was silent for a long time. After giving an answer, she disconnected. She was obviously very afraid of evil energy.

From the Noble Goddess, Owen learned that this was not the first time that evil energy had appeared, but even the Noble Goddess was not very clear about the specific source because she belonged to the New God.

Nobility is born from class, and class is based on the improvement of productivity. When you are struggling to survive all day without enough to eat, the so-called class is just the order of distribution. For example, strong hunters get more food, because only in this way can they To ensure the success of the next hunting, as for status, I really didn’t think too much about it.

Therefore, only by obtaining a stable source of production can a stable class emerge, which simply means those who are well fed.

Therefore, the appearance of the noble goddess is not too early, and is far inferior to those gods who represent natural phenomena, let alone the elemental gods who have appeared since the existence of the void.

However, due to good communication skills, the noble goddess still obtained some ancient secrets.

But these ancient secrets are too precious, and it is impossible for the noble goddess to tell Irving plainly.

Of course, because of the potential Owen showed, the noble goddess still made a small investment and told some news about evil powers and secrets about gods.

Gods did not exist from the beginning. Even the innate gods born in the world, such as the God of the Sky, appeared after a certain invasion, similar to the guardians born in the world.

And new gods like the Noble Goddess are, to put it bluntly, the product of stress after an invasion. It can be said that the birth of each god is the world's preparation for the invasion. However, as the gods become more powerful, they gradually become more powerful. Breaking away from the shackles of the world, even becoming a harm to the world.

Gods are created by divinity and priesthood, and this is the embodiment of the origin and laws of the world. In theory, it is the world that creates gods.

However, the gods used various methods to plunder more of the origin and laws of the world, and even transcended the world that gave birth to themselves, becoming more and more out of control.

Let’s not mention these for now, after all, Owen is now a member of the gods and cannot sit with his butt crooked.

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